Gary Harrison

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For other uses, see Gary (Disambiguation).

Gary Harrison Jr. is the son of Mr. Harrison and Mrs. Harrison. He appears in the Season Seven episode, "All About Mormons".


When Gary joins the fourth grade class, Mr. Garrison tells the class about Gary's past. Gary previously lived in Utah, where he was a straight-A student. He has been in two national toothpaste commercials and was state champion in both wrestling and tennis.


Gary has wavy blond hair parted on the right side and swept in a smooth style. He wears an open turquoise jacket, a white collarless shirt, light blue jeans, and black shoes. He also wears a gray belt with a metal, D-style belt buckle.


Gary's personality appears to be shaped largely by his family and religion, Mormonism. He is friendly, outgoing, and optimistic. When he is teased and bullied by other students at school, he does not appear to be bothered by it. For example, in "All About Mormons", Eric Cartman introduces himself to Gary as "Ura Fag." Rather than acting upset or embarrassed, Gary laughs. Later, when Stan threatens to “kick [his] ass,” Gary promises not to fight back and even hopes that they can be friends someday.

Although he is friendly and forgiving, Gary is not a pushover. When Stan refuses to be Gary's friend because of his religion, Gary responds with a very thoughtful speech about how proud he is to be Mormon and what it has done for him. The speech ends with: "All I ever did was try to be your friend, Stan. But you were so high and mighty that you couldn't just look past my religion and be my friend back. You've got a lot of growing up to do, buddy. Suck my balls."



Gary's parents are very supportive and nurturing, and he loves and respects them for it. He has a very close relationship with his parents.


Gary has four siblings: Mark, Jenny, David, and Amanda Harrison. Gary has a strong relationship with all of his siblings. They never fight and genuinely enjoy spending time together. All five siblings play musical instruments, and perform a song for their parents and Stan Marsh in "All About Mormons".


Stan Marsh

After approaching Gary with the intention of "kicking his ass", Stan realizes that Gary is actually a very nice person. Gary and Stan start hanging out together, though Stan becomes a little reluctant to participate in this developing acquaintance, as the other boys, notably Cartman, began teasing him for "being in love". Finally, after hearing the story of The Book of Mormon, Stan decides that Mormonism is ridiculous, and he no longer wants to be Gary's friend over his religion. The next day, he tells Stan off for being unable to look past his religion, telling him to "suck my (his) balls".


Harrison Family
Mr. Harrison | Mrs. Harrison | Mark Harrison | Jenny Harrison | Gary Harrison | Dave Harrison | Amanda Harrison

More Information: Portal:Characters/Families

South Park families
Main characters' families

Broflovski Family | Cartman Family | Marsh Family | McCormick Family

Other characters' families
Adams-Makowski Family | Barbrady Family | Biggle Family | Black Family | Burch Family | Charlotte's Family | Cotswolds Family | Daniels Family | Donovan Family | Garrison Family | Gray Family | Gueermo Family | Hakeem Family | Hankey Family | Harrison Family | Mackey Family | Malkinson Family | Mephesto Family | Nelly's Family | Red's Family | Rodriguez Family | Stevens Family | Stotch Family | Tenorman Family | Testaburger Family | Tucker Family | Turner Family | Tweak Family | Valmer Family | White Family

