Some Puerto Rican Guy

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Some Puerto Rican Guy is an entirely fabricated criminal who is mentioned in the Season Five episode, "Butters' Very Own Episode".


Some Puerto Rican guy was blamed for kidnapping and killing Butters Stotch, JonBenét Ramsey, O.J. Simpson's wife, and Gary Condit's intern. He was made the F.B.I.'s number 1 most wanted criminal. Linda Stotch claimed him to be of average Puerto Rican height.

Throughout the episode, it is implied that he is entirely fictional and was invented to cover up the fact that the individuals who claimed he was real were really the ones who murdered their relatives/lovers. The character is also satirical of racial stereotyping against minorities, especially in crime.

Minor Characters from Season Five
The Afghan Boys | Barbara Garthunk | Buddha | Carrie Quinn Dolan | Cher and Sonny Bono | David Blaine | Donald Trump | Drew Carey | Dr. Larry | Ed Sullivan | Enrique Iglesias | Excalibur Barker | Excalibur Sorcerer | Fleetwood Mac | Frank Fun | Gary Condit | Geldon | George W. Bush | Gloria Allred | GS-401 | IRS Agents | Jack Tenorman | Jada Pinkett Smith | John and Patricia Ramsey | The Knights of Standards and Practices | Kobe Bryant | Krishna | Kyle Schwartz | Lao Tse | Laura Bush | Madonna | Mr. Farnickle | Mr. Grazier | Mrs. Farnickle | Mrs. Tenorman | Muhammad | O.J. Simpson | Old Farmer | Osama bin Laden | Predator | Radiohead | Sam, David, and Chris | Scott and Tyler | Seaman | Snoop Dogg | Some Puerto Rican Guy | Stephen and Martha Thompson | Steven | Super Best Friends | Ted | Will Smith | Zytar

More information: List of Minor Characters from Season Five | Season Five