Ike Broflovski

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Ike Broflovski

2-Time Featured Article Winner
May 2010, October 2012

Sir Ike Moisha Broflovski, born as Peter Gintz, is Kyle Broflovski's adopted Canadian younger brother. He made his first appearance in the Season One episode, "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe". His voice has been provided by many kids, usually relatives of show personnel[18] due to their young-sounding voice, as described during the commentary of "Trapper Keeper". He has also been mistaken for both a trash can and a table post, as well as compared to a football.

Unlike other Canadians, Ike does not have a Canadian accent or a box-shaped body and has a nose, though “Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow” shows that is how all Canadian babies look, as Terrance and Phillip in the episode are shown in the documentary as kids resembling Ike when they were children. However, when he grows up to his adult stage, he gains these features and loses his nose.


Ike was adopted by Gerald and Sheila Broflovski. Ike's birth parents, Harry and Elise Gintz (who christened Ike "Peter") gave him up for adoption because Canada had been "devastated by the Cola Wars" and as a result, they were unable to raise a child.

This fact was introduced after the flappy heads and beady eyes were established as Canadian traits in the world of South Park. Since Ike was designed with both, Matt and Trey decided to make Ike Canadian by birth, and therefore, adopted.

In the fourth season, it is revealed that Ike is a genius, and is sent to kindergarten early. This was not evident at first however, proof of Ike's genius is visible in many later episodes. He composes sheet music, reads John Steinbeck, and watches "The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer" every night. In South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, he expertly played the harmonica when Kyle hid him in the attic, and in "Smug Alert!", Ike finished several of Kyle's sentences when the boys tried to tell their father that he is becoming alienated from his friends. In the same episode, when offered LSD, Ike asked for "3 hits". He also once made a perfect replica of Leonardo da Vinci's "Last Supper" painting out of macaroni as a project for his Jewish camp, which completely offended his unimpressed troop leader. In "About Last Night...", he is seen helping Barack Obama and John McCain steal the Hope Diamond, as a demolition specialist and computer hacker. He can play the piano very well in "Fatbeard" and seems to know how to drive a boat.

In "Stanley's Cup", the Park County Pee-Wee hockey team hires Ike to join their team based solely on the fact that he is Canadian. To the other members of the Pee-Wee team, Ike seems to be a very good player, due to the fact that he can hit pucks into the goal, while the other members could not do so.

Ike is at times very aware of things going on around him, from trying to reconcile with his brother to auditioning for Eric Cartman's boy band and flipping Cartman off when he does not make the cut. Ike was also aware of how unpopular he initially was with his kindergarten classmates, who were jealous of the fact that he was admitted at only age three. However, he rallied enough support to force a tie in the election for class president, finally winning when his opponent (who was fed up with all the negotiations and meddling by his aunt Rosie O'Donnell) conceded defeat.

Ike has falsely attempted suicide twice, once in "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy" and again in "About Last Night..." (but that was only to get to the hospital computers when he was hired by both McCain and Obama).

In the episode "Fatbeard" Ike joins Cartman's pirate crew and goes to Somalia with him because he grew tired of his home life. However, when he and Butters hear the story of a real Somalian pirate, who tells them they should not want to be a pirate and that they should be happy with their lives in America, he wants to go home again. This is one of the first episodes where Ike's dialogue is actively coherent to the audience throughout the entire episode as opposed to nonsensical comments.

Kyle is known to punt Ike like a football after saying, "Kick the baby!", to which Ike responds, "Don't kick the (goddamn) baby!"

Because he is a genius, Ike was accepted into kindergarten at the age of 3. There, Mr. Garrison nominates him for class president, Ike's opponent being Filmore. The vote is tied, as a little classmate of theirs named "Flora" (spoofing Florida's role in the 2000 US Presidential Election) cannot make up her mind and Filmore's aunt shows up to demand that Filmore be declared class president. Eventually, Filmore gives up and Ike becomes class president (to which he can only exclaim (loudly), "I pooped my pants!").

At one point, Ike has an affair with his kindergarten teacher, Ms. Stevenson, during which he loses his virginity, becoming the youngest person on the show to do so. They planned to run off to Milan (to which Ike replies, "Yay, Mulan!", confusing Milan with the Disney character Mulan). Before they leave, Kyle helps him come back to his senses. As Ike and his teacher are on the roof of a hotel, they both run to the edge, but Ike skids to a stop. Ms. Stevenson jumps anyway and leaps to her death.

