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Tutornon is a private tutoring organization founded by Bob White, comprising of QAnon members as tutors. It is featured in Season Twenty-Four episode "South ParQ Vaccination Special".


Bob White approaches Herbert Garrison at Food 4 Little and asks him how to stop the COVID-19 vaccinations. Mr. Garrison tells him to "blow shit out of your dickhole". Bob mistakenly interprets this as a signal given by their "Chosen One" that QAnon needs to get their message out to children. He then relays the message to the QAnon members, telling them to become tutors.

An advertisement for Tutornon is broadcast on television, claiming that the tutors are fast and affordable. Many parents begin using Tutornon for their children upon Garrison's return to South Park Elementary as they hate him and do not want him teaching their children.

Tutornon begins teaching children their beliefs of how the Hollywood Elites abduct and kill children to harvest adrenochrome, which they rely on to stay in power and control the masses. Tutornon believes that the COVID-19 vaccines contain mind-control chips. The children they tutor later form the Lil' Qties to combat the Kommunity Kidz and other people trying to administer the COVID-19 vaccines.

Minor Characters from Season Twenty-Four
Air Israel Handler | Anthony Fauci | Bat | Cartman's New Bros | Chief Scientist | Chinese Clubbers | Delivery Express Man | Elderly Woman in Wheelchair | Female QAnon Tutor | Hispanic Boy with Olive Vest | Hollywood Elites | Jake Angeli | James (Build-A-Bear) | Jeffrey Epstein | Kommunity Kidz | Lil' Qties | Lil' Qties Blonde Girl | Millard Anderson | Mr. Service | Pandemic Specialists | Pangolin | QAnon | Sef Furman | Tutornon | Walgreens Bouncer | Walgreens Pharmacist

More information: Season Twenty-Four | List of Minor Characters from Season Twenty-Four