Goth Kids

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Goth Kids

April 2007 Featured Article Winner

The Goth Kids are the group of goth children at South Park Elementary. Introduced in the episode "Raisins", they became regular background characters with occasional big roles including one episode where they even took over the title sequence and sung their own original version with new lyrics, the first characters to have done so.

They are usually seen hanging around the café Benny's and the Village Inn. They also hang out behind the school, near the loading bay and parking lot and in Henrietta's Bedroom. They all wear black clothes and eyeliner and have black hair and pale skin as well as being heavy smokers.


The Goth Kids are very stereotypical goths. They rarely go to school and prefer to sit around all day drinking coffee and smoking. They constantly go on about how pointless and painful life is. They go to the cemetery often, where they write poems about death and sorrow. They take to calling those who are not goths "Britney (Spears) and Justin (Timberlake) wannabes". They also dance by looking down at the ground, with their hands at their sides, and every three seconds they take a drag on their cigarettes.

To them, everyone who follows along with life as usual and the path of average citizens are "conformists", whom they despise, they state that their purpose in life is to make life more miserable for the conformists. They hate the South Park Vampire Society more than conformists, as everyone else mistakes them for being vampires rather than Goth. They have also joined a cult group that worships Cthulhu and is involved with the Necronomicon. Coon and Friends figure this is because the cult's ideals fit in with their goth lifestyle. However, they quickly leave the cult after seeing nothing has changed and assist Mysterion in learning Cthulhu's weakness.

Despite hating conformists, Michael ironically tells Stan in "Raisins" that in order to hang out with them, he would have to dress like them and do whatever they do.

The goth kids also are into gothic literature as well, including the author Edgar Allan Poe and HP Lovecraft. They also have an interest in gothic rock, post-punk, darkwave, and industrial music.

To see images of Goth Kids, visit Goth Kids/Gallery.


Henrietta's name was given officially in the Season Seven episode, "Raisins". Pete, Michael, and Firkle, however, did not have their names revealed until the Season Seventeen episode, "Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers". Firkle's real name was revealed to be Georgie Smith in the Season Twenty-One episode, "Franchise Prequel". In "South Park: The Fractured But Whole" when taking a picture with the goths, Pete's last name is revealed to be "Thelman". However there is apparently another background character with the exact same name, causing much confusion among fans.

Criminal Record

The Goth Kids have collectively and individually engaged in numerous criminal offences.

  • Arson: In "The Ungroundable", they set fire to the South Park Hot Topic store, burning it to the ground.
  • Attempted Murder: Firkle attempts to kill Mysterion in "Mysterion Rises", but the Cthulhu Cult Leader does so instead.
  • Attempted Murder / Kidnapping: In "The Ungroundable", they kidnap Mike Makowski, the leader of the South Park Vampire Society, with the intent of murdering him. After he admits he isn't a vampire, however, they change their minds and ship him off to Scottsdale, Arizona instead.
  • Drug Abuse / Underage Smoking: The Goth Kids are frequently seen smoking cigarettes despite their age (5 to 11), in addition to abusing cough syrup to hallucinate.
  • Grand Theft Auto / Driving Without A License: In "The Ungroundable", they take Henrietta's mother's car without her permission, and are clearly too young to have even a learner's permit.
  • Hostage-Taking / Terrorism: In "T.M.I." Michael participates in the Pissed Off and Angry Party's taking of hostages at the Fed-Ex offices.
  • Treason / Sedition: In "Mysterion Rises" and "Coon vs. Coon & Friends", they are shown to be part of the Cult of Cthulhu and support the eponymous monster's reign of terror. They later leave the cult, expressing dissatisfaction with the outcome.

