Official Messenger Boy

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The Official Messenger Boy was a minor character that appeared in the Season Seven episode, "I'm a Little Bit Country".


He appears when Eric Cartman has his flashback to 1776, and is one of the first few people that Cartman sees. He informs Cartman that he is going to see Thomas Jefferson. Once they get to the door, he says that only the official messenger boy can go to the door. Cartman deceives him by telling him he understands, but when he turns his back on him, Cartman grabs a stick and beats him to death, singing "I Don't Want to Wait". Cartman then proceeds to take the message to Thomas Jefferson, himself.


The Official Messenger Boy has light Orange hair, and appears to be an older teenager. He has a light British accent, has a Blue vest, and wears stockings and buckle shoes.


Minor Characters from Season Seven
Agent Tucker | Alex Glick | American Association of Retired Persons | Ben Affleck | Benjamin Franklin | The Bloods | Canadian Door Guard | Chief Runs With Premise | Christopher Reeve | Crab People | The Crips | Faith + 1 | Ferrari | French Canadian Mime | Gary Harrison | Gene Hackman | Gino | Harry and Elise Gintz | Hopkins | Jason Bell | Jeff Goldblum | Jennifer Lopez | Joozians | Joseph Smith | Josh Myers | Kim Jong-il | Legion of Doom | Lexus Martin | Lieutenant Dawson | Lucy Harris | Martin Harris | Mercedes | Moop | Mr. Dog | Mr. Streibel | Mrs. Streibel | Murphy and Jenkins | Najix | Official Messenger Boy | Porsche | Premise Running Thin | Rick the Mountie | Sanctified | Sarah Peterson | Steve | Streibel Daughters | Thomas Jefferson | Trinity | Wise Man

More information: List of Minor Characters from Season Seven | Season Seven