The Lonely Jew on Christmas

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December 2012 Featured Article Winner

"The Lonely Jew on Christmas" is a song performed by Kyle Broflovski in the Season One episode, "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo".


Kyle feels left out on Christmas because his family celebrates Hanukkah and his friends inform him that Jews cannot eat Christmas snow. Additionally, no one believes him about Mr. Hankey's existence.


It's hard to be a Jew on Christmas
My friends won't let me join in any games
And I can't sing Christmas songs or decorate a Christmas tree
Or leave water out for Rudolph 'cause there is something wrong with me
My people don't believe in Jesus Christ's divinity!

I'm a Jew
A lonely Jew
On Christmas.

Hanukkah is nice, but why is it
That Santa passes over my house every year?
And instead of eating ham, I have to eat kosher latkes
Instead of Silent Night, I'm singing "Huhash Dogavish"
And what the fuck is up with lighting all these fucking candles? Tell me, please!

I'm a Jew
A lonely Jew
I'd be merry
But I'm Hebrew
On Christmas.

Special Celebrity Guest:
Hey, little boy, I couldn't help but hear
You're feeling left out of Christmas cheer
But I've come to see that you shouldn't be sad
This is the one month that you should be glad.

Cause it's nice to be a Jew on Christmas
You don't have to deal with the season at all
Don't have to be on your best behavior or give to charity
You don't have to go to grandma's house with your alcoholic family.

And I don't have to sit on some fake Santa's lap and have him breathe his stinky breath on me!

Special Celebrity Guest:
That's right. You're a Jew...

A stylin' Jew...

It's a good time... to be Hebrew
On Christmas!

Special Celebrity Guest:
On Christmas.


  • This song appears on the album, Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics. However, this version has an extended ending where a "Special Celebrity Guest" comes in after the second part to sing a verse to cheer up Kyle by telling him he does not have to do Christmas stuff.

International Lyrics

French lyrics Translation

Comme c'est dur d'être juif à Noël
Être un enfant du peuple d'Abraham
Je peux pas chanter de cantique ou décorer un beau sapin
Parce que j'suis pas comme les autres c'est ce que disent tous mes copains
Mon peuple ne croit pas que Jésus Christ soit le Messie

Je suis juif, et j'me sens seul... à Noël

Hanoucca c'est bien oui mais pourquoi
Le Père Noël ne vient jamais chez moi
Pourquoi au lieu de jambon je dois manger de la carpe farcie
Au lieu de douce nuit je dois chanter des trucs en Yiddish
Et c'est quoi ce délire à la con avec ces putains de bougies

Je suis juif, et j'me sens seul
Je suis pas joyeux, je suis hébreux, à Noël

It's hard to be a Jew on Christmas
Being a child of Abraham's people
I can't sing Christmas songs or decorate a beautiful tree
Because I'm not like the others, that's what all my friends say
My people don't believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah

I'm a Jew, so lonely, on Christmas

Hanukkah is nice, but why is it
That Santa never comes to my house
And instead of eating ham, I have to eat gefilte fish
Instead of Silent Night, I'm singing in Yiddish
And what is this fucking crap with these fucking candles?

I'm a Jew, so lonely
I'm not happy, I'm Hebrew, on Christmas

German lyrics Translation

Ein Jude hat es schwer zur Weihnacht.
Die Freunde wollen nicht mal spiel'n mit mir.
Ich sing keine Weihnachtslieder dekorier auch keinen Baum,
Schreib auch keinen Brief an's Christkind kann nicht in die Krippe schau'n.
Für meine Leute gibt es Christus nicht einmal im Traum.

Ich bin Jude, einsamer Jude, zur Weihnacht.

Hanukkah ist schön, doch warum nur
Fliegt der Weihnachtsmann an mir vorbei?
Und anstatt dem Weihnachtsschinken gibt es Koscheres für mich,
Anstatt "Du Stille Nacht" sing ich nur "Hoo Hach To Gaveev".
Verdammt, was sollen bloß die doofen Kerzen und das Licht?

Ich bin Jude, einsamer Jude,
Möcht gern feiern, genau wie du, zur Weihnacht.

Spanish (Latin America; 1st) lyrics Translation

Es duro ser Judío en Pascuas
Mis amigos no me dejan compartir
No canto villancicos ni decoro el arbolito
Ni doy agua a los venados porque soy judiíto
¡Mi gente no cree en Jesucristo ni en su divinidad!