Main Members

Henrietta Biggle

Main article: Henrietta Biggle
Henrietta Biggle

Henrietta Biggle was the first and currently only female goth kid. Her bedroom is another place where the Goths hang out where they read depressing poems about how much they hate conformists. Henrietta despises her mother because she usually interrupts Henrietta whenever she is reading a poem. Mrs. Biggle takes this as Henrietta's normal goth behavior. During the events of "Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers", Henrietta's parents send her to a camp attempting to improve her attitude. The camp temporarily turns her emo, before she reverts to her usual goth self.


Main article: Michael

Michael is the oldest goth kid, in the fifth grade. In "You Got F'd in the A", he helps Stan's dance team out in an effort to be the biggest non-conformist of all by not even conforming to Goth standards. He also suggests bringing Yao into the group.


Main article: Pete Thelman (Goth)

Pete Thelman seems to be around the same age as Michael and Henrietta, and is in the fourth grade. He shows a little concern over the position he and the other goth kids are in when they were about to kill Mysterion. Despite not wanting to kill anyone he ends up going along with the other Goths after Michael says that killing is expected when you're a minion of Cthulhu.

Firkle Smith

Main article: Firkle Smith
Firkle Smith

Georgie "Firkle" Smith is the youngest of the Goths, being in kindergarten. He says that most people are "Nazi conformist cheerleaders", and that he is the biggest non-conformist there is.

Former and Guest Members

Raven (Stan Marsh)

Main article: Stan Marsh
Stan as a Goth

Stan briefly became a Goth in the episode "Raisins", after Wendy Testaburger broke-up with him to be with Tolkien instead. Feeling depressed, he hung out with the Goth Kids as suggested by Kyle Broflovski. Pete called Stan "Raven", which was seemingly his new 'goth name'. He wore a black T-shirt which featured Edgar Allen Poe's face with the word "Nevermore" written above it which appears to be a band shirt of the metal band "Nevermore", It's also the name of a poem by Edgar Allan Poe that has a raven in it, which is where he gets his name from. He later quit the group, on advice from Butters Stotch, after realizing that it is better to be sad and cheer up later rather than to have a Gothic attitude.

After this, it is implied that he was still in contact with the Goth Kids, as they knew about Wendy and Stan getting back together, referencing it in "Breast Cancer Show Ever". However, the Goth Kids seem to still hold something of a grudge against Stan, calling him jock in a disparaging manner. Michael also helped Stan by joining his dance troupe in You Got F'd in the A by not "wanting to conform" with the rest of the Goth Kids who all refused.

Unnamed Goth Girl

Main article: Unnamed Goth Girl
Unknown Goth Girl in opening of Season 9.

There is another Goth girl that can be seen with the group in short non-speaking cameos on two occasions. Once in "Goobacks" she is seen helping the other Goth kids pick up garbage during the song "The Future Begins With You and Me" and again during the Season Nine intro sequence replacing Firkle.

Karen McCormick

Main article: Karen McCormick
Karen McCormick

Karen McCormick is the second youngest of the Goths. She is the sister of Kenny McCormick, and looks up to her fellow female goth, Henrietta. Although not initially a Goth kid, she becomes one after the events of South Park: The Fractured But Whole's "From Dusk till Casa Bonita" DLC but this is not continued after the events of the game.

Hang-out spots

Loading and Unloading Dock

Their most common hang-out spot is the loading bay behind South Park Elementary. This is where the Goth Kids are first introduced when Stan Marsh requests to join them in "Raisins". This is where the Goth Kids are situated in South Park: The Stick of Truth. They sit there and smoke and listen to Goth music.

Henrietta's Bedroom

The Goth Kids regularly hang-out in Henrietta's bedroom to sit in the dark, read gothic literature, write and perform poems about pain and dabble in the occult. The room is very dark and decked out with band posters, candles, skulls and other gothic items. Henrietta's mom often enters the room and interrupts much to Henrietta's dismay. This seems to be the only one of the Goth Kid's bedrooms they all get together at. This is where the Goth Kids are situated in South Park: The Fractured But Whole.


This diner was a former hang-out spot where the Goth Kids spent time drinking coffee and were often scolded by the waitress working there for spending all day sitting there drinking coffee.