In a plot involving his Canadian heritage, the Canadian Prime Minister, with the help of the Canadian critic (and Terrance and Phillip nemesis) Scott the Dick, passed a new law forcing Canadian parents to take back children they put up for adoption; this included Ike's birth parents. However, when the Prime Minister was revealed to be Saddam Hussein, his new laws were repealed, and Ike went back to his adopted family.

In the episode "Stanley's Cup", Ike is on a Pee-Wee hockey team coached by Stan Marsh. He joins the team simply because of the fact that he is Canadian, and thus as a stereotype must be a superior hockey player. During a practice session, he demonstrated shooting skills far beyond those of his teammates. According to Kyle, Ike was not allowed to play because of how dangerous it was and their mother's fears, yet Stan promises that Ike will be okay. However, the team plays in place of the Colorado Avalanche since their intended Pee-Wee opponents did not show up, and Ike, along with the other children, was injured badly by the Detroit Red Wings.

Ike can sing as well, as seen in the episodes "Something You Can Do with Your Finger", where he auditions for the boy band, and "Erection Day", where Ike sings 'The Yankee Doodle Boy' in the talent show.

In the episode "Canada on Strike", Ike is shown standing up for Canada and holding a sign with the words "Honk if you support Canada".

Ike has a more grown-up dialogue in "Dead Celebrities", not speaking with his normal childlike voice.

Also in the episode "About Last Night..." he is the last member of Obama's team to act in their plot, by faking an injury because John McCain lost, and while he was in the hospital, he performed his tasks by destroying a plane filled with decoys of the presidential candidates and hacking into the hospital's computer to type in Obama and his team deceased, showing a high level of intellect and computer skills.

In "Royal Pudding", Ike dresses up as in a school play but is crying over the kidnapping of the Princess of Canada. Ike is shown having a Canadian Faith Box, which appears quite old. Ike may have acquired this with his birth or by his biological parents, who took him back to Canada for a short time. In the same episode, Ike is knighted by the princess after he rescues her.

During Season Twenty, Ike is being constantly used by his father to troll under the name of Skankhunt42 when he is stuck in Denmark, because of the fact he is too young for someone to believe him. In "Members Only", as Gerald guides him to put a penis in a woman's mouth, his mother finds out and assumes he is the Skankhunt. When she contacts her husband, he ditches Ike and acts like Ike is the real troll. As he is being sat on the corner, Kyle realizes that it was not him but their father. Until "The End of Serialization as We Know It" when Sheila finds out Ike was not really the troll using TrollTrace.com, Ike and Kyle try multiple times to run away or use the computer for several reasons until driving their mother completely insane, and finally locking her in the pantry to finish the job.


According to his birth parents in "It's Christmas in Canada", Ike's birth name is Peter Gintz. In "Ike's Wee Wee", it is revealed that his full name is Ike Moisha Broflovski, as written on his grave. Ike is short for the Hebrew name Isaac.


Ike is easily recognized by his baby body, small beady eyes, the standard flopping Canadian head, and a short tuft of black hair. He is commonly seen wearing a pair of blue footie pajamas, with white ovals on the bottom of the feet area. Instead in "Insecurity" and "Christmas Snow" he wears white footie pajamas with pink trim, blue cuffs and wonder bread polka dots (similar to Butters Stotch's). He has alternatively been shown wearing a green T-shirt with a boat on it along with black shorts. It is mentioned in "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe" that he has freckles. Unlike most Canadians, Ike has a visible nose, along with somewhat smaller and rounder eyes due to his younger age.

In the future timeline set on South Park: Post Covid: The Return of Covid, he has grown a mustache and a thicker hair. He wears a turquoise sweater with gray patterns and gray pants. In addition, his body has evolved to be a completely geometric figure along with adult Canadians, and his nose has disappeared.


Ike appears to idolize his older brother. He has often tried to follow him to school as shown in "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe" and "Cancelled". He often copies the words Kyle has said, even obscenities, as shown in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. Conversely, one of the few examples of Ike getting angry at Kyle occurred when Kyle interrupted Ike's news program and changed the channel. Kyle has superficial malice towards Ike, but in several episodes, most notably "Ike's Wee Wee," it is shown that Kyle does indeed love his brother. In "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy", Ike was angry with Kyle because he tried to break up his relationship with the Kindergarten teacher. Furthermore, he is clearly heard saying, "You are dead to me, Kyle!"