Soy Judio, muy Solito en Navidad.

Hanukkah me gusta, pero ¿por qué?
Santi Claus no para en casa ninguna vez
En vez de un buen jamón, como bolas de pescado
En vez de Noche de Paz, canto 'El Violinista en el Tejado'
¡Y porque coño prendemos tantas velas. Ay, por favor!

Soy Judio, muy solito
Infeliz por ser hebreo en Pascuas

Spanish (Latin America; 2nd) lyrics Translation

Es difícil ser Judío en Navidad
Mis amigos no me quieren en ninguna actividad
No puedo cantar canciones navideñas ni decorar un árbol
Ni dejarle agua a Rodolfo, porque algo anda mal conmigo
¡Mi gente no cree que Jesucristo es divino!

Soy Judio solitario en Navidad.

Hanukkah es agradable, pero ¿por qué?
Santa Claus no va a mi casa ningún año
Y en vez de comer jamón, como panques de papa Cosher
En vez de Noche de Paz, canto 'Huhash Dogavish'
¡Díganme porque carajo es eso de encender todas esas velas!

Soy un Judio solitario
Estaría alegre pero soy hebreo en Navidad

Japanese lyrics Translation



サンタもケーキも クリスマス

Ukrainian lyrics Translation

Так важко На Різдво єврея
Мені не радять друзі аж ніяк
Я ялинки не вбирав ти сильно Різдвяних не співав
Напитись бо зі мною щось не так
Близькі мої не вірять у божественність Христа

Я Єврей, сумний єврей, на Різдво

Ханука крута та навіщо
Санчата Санти скачуть повз мій дім
Замість Свята ніч співаю "Huhash Dogavish"

Я Єврей, сумний єврей
Я бродил, та я іудей, з Різдво

Cantonese lyrics Translation





It's hard that I can't celebrate Christmas
My friends are all playing, without me
And I can't sing Christmas songs or decorate a Christmas tree
Have I been tricked or am I not seeing it right?
My family doesn't believe in Jesus Christ's birth and death

I'm miserable, very miserable, no Christmas

It's hard that I can't celebrate Christmas
Santa Claus ignores me every year
I have to be alone every time, and envy others being happy
Have I been wrongly reincarnated and got a bad name?
I just want somebody to explain to me

I'm miserable, very miserable
I'll get married, but with no kids, and no Christmas

Mandarin Chinese lyrics Translation





The cold wind makes my face swollen
That thick snow only adds to my sadness
Everyone's celebrating Christmas, but not me
No Santa Claus on his sled to give me presents
In my world, no one believes in Jesus Christ

Buddhists[note 1], (we're) ignored, and no Christmas

Constitution Day[note 2] is a big holiday
But it holds no meaning to me
I don't know why Santa Claus hates Buddhists
He won't see me when I'm lonely on a silent night
I just want to swear out loud, "Fuck! Who would tell me why"

Buddhists, (we're) ignored
I've been despised, and have a lonely, lonely Christmas


  1. All references to Judaism are replaced with those of Buddhism in the Mandarin Chinese dub
  2. Refers to Taiwan's Constitution Day which is held every December 25

Songs from Season One
Ave Satani | Bar-bura, Bar-bura | Canon in D | Christmas Lovin' | Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel | Gonna Fly | Happy, Happy, Happy | Happy Birthday to You | Hot Lava | I Love to Singa | I Remember When We Fell in Love | I'm Gonna Be On Television | I'm Gonna Make Love to You, Woman | If My Friends Could See Me Now | It's Okay to Be Gay | It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year | Kumbaya | Kyle's Mom's a Bitch | Love Gravy | Loving the Football | Lovin' You | Make Love, Even When I'm Dead | Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo | No Substitute | Now You're a Man | Oh Kathie Lee | Pig and Elephant DNA Just Won't Splice | Rabartu Smitu, Rabartu Smitu | Romeo and Juliet | Santa Claus is On His Way | School Days | Shadow Dancing | The Lonely Jew on Christmas | There You Are! | Waitin' On a Women | We Wish You a Merry Christmas | We're All Special

See also: List of Songs | List of Minor Characters from Season One | Season One