Village Inn

This diner is the Goth Kids new hang-out spot to drink coffee. The interior is identical to Benny's and features the same hostile waitress so it's possibly the same building under new management though exterior shots do not match the background. This is likely just a continuity error.


Video Games

South Park: The Stick of Truth

Henrietta, Michael, Pete and Firkle can be found smoking and listening to Goth music at the Loading Bay behind South Park Elementary. They give The New Kid various missions to prove he's not a conformist such as dressing goth, purchasing Tweek Bros Dark Roast, taking cigarettes from sixth graders, being able to dance goth and holding up a sign saying "Fuck the Conformists" at a PTA meeting. On PlayStation, Xbox and Steam, finishing their quest in the story awards the player with an achievement called “Nonconformist”. After the player recruits the Goth Kids, they must decide which army to serve, between the Humans and Elves, and participate in the battle inside the school.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole

Henrietta, Michael, Pete and Firkle can be found in Henrietta's bedroom where they give The New Kid a mini side-quest to find the sacred tome in Bradley’s bedroom and light the sacred candles to summon a chest in a flaming pentagram where upon opening you receive a reward of an Arcane Suit and Goth Bangs. The Goth Kids express disappointment in this underwhelming result.

From Dusk till Casa Bonita

Henrietta appears in From Dusk till Casa Bonita mission as a new ally and helps rescue Mysterion's younger sister Karen McCormick from the Vampire Kids. Karen briefly becomes a Goth Kid at the end of the mission after befriending Henrietta who shows her how to be goth though this plot point is never touched upon again.

South Park: Phone Destroyer

Each of the Goth Kids appear as Neutral Cards in the game. Each of them carries different rarity and a different class, but their abilities can only be applied to themselves and/or one another.

Firkle is a 2-Cost Common Assassin. When he dies in battle, he gives the other Goth Kids an attack boost.

Michael is a 3-Cost Rare Fighter. When on the battlefield, he makes the other Goth Kids immune to damage from Charge skills and Spells.

Pete is a 4-Cost Epic Ranged Unit. When on the battlefield, Pete lets the other Goth Kids recover 66.6% of their HP whenever they attack.

Henrietta is a 5-Cost Legendary Tank. Whenever the other Goth Kids die in battle, she will sacrifice 8% of her HP to revive them, but this will not kill her. Unlike the other Goth Kids, all of her lines are archived audio from South Park: The Fractured But Whole.


  • Despite the typical attitude of the Goth Kids, Pete and Henrietta are seen enthusiastically smiling and waving in the South Park Theme. Michael was seen smiling as well as cheering during the endings of "You Got F'd in the A" and "T.M.I.".
  • Michael is the only Goth Kid who has yet to reveal his last name.
  • Pete Thelman is the only goth kid with red hair.
  • Only Michael has featured in storylines not involving the other Goth Kids although Pete did have a cameo in "Basic Cable", an episode where none of the other Goth Kids made an appearance though Michael was mentioned.
  • The Goth Kids are shown to be quite protective of one another, as seen in "Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers", when Pete and Michael try to help Henrietta after she has turned Emo. They even risk their lives to bring her back to normal. At the end of "Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers", Pete tells Henrietta that they torched the Emo plant leader, so as to save her from the embarrassment of admitting she went Emo not by force, but of her own free will. This may also explain their disparaging treatment of Stan, as they may be hurt that he quit their group. Additionally, when talked to after the New Kid has proved themself to be a non-conformist in "South Park: The Stick of Truth", Henrietta will tell them "Make yourself at home. You're safe here."
  • Despite being protective of each other, all members have shown acts of disloyalty to the group with Henrietta and Firkle outright betraying the group to join the Emos, Pete referring to Michael as a "total poser" when trying to ask out Sophie Gray, and Michael "Goth-serving" the group to join Stan's dance troupe.
  • Michael, Pete, and Firkle are referred to as Tall Goth, Hair Flip, and Little Goth, respectively, in the official script.[3]


South Park students
6th Grader Leader | 6th Grader with Black Hair and Blue Shirt | 6th Grader with Brown Hat | 6th Grader with Cyan Hat | 6th Grader with Dark Blue Shirt | 6th Grader with Green Shirt | 6th Grader with Orange Coat | 6th Grader with Yellow Shirt and Brown Pants | 9th Grader with Purple Shirt | 9th Grader with Red Hood | Alex Glick | Allie Nelson | Annie Knitts | Andrew Sutherland | Ashley | Baahir Hassan Abdul Hakeem | Bartles | Bebe Stevens | Beth | Betsy | Bill Allen | Billy Martin | Billy Miller | Billy Thompson | Blonde-Haired Girl | Bobby Palmer | Boy with Blond Hair | Boy with Brown Hair | Boy with Brown Hair and Red Shirt | Boy with C Cap | Boy with Dark Green Shirt and Glasses | Boy with Olive Shirt and Black Pants | Boy with Red Shirt | Boy with Red Shirt and Blue Pants | Bradley Biggle | Bridon Gueermo | Brimmy | Bully Girls | Butters Stotch | Casey Miller | Christophe | Clyde Donovan | Craig Tucker | Crippled Girl with Brown Hair | Chad Handler | Damien Thorn | David Rodriguez | DogPoo Petuski | Dougie O'Connell | Douglas | Emily | Eric Cartman | Esther | Firkle Smith | Filmore Anderson | Flora Larsen | Fosse McDonald | Francis | Francis (Special Ed) | Gary Harrison | Girl with Blonde Hair | Girl with Pink Coat | Girl with Brown Coat | Gordon Stoltski | Goth Kids | Gregory | Heather Williams | Heidi Turner | Henrietta Biggle | Ike Broflovski | Isla | Jake | Jason White | Jasper | Jenny Simons | Jessie | Jimmy Valmer | Josh Myers | Kal | Karen McCormick | Keifer | Kelly-Ann Barlow | Kelly and Stacy | Kelly Morris | Kelly P. Gardner | Kelly Pinkerton-Tinfurter | Kelly Rutherford-Menskin | Kenny McCormick | Kevin ("Summer Sucks") | Kevin McCormick | Kevin Stoley | Kindergartners | Kindergartner Girl with Brown Pigtails | Kindergartner with Cyan Hood | Kip Drordy | Kyle Broflovski | Larry Feegan | Larry Zewiski | Libby Perkins | Liza Nelson | Lizzy | Lola | Loogie | Louis | Leslie Meyers | Mandy | Marcus Preston | Maria Sanchez | Mark Cotswolds | Meagan Ridley | Michael | Michael (Special Ed) | Mike | Mike Cooper | Mike Makowski | Millie Larsen | Mimsy | Monica Ryland | Nancy | Nate | Nathan | Nelly | Nichole Daniels | Patty Nelson | Pete Melman | Pete | Pete Thelman | Peter Mullen | Pip Pirrip | Rebecca Cotswolds | Red McArthur | Sally Darson | Sally Turner | Samantha Dunskin | Sarah Peterson | Scott Malkinson | Scott Tenorman | Sef Furman | Shauna | Shelley Marsh | Sophie Gray | Stan Marsh | Tall Handicapped Boy with Blond Hair | Tall Handicapped Boy with Brown Hair | Tammy Nelson | Tammy Warner | Terrance Mephesto | Thad Jarvis | The 6th Graders | The 9th Graders | The Boys | The New Kid | The Ugly Kids | Theresa | Thomas | Timmy Burch | Tolkien Black | Trent Boyett | Tommy Edwards | Tommy Turner | Tweek Tweak | Wendy Testaburger | Yao

More information: List of Female 4th Graders | List of Male 4th Graders | Portal:Characters