Ike often tries to pronounce words but fails. However, in the episode "Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina", he can say, "penis" and "vagina" quite clearly and in "Cancelled" he tells Kyle to "suck my balls". Despite his intelligence, Ike often replies to questions with random answers. Some of Ike's random statements are "cookie monster," "Ring Around the Rosie," "I pooped my pants," "I don't like medicine," and various nonsensical burbling. Statements like these tend to serve as catch-all phrases and non sequitur answers to questions Ike is asked. Even in a heated argument with Kyle in "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy," Ike can clearly be heard saying, "Ring Around the Rosie!" in an angry tone.

In the future timeline of South Park: Post Covid: The Return of Covid, Ike speaks in the typical Canadian manner, constantly using words such as buddy, guy, and friend.


Sheila and Gerald Broflovski

Sheila and Gerald are Ike's adoptive parents. They have been shown to love him very much, becoming extremely upset when he was taken back to Canada in "It's Christmas in Canada". He seems to love them as well, originally not wanting to go back to Canada with his biological parents, as his decision was only changed after being offered chocolate as a coax.

Harry and Elise Gintz

Harry and Elise are Ike's birth parents. In "It's Christmas in Canada", they are shown to love Ike very much. However, this love is one-sided; Ike does not seem to love them back.

Kyle Broflovski

Kyle is Ike's older, adoptive brother. He seems to idolize Kyle, copying his words and actions. They have had falling outs before; however, as of recent seasons, they seem to be on good terms. Although, on "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy", their relationship has become very strained because of Ike having a sexual relationship with his kindergarten teacher — which caused Kyle to tell Cartman and ultimately ended up in her getting arrested, much to Ike's anger. There is also a notable instance from this episode where Ike declares that Kyle is dead to him, being known as one of his most popular lines.



  • He is the youngest character in South Park to have had sex via statutory rape in "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy". This spot was previously held by Jimmy Valmer, who had sex with a prostitute in "Erection Day".
  • On the broken Ike Doll's gravestone in "Ike's Wee Wee", it says that he was born in 1996 because the episode was aired in 1998.
  • As seen in "Make Love, Not Warcraft", Ike has a World of Warcraft user account.
  • Ike is the first Canadian character to appear on South Park, although his origins were not revealed until the Season Two episode "Ike's Wee Wee", though "Death" gives one the impression that Ike is Canadian since Terrance and Phillip, who have the same flappy heads and beady eyes, are.
  • At the end of "Mecha-Streisand", he managed to get his hands on the Diamond of Pantheos, and transformed into Mecha-Ike. The ramifications of this are unknown, and everything was back to normal by the next episode.
  • Ike is a Knight in Canada.
  • Ike was the first non-main character to appear in the show.
  • Ike is shown to be extremely loyal as the show goes on; he stands by Kyle and wishes to stay with him and his family in "It's Christmas in Canada", and he goes to save the Canadian princess when she is kidnapped by Tooth Decay.
  • Ike is shown to be very strong for his age, as he cut through the chains that held The Canadian Princess in "Royal Pudding" with almost no effort whatsoever.
  • Ike can get in trouble sometimes as seen in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut when Kyle breaks two windows by kicking Ike through them and Sheila gets mad and blames him for it. In "Jewbilee", Ike kept trying to take off his squirt uniform, but Sheila tells him to behave.
  • Ike is shown to know about "Ugly Bob" and his hideous deformity in "Royal Pudding", and how one glance can turn a person to stone, as he does so with Tooth Decay. How he knew of Ugly Bob's ability is unknown.
  • Ike is said to have freckles in "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe", but they are never seen.
  • Ike in "Taming Strange" is shown to have a slight Canadian accent, most likely due to the fact he has lived in South Park most of his life.
  • Ike is shown to not like Cartman as in "Something You Can Do with Your Finger", he flips Cartman off after being rejected. However, in "Fatbeard", he joins Cartman's pirate crew, and in "#REHASH," he becomes a fan of Cartman's online persona CartmanBrah.
  • In #REHASH and #HappyHolograms, Ike likes to watch PewDiePie and ignores Kyle when he informs him that he got the new Call of Duty, telling him 'Maybe later, okay?' to watch PewDiePie playing CoD Advanced Warfare.
  • Ike has watched Naruto on CrunchyRoll, searched up 'Undertale' and 'Yuuri on Ice', viewed 'Chinpokomon Sun & Moon', and streamed The Amazing World of Gumball, as shown on his browsing history in "The End of Serialization as We Know It". He also appears to be a bit of a Taylor Swift fan, since he watched "Wildest Dreams" and "Bad Blood" on YouTube.
  • Ike is strangely absent from several events and gatherings that his parents and brother attend. The most notable example is Kyle being in the hospital in "Cherokee Hair Tampons" and "Cartmanland". He is also missing from many school assemblies in which his classmates are seen, but he is not.
  • Ike was originally going to follow The Boys to the battlefield scene of South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, as it was seen in early trailer footage and promotional screencaps of the film. However, his role was subsequently cut down and he was removed from all later scenes, but the attic scene ended up being added in order to explain his absence.
  • Ike has the most voice actors out of all characters.
    • In South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, Jesse Howell, Franchesca Clifford and Anthony Cross-Thomas took turns voicing him.
  • Ike has rarely been seen wearing his blue pajamas in recent seasons.
  • Season Twenty-Four is the first season in which Ike does not appear in.
  • Ike is the youngest sibling of the boys.

