Bloods (Gang)

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The Bloods are a real-life street gang and the rival gang of the Crips who appeared in the Season Seven episode "Krazy Kripples".


The Bloods are first seen when the Crips, whom Jimmy Valmer and Timmy Burch asked to join because they thought they were "crippled" from birth, tell them to "pop some punk-ass Bloods". Jimmy and Timmy accidentally cause a tanker truck to crash into a group of Bloods, killing thirteen of them, which results in the Crips allowing them to join their gang.

Later on, a few of the Bloods retaliate by attempting to kill Jimmy and Timmy in their houses in a drive-by shooting, though they are unsuccessful. As a result, Jimmy and Timmy decide to rent out the rec center in South Park and have the Crips and Bloods locked in together in the local recreation center until they resolve their differences. While they are initially hesitant, they soon realize that the two gangs have a lot in common, and they end up making a friendship with each other, including singing and playing basketball.


The Bloods consist of primarily minority characters who wear red-colored shirts and bandanas and have a few tattoos.

Minor Characters from Season Seven
Agent Tucker | Alex Glick | American Association of Retired Persons | Ben Affleck | Benjamin Franklin | The Bloods | Canadian Door Guard | Chief Runs With Premise | Christopher Reeve | Crab People | The Crips | Faith + 1 | Ferrari | French Canadian Mime | Gary Harrison | Gene Hackman | Gino | Harry and Elise Gintz | Hopkins | Jason Bell | Jeff Goldblum | Jennifer Lopez | Joozians | Joseph Smith | Josh Myers | Kim Jong-il | Legion of Doom | Lexus Martin | Lieutenant Dawson | Lucy Harris | Martin Harris | Mercedes | Moop | Mr. Dog | Mr. Streibel | Mrs. Streibel | Murphy and Jenkins | Najix | Official Messenger Boy | Porsche | Premise Running Thin | Rick the Mountie | Sanctified | Sarah Peterson | Steve | Streibel Daughters | Thomas Jefferson | Trinity | Wise Man

More information: List of Minor Characters from Season Seven | Season Seven