The F Word/Trivia

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This page contains trivia for "The F Word". Remember, trivia must be factual, provable, and it is always best to cite your source for not-so-obvious trivia. If you would like to dispute a trivia point, please discuss it in the talk page.


  • The use of characters making noise while riding was also included in Season Eight's "Pre-School" where the sixth graders make the same sounds while riding their bicycles.
  • Damien Thorn is seen in the school hall.
  • This episode marks Big Gay Al's first appearance since Season Nine's "Follow That Egg!".
  • This marks the only episode in which Craig Tucker is not seen at the assembly.
  • The titular "F word" was spoken 69 times - "faggot" ten times and "fag" 59 - and seen written seven times.
  • One of the bikers mentions that Cartman's feces smells like a KFC Famous Bowl, which is an actual dish sold at the fast food chain. It consist of mashed potatoes, popcorn chicken, gravy, sweet corn bits and melted cheese mixed together.
  • One of the pictures of the potential "fags" the News Team shows children is a photo of Luka Magnotta, a gay porn star. He was convicted of murder in 2012.
  • A "Gays Against Fags" sign can be seen in Mr. Slave's garage in South Park: The Stick of Truth, referencing the episode.

References to Popular Culture

  • Emmanuel Lewis as the Dictionary Officiate is a play on the fact he portrayed the cute child star of 1980's sit-com Webster, which is also the name of a well known dictionary publisher.
  • Father Maxi holding the sign that says "God hates fags" is a reference to the Westboro Baptist Church, a church/hate group notorious for its aggressive and inflammatory protests.
  • The scene where the news reporter gets beaten up by the Harley Riders is a parody of an infamous Jim Rome interview in which he repeatedly referred to Jim Everett as "Chris Evert" (a well-known female tennis pro).


  • The concept of the whole "you can't say fag unless you're homosexual" from "It Hits the Fan" business seems to be dropped in this episode for an unknown reason, likely because it's not being used to refer to homosexuality anymore.
  • This episode reveals that Ted really did die in "Night of the Living Homeless" since he is not seen in this episode (at one point, you see just the Mayor McDaniels with the children and Johnson).
  • In "Imaginationland", Butters went by the call sign "faggot." The fact he is not annoyed and wanted to be a biker when he becomes an adult may be continuation from that.
  • Ike's pirate hat and bandana from "Fatbeard" can be seen in his bedroom.


  • When the boys say, "Everyone hates those fags, right?", Butters is seen agreeing with the crowd, even though he previously said that he wanted a Harley when he grew up.
  • There are 2 duplicates of Kevin Stoley, Louis Handler (though the duplicate does not have the scarf), Sally Turner and Bartles, as well as three duplicates of Tommy Turner and Millie Larsen (though the duplicate of Millie wears a purple coat) seen in the gymnasium.

Dubbing Changes

International Titles

Language Title Translation
Czech Slovo na B The B word[note 1]
French Fiottes Fags
German Schwule Schwuchteln Gay fags
Hungarian A K betűs szó The K word[note 2]
Italian La parola che inizia per F The word that begins with F[note 3]
Polish Słowo na „F” The F word
Portuguese (Brazil) A palavra com "V" The V Word[note 4]
Spanish (Latin America) La palabra con M The M Word[note 5]
Spanish (Spain)
Ukrainian Слова на літеру «П»
(Slova na literu «P»)
The word that begins with "P"[note 6]


  • In the European Spanish, Latin Spanish, Italian and Ukrainian dubs, Cartman does not specify KFC as part of his plan against the Harley riders, instead quoting the general term of "fried chicken".
  • The definition and explanation for the word "fag" as read by the Harley riders is rewritten in the following dubs:
This translation is incomplete, you can help by adding to it!

German Translation
"Schwuchtel", abgeleitet von "schwuler", kommt eigentlich von der altertümlichen Bezeichnung schwul für dritten Teils, wurde im 17. Jahrhundert als Antonym von kühlen schwül geändert. Die sprache Wissenschaft erklärt den Einsatz des Begriffes drücken teils, wo er seine ursprüngliche Anspielung auf die besondere Atmosphäre die damals in vielen einschlägigen lokalen vorher Hersteller. Die sprache macht er mit geschwulst dich sein in der Bedeutung von geschwollen, zweideutige Anspielungen auf eindeutige offensichtliche Körpermerkmale des Mannes. Ab Mitte der 60er Jahre wird die Bezeichnung Schwuchtel im allgemeinen gerne als Schimpfwort besonders für Homosexuelle und bei uns Transsexuelle verwendet.

Spanish (Spain) Translation
La palabra "marica", o su variante "maricón", se está utilizando en nuestra lengua desde finales del siglo XVI. En su origen se trataba simplemente de un diminutivo de María. "Marica" tiene otra acepción que es, en el juego del trueque sota de oros. El trueque es un juego de cartas muy parecido a la brisca. El término "marica" es así mismo un sinónimo del término "urraca" que es un pájaro de plumaje blanco en el vientre, y negro en el resto del cuerpo. Con los años la palabra se convirtió en un término pillorativo hacia los homosexuales y los transexuales en general. The word "marica", or its variant "maricón", has been used in our language since the end of the 16th century. Originally, it was simply a diminutive of "María". "Marica" has another meaning, which is the Jack of Coins in the game of Truco. Truco is a card game very similar to Brisca. The term "marica" is also a synonym for "magpie", which is a bird with white plumage on the belly and black on the rest of the body. Over the years, the word became a term of abuse for homosexuals and transsexuals in general.