Video Games

South Park Rally

Ike appears as a secret playable character. To unlock him, the player must get the hidden power-up in the Memorial Day race. To do that, the player use a Phillip Phart on the broken road to teach the plane in the track, which unlocks Ike. His cart is a pram, likely referencing the “Kick the Baby” joke from the first season.

South Park: The Stick of Truth

Ike is seen in his pirate costume from "Fatbeard" in the playground at the Kids' Park. If the player interacts with him, he will yell "I am a pirate king!". Ike does not react if the player attacks or farts on him.

When battling with Kyle, the famous "Kick the Baby" is used as an attack. When laying siege to Clyde's fortress, Ike tries to launch a firework but is stopped by a cyclops. The player can launch the firework for him (which kills the Cyclops) and Ike befriends him. Kyle's first ability, (Summon Elemental) features Ike, where the player must hold down a button (or mash the key shown on the screen when prompted on PC) while Kyle is charging up a "Kick the Baby!" punt, then when he lights up, they let go of the button. If done correctly, Ike will fly at the opponent wielding two knives, shouting "YAAAAAAY!" before slashing at the opponent smoothly. Otherwise, he will run away crying, causing Kyle to chase him down to hug him.

During the game's early design changes Ike one draft had a design to have him be a dwarf, which a boss fight would have occurred of him riding a bat with a background taken place in a cave. A second Elf Warrior design for Kyle's first move, (Summon Elemental), had him be an elf warrior though this was changed back to the Maplebeard design used in the open world.

Another draft had Ike riding a lawn mower as a dragon for a boss against the new kid at the battle of Kyle's backyard. This would have happened after the New Kid defeated Bill and Fosse to rescue Wendy (referring to her as a witch).

During one of the last drafts Ike would have requested the player to visit Canada instead of the girls, when recruiting them for Clyde's fortress. Reason being explained by one of the pirates, "He wants the Canadian Government to adjust its fiscal spending to compensate for the 10 percent decrease in jobs for the education system in the seven provinces of Canada."

South Park: The Fractured But Whole

Ike is seen at the Broflovski Residence. He remains in his room, on his computer, and is one of the people you can take a selfie with. Taking a selfie with him will also allow the player to take a selfie with Filmore.

South Park: Phone Destroyer

There are four cards featuring Ike in South Park: Phone Destroyer, all of which are Assassins. For missions, he is also one of the only characters who are considered Canadian cards, the other being Terrance and Phillip.

Smuggler Ike is a 2-Cost Common Assassin of the Adventure theme that is based on his appearance in "Fatbeard" and South Park: The Stick of Truth, less a pirate hat. His Charge skill adds a large buff to his Attack stat.

Gizmo Ike is a 3-Cost Epic Assassin of the Sci-Fi theme that sees Ike dressed in a onesie resembling Gizmo from Gremlins. His Charge skill creates a clone of himself, who in turn can execute the same skill, creating even more clones.

Scout Ike is a 3-Cost Common Assassin of the Mystical theme that sees him dressed up in his Jew Scout outfit from "Jewbilee". He gives the player some energy every time he hits an enemy, but it was originally his Charge skill.

Canadian Knight Ike is a 3-Cost Rare Assassin of the Fantasy theme that sees Ike dressed up as a knight serving Canada. His Charge skill fully heals himself and buffs his max HP until he dies.



