Kommunity Kidz

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Kommunity Kidz is an elderly care group formed by the boys in the Season Twenty-Four episode "South ParQ Vaccination Special".

While the group claims to be assisting elderly people who need help in getting to their vaccination locations, their true purpose is to steal vaccines for Margaret Nelson.


Following a prank on Mrs. Nelson from the boys, the fourth grade teacher decides that she can not go with teaching anymore, and is replaced by Mr. Garrison. The boys then seek advice from Mr. Mackey on getting Mrs. Nelson to return to teaching. Mackey tells the boys that they need to steal vaccines from Walgreens and bring them to the teachers.

The boys come up with a plan to show up outside Walgreens dressed up as healthcare workers and accompanying a wheelchair-bound elderly woman. Claiming to be "Kommunity Kidz with a K", and they are admitted into the supermarket. Their plan takes a downturn however when the elderly woman claims to have forgotten that she had been paid for her role, demanding payment from the boys once again. She ultimately reveals the truth to the pharmacist attending to them. Realizing that their cover has been blown, the boys resort to kicking the pharmacist and stealing the vaccines before making their escape. This incident is later reported on by news reporter Chris, glorifying the boys for their act.

Following disputes over the use of vaccines, Cartman declares that they are no longer bros, with Chris reporting the breakup of "Kommunity Kidz" and blaming it on the anchorman.

Minor Characters from Season Twenty-Four
Air Israel Handler | Anthony Fauci | Bat | Cartman's New Bros | Chief Scientist | Chinese Clubbers | Delivery Express Man | Elderly Woman in Wheelchair | Female QAnon Tutor | Hispanic Boy with Olive Vest | Hollywood Elites | Jake Angeli | James (Build-A-Bear) | Jeffrey Epstein | Kommunity Kidz | Lil' Qties | Lil' Qties Blonde Girl | Millard Anderson | Mr. Service | Pandemic Specialists | Pangolin | QAnon | Sef Furman | Tutornon | Walgreens Bouncer | Walgreens Pharmacist

More information: Season Twenty-Four | List of Minor Characters from Season Twenty-Four