South Park students
6th Grader Leader | 6th Grader with Black Hair and Blue Shirt | 6th Grader with Brown Hat | 6th Grader with Cyan Hat | 6th Grader with Dark Blue Shirt | 6th Grader with Green Shirt | 6th Grader with Orange Coat | 6th Grader with Yellow Shirt and Brown Pants | 9th Grader with Purple Shirt | 9th Grader with Red Hood | Alex Glick | Allie Nelson | Annie Knitts | Andrew Sutherland | Ashley | Baahir Hassan Abdul Hakeem | Bartles | Bebe Stevens | Beth | Betsy | Bill Allen | Billy Martin | Billy Miller | Billy Thompson | Blonde-Haired Girl | Bobby Palmer | Boy with Blond Hair | Boy with Brown Hair | Boy with Brown Hair and Red Shirt | Boy with C Cap | Boy with Dark Green Shirt and Glasses | Boy with Olive Shirt and Black Pants | Boy with Red Shirt | Boy with Red Shirt and Blue Pants | Bradley Biggle | Bridon Gueermo | Brimmy | Bully Girls | Butters Stotch | Casey Miller | Christophe | Clyde Donovan | Craig Tucker | Crippled Girl with Brown Hair | Chad Handler | Damien Thorn | David Rodriguez | DogPoo Petuski | Dougie O'Connell | Douglas | Emily | Eric Cartman | Esther | Firkle Smith | Filmore Anderson | Flora Larsen | Fosse McDonald | Francis | Francis (Special Ed) | Gary Harrison | Girl with Blonde Hair | Girl with Pink Coat | Girl with Brown Coat | Gordon Stoltski | Goth Kids | Gregory | Heather Williams | Heidi Turner | Henrietta Biggle | Ike Broflovski | Isla | Jake | Jason White | Jasper | Jenny Simons | Jessie | Jimmy Valmer | Josh Myers | Kal | Karen McCormick | Keifer | Kelly-Ann Barlow | Kelly and Stacy | Kelly Morris | Kelly P. Gardner | Kelly Pinkerton-Tinfurter | Kelly Rutherford-Menskin | Kenny McCormick | Kevin ("Summer Sucks") | Kevin McCormick | Kevin Stoley | Kindergartners | Kindergartner Girl with Brown Pigtails | Kindergartner with Cyan Hood | Kip Drordy | Kyle Broflovski | Larry Feegan | Larry Zewiski | Libby Perkins | Liza Nelson | Lizzy | Lola | Loogie | Louis | Leslie Meyers | Mandy | Marcus Preston | Maria Sanchez | Mark Cotswolds | Meagan Ridley | Michael | Michael (Special Ed) | Mike | Mike Cooper | Mike Makowski | Millie Larsen | Mimsy | Monica Ryland | Nancy | Nate | Nathan | Nelly | Nichole Daniels | Patty Nelson | Pete Melman | Pete | Pete Thelman | Peter Mullen | Pip Pirrip | Rebecca Cotswolds | Red McArthur | Sally Darson | Sally Turner | Samantha Dunskin | Sarah Peterson | Scott Malkinson | Scott Tenorman | Sef Furman | Shauna | Shelley Marsh | Sophie Gray | Stan Marsh | Tall Handicapped Boy with Blond Hair | Tall Handicapped Boy with Brown Hair | Tammy Nelson | Tammy Warner | Terrance Mephesto | Thad Jarvis | The 6th Graders | The 9th Graders | The Boys | The New Kid | The Ugly Kids | Theresa | Thomas | Timmy Burch | Tolkien Black | Trent Boyett | Tommy Edwards | Tommy Turner | Tweek Tweak | Wendy Testaburger | Yao

More information: List of Female 4th Graders | List of Male 4th Graders | Portal:Characters

Minor Characters from Season Seven
Agent Tucker | Alex Glick | American Association of Retired Persons | Ben Affleck | Benjamin Franklin | The Bloods | Canadian Door Guard | Chief Runs With Premise | Christopher Reeve | Crab People | The Crips | Faith + 1 | Ferrari | French Canadian Mime | Gary Harrison | Gene Hackman | Gino | Harry and Elise Gintz | Hopkins | Jason Bell | Jeff Goldblum | Jennifer Lopez | Joozians | Joseph Smith | Josh Myers | Kim Jong-il | Legion of Doom | Lexus Martin | Lieutenant Dawson | Lucy Harris | Martin Harris | Mercedes | Moop | Mr. Dog | Mr. Streibel | Mrs. Streibel | Murphy and Jenkins | Najix | Official Messenger Boy | Porsche | Premise Running Thin | Rick the Mountie | Sanctified | Sarah Peterson | Steve | Streibel Daughters | Thomas Jefferson | Trinity | Wise Man

More information: List of Minor Characters from Season Seven | Season Seven