  • South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut - His mom forces Kyle to take him with the boys to watch the new Terrance and Phillip movie. Kyle later hides him in the attic.
  • South Park: Post Covid: The Return of Covid - Seen at the airport waiting for a flight to South Park for the Canadian Boxing Day and has some presents to give and he is being announced that there are no flights because of the pandemic. In the new future timeline he makes it to a Christmas party with the presents.


Broflovski / Schwartz Family
Cleo Broflovski | Gerald Broflovski | Ike Broflovski | Kyle Broflovski | Kyle Schwartz | Murrey Broflovski | Sheila Broflovski | Kyle's Elephant
South Park students
6th Grader Leader | 6th Grader with Black Hair and Blue Shirt | 6th Grader with Brown Hat | 6th Grader with Cyan Hat | 6th Grader with Dark Blue Shirt | 6th Grader with Green Shirt | 6th Grader with Orange Coat | 6th Grader with Yellow Shirt and Brown Pants | 9th Grader with Purple Shirt | 9th Grader with Red Hood | Alex Glick | Allie Nelson | Annie Knitts | Andrew Sutherland | Ashley | Baahir Hassan Abdul Hakeem | Bartles | Bebe Stevens | Beth | Betsy | Bill Allen | Billy Martin | Billy Miller | Billy Thompson | Blonde-Haired Girl | Bobby Palmer | Boy with Blond Hair | Boy with Brown Hair | Boy with Brown Hair and Red Shirt | Boy with C Cap | Boy with Dark Green Shirt and Glasses | Boy with Olive Shirt and Black Pants | Boy with Red Shirt | Boy with Red Shirt and Blue Pants | Bradley Biggle | Bridon Gueermo | Brimmy | Bully Girls | Butters Stotch | Casey Miller | Christophe | Clyde Donovan | Craig Tucker | Crippled Girl with Brown Hair | Chad Handler | Damien Thorn | David Rodriguez | DogPoo Petuski | Dougie O'Connell | Douglas | Emily | Eric Cartman | Esther | Firkle Smith | Filmore Anderson | Flora Larsen | Fosse McDonald | Francis | Francis (Special Ed) | Gary Harrison | Girl with Blonde Hair | Girl with Pink Coat | Girl with Brown Coat | Gordon Stoltski | Goth Kids | Gregory | Heather Williams | Heidi Turner | Henrietta Biggle | Ike Broflovski | Isla | Jake | Jason White | Jasper | Jenny Simons | Jessie | Jimmy Valmer | Josh Myers | Kal | Karen McCormick | Keifer | Kelly-Ann Barlow | Kelly and Stacy | Kelly Morris | Kelly P. Gardner | Kelly Pinkerton-Tinfurter | Kelly Rutherford-Menskin | Kenny McCormick | Kevin ("Summer Sucks") | Kevin McCormick | Kevin Stoley | Kindergartners | Kindergartner Girl with Brown Pigtails | Kindergartner with Cyan Hood | Kip Drordy | Kyle Broflovski | Larry Feegan | Larry Zewiski | Libby Perkins | Liza Nelson | Lizzy | Lola | Loogie | Louis | Leslie Meyers | Mandy | Marcus Preston | Maria Sanchez | Mark Cotswolds | Meagan Ridley | Michael | Michael (Special Ed) | Mike | Mike Cooper | Mike Makowski | Millie Larsen | Mimsy | Monica Ryland | Nancy | Nate | Nathan | Nelly | Nichole Daniels | Patty Nelson | Pete Melman | Pete | Pete Thelman | Peter Mullen | Pip Pirrip | Rebecca Cotswolds | Red McArthur | Sally Darson | Sally Turner | Samantha Dunskin | Sarah Peterson | Scott Malkinson | Scott Tenorman | Sef Furman | Shauna | Shelley Marsh | Sophie Gray | Stan Marsh | Tall Handicapped Boy with Blond Hair | Tall Handicapped Boy with Brown Hair | Tammy Nelson | Tammy Warner | Terrance Mephesto | Thad Jarvis | The 6th Graders | The 9th Graders | The Boys | The New Kid | The Ugly Kids | Theresa | Thomas | Timmy Burch | Tolkien Black | Trent Boyett | Tommy Edwards | Tommy Turner | Tweek Tweak | Wendy Testaburger | Yao

More information: List of Female 4th Graders | List of Male 4th Graders | Portal:Characters