Spanish (Latin America) Translation
"Maricón", a veces abreviado a "marica", es un término que ha sido usado desde fines del siglo XVI. Su significado original era persona mal intencionada. Después se definió como haces de leña y en el siglo XIX, un recogedor de ases era alguien de pocos recursos que recogía leña. Más tarde la definición del término era una mujer estúpida y también fue usado como insulto a los ancianos llamándoles maricones. A principios del siglo XX la palabra se convirtió en un término peyorativo contra los homosexuales y transexuales en América. "Maricón" sometimes shortened to "marica", is a term that has been used since the late 16th century. Its original meaning was a "ill-willed person". Later it was defined as a bundle of firewood. And in the 19th century, it was someone who made a meager living collecting firewood. Later the definition of the term was "a stupid woman", used as an insult to the elderly, calling them "fags". In the early 20th century, the word became a pejorative term against homosexuals and transsexuals in America.

French Translation
"Fiot", qui par la suite à donner le mot "fille". Enfant de sexe féminin fille toute fille connaissent aussi un sens péjoratif on peut en effet appeler fille une prostituée quarté de joie. Alors <<>> enfant de sexe masculin Théo et fils se retrouve dans de nombreuses expressions le dingue fils de son père est dans la religion chrétienne le Fils de Dieu. Plus tard le mot fillotte définira les individus qui ne montrent pas beaucoup de courage et c'est souvent employé comme insulte synonyme de trouillard sans couille ou encore pétochard. Au début du 20e siècle que le terme est devenu péjoratif à l'encontre des homosexuels ainsi que des princesses dans tous les États-Unis.

Italian Translation
"Frocione" in generale l'etimologia più diffusa. Metti in relazione per versi costumi dei lanzichenecchi del Papa spesso ubriachi, avendo le frecce del naso rosso e gonfie da qui l'epiteto froccioni. Sinonimo di ricchione sembra derivare dalla proverbiale "Lussuria della <<>>". È in riferimento ai bestiari dei primi secoli del Cristianesimo la lepre cambierebbe sesso a volontà simboleggiando l'amore contro natura. Il termine frocio si riconduce etimologicamente a floscio molle privo di ogni vigore, spesso veniva usato come insulto o malattia anziani incapace di soddisfare una donna. Nei primi anni del Novecento questa parola attraverso un progressivo slittamento del significato divenne un insulto verso Coloro che sono attratti dallo stesso sesso ovverosia gli omosessuale. "Frocione" is in general the most widespread etymology. It can be related to the morals of the Pope's Landsknechts who were often drunk and had red and swollen noses, hence the epithet "froccioni". Synonyms of "froccione" seems to derive from the proverbial "Lust of <<>>". It is in reference to the bestiaries of the first centuries of Christianity, where the hare would change sex at will, symbolizing love against nature. The term "frocio" etymologically refers to "flaccid, soft, devoid of any vigor", and was often used as an insult against the sick and the elderly who are incapable of satisfying a woman. In the early 20th century, this word, through a progressive shift of meaning, became an insult towards those who are attracted to the same sex i.e. homosexuals.

Portuguese (Brazil) Translation
"Viado", possivelmente vem de "transviado", tem sido usado como um insulto desde o início do século XX. Outro origem amplamente aceita é o nome de um serviço selvagem o veado. No início do século 20 usou homo homossexuais eram presos pela polícia. Supõe-se que a ovelhas homossexuais saírem correndo os policiais diziam que os mesmos fugiam como veados. Outros creem que o termo deriva de um fato que acontece com este animal na natureza, cresce que uma única fêmea atrai grande quantidade de machos que a disputam entre si. Os perdedores ao invés de ir embora ficam assistindo o casal copulando, e depois do ato fazem sexo um com o outro para desinchar o escroto. "Fag", possibly derived from "gay", has been used as an insult since the early 20th century. A widely accepted origin is the name of a wild animal known as the deer. In the early 20th century, homosexuals were often arrested by the police. It is assumed that when homosexuals run away, the police would describe that they ran away like deer. Others believe that the term derives from the behavior of the animals themselves in nature, where a single female attracts a large number of males who fight over her. The losers, instead of leaving, watch the couple copulate, and after the act, they have sex with each other to reduce swelling of their scrotums.


  • When the lead Harley biker leaves Ronny's Diner, he picks up the scent of KFC chicken wings instead of the Famous Bowl.
  • The term "bike-curious" is translated as "latent fag".


  • Cartman's plan on getting buckets of KFC to crap on the Harley seats specifies Hot Wings.

Portuguese (Brazil)

  • The librarian on duty gives the signal for the Harley riders to keep quiet, even after they had toned down their revving voices.


  • In the definition of "fag" read out by the Harley riders, the use of "homosexuals and transgender" is changed to "people of non-traditional sexual orientation".


  1. Refers to bubáci (fags)
  2. Refers to köcsögök (fags)
  3. Refers to froci (fags)
  4. Refers to viado (fags)
  5. Refers to maricón (fags)
  6. Refers to пидор (pidor, fags)


  1312: "The F Word" edit
Story Elements

Harley RidersKFCRonny's DinerCafé MonetSouth Park Elementary


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