Chief Runs With Premise

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Chief Runs With Premise is a Native American chief and the owner of the Three Feathers Indian Casino. He appears in the Season Seven episode, "Red Man's Greed".


Chief Runs With Premise is the main antagonist in the episode. He wants to buy and demolish South Park in order to build a superhighway straight from Denver to the casino. He eventually wins South Park from them while gambling, but later has a change of heart and gives the townsfolk back their town.


He is a greedy, unscrupulous corporate mogul who will stop at nothing to make more money. He does not care about hurting others to make his casino even bigger and richer; making people gamble their life savings away and trying to buy and demolish South Park.

He resorts to deception to get what he wants, not batting an eyelid while lying and hurting others. He gave the people of South Park blankets infected with S.A.R.S. under the pretext of charity.


Chief Runs With Premise wears a black two-piece suit with a white shirt and blue tie. Like the rest of the Native Americans, he has darker skin and black hair. His long hair is tied in a braid at the back. His head garment is similar to that of a traditional Plains Indian feathered headdress. It symbolizes authority which is representative of the fact that he owns the casino that bought South Park.

As a running gag in the episode, he and all the Native American characters laugh in unison to the rhythm of "Ha ha ha ha!"

Video Games

The character was intended to be a playable card in South Park: Phone Destroyer, but ended up being cut from the final game, along with his son. His card art can still be found in the game files.


International Names

Language Name Translation
French Chef gère la boutique Chief Runs the Premise
Mandarin Chinese 杜蘭多
(Dù lán duō)
Sounds like 揬𡳞多 (tū lān duō, "to be very pissed")
Spanish (Latin America) Jefe puede de todo Chief Can Do Everything
Spanish (Spain) Jefe va con el local Chief Runs With Local
Ukrainian Біжу за грошима
(Bizhu za hroshyma)
Running For Money


Minor Characters from Season Seven
Agent Tucker | Alex Glick | American Association of Retired Persons | Ben Affleck | Benjamin Franklin | The Bloods | Canadian Door Guard | Chief Runs With Premise | Christopher Reeve | Crab People | The Crips | Faith + 1 | Ferrari | French Canadian Mime | Gary Harrison | Gene Hackman | Gino | Harry and Elise Gintz | Hopkins | Jason Bell | Jeff Goldblum | Jennifer Lopez | Joozians | Joseph Smith | Josh Myers | Kim Jong-il | Legion of Doom | Lexus Martin | Lieutenant Dawson | Lucy Harris | Martin Harris | Mercedes | Moop | Mr. Dog | Mr. Streibel | Mrs. Streibel | Murphy and Jenkins | Najix | Official Messenger Boy | Porsche | Premise Running Thin | Rick the Mountie | Sanctified | Sarah Peterson | Steve | Streibel Daughters | Thomas Jefferson | Trinity | Wise Man

More information: List of Minor Characters from Season Seven | Season Seven