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The Joozians are an alien species of TV executives that control all media in the universe. They appear in the Season Seven episode, "Cancelled".


The Joozians ignore the boys' plea to save the Earth at first while explaining that after 100 episodes, a TV series usually begins to decline in quality and is no longer profitable. They then take the boys to lunch, go to a topless bar, and visit a prostitute's hotel room.

The two Joozians, find a "joozinek", then they gotten very high on "glach" at a "hekmabah" strip club, later begin sucking on each other's "jagons" and sticking their fingers into each other's "thrushers". Kenny McCormick takes a picture of them. The Joozians tried to prevent the boys from blackmailing them with the photograph unless they agree not to cancel Earth. They do so and later erased everyone's memory of it being an intergalactic reality television show, with the photograph left being useful for the future.


Their skin is a dull yellow, with light brown markings on their heads, beady eyes, a big nose, and have four arms, antennas, and legs.

The first featured Joozian had dark-green hair and a beard. He wears a black suit with a red tie, a white dress shirt, dark-grey pants, orange shoes, and six bejeweled rings. The second featured Joozian had gray hair and wears a blue suit with a black tie, a white dress shirt, black pants, and red shoes. It was later shown they both wear white undergarments.


They are very business-minded and money-driven.


  • Their name is a play on the word "jew" and they display many negative Jewish cultural stereotypes, both physically and personality-wise.
    • This was also considered proven when Kyle eats a morsel of their dinner, with the fact he does have Jewish ancestry.



Minor Characters from Season Seven
Agent Tucker | Alex Glick | American Association of Retired Persons | Ben Affleck | Benjamin Franklin | The Bloods | Canadian Door Guard | Chief Runs With Premise | Christopher Reeve | Crab People | The Crips | Faith + 1 | Ferrari | French Canadian Mime | Gary Harrison | Gene Hackman | Gino | Harry and Elise Gintz | Hopkins | Jason Bell | Jeff Goldblum | Jennifer Lopez | Joozians | Joseph Smith | Josh Myers | Kim Jong-il | Legion of Doom | Lexus Martin | Lieutenant Dawson | Lucy Harris | Martin Harris | Mercedes | Moop | Mr. Dog | Mr. Streibel | Mrs. Streibel | Murphy and Jenkins | Najix | Official Messenger Boy | Porsche | Premise Running Thin | Rick the Mountie | Sanctified | Sarah Peterson | Steve | Streibel Daughters | Thomas Jefferson | Trinity | Wise Man

More information: List of Minor Characters from Season Seven | Season Seven