Tad Mikowski

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Tad Mikowski is the character Stan Marsh battles in a skiing competition in "Asspen". He often mockingly calls Stan "Stan Darsh".


When Stan first starts learning skiing in Aspen and picks up fast, Tad antagonizes him together with two of his friends. Later he approaches Stan again with Heather whom he is now dating and gloats about having the girl. Tad then challenges Stan to a little skiing race, despite Stan being only a beginner, a little boy and even admits he cannot beat Tad. On the condition that Tad will leave him alone if he wins, Stan accepts the challenge. Stan loses the race. After that, he is approached by a dorky teenage girl who compliments his courage and invites him to dance at the Aspen Youth Center.

At the dance, it is revealed that Tad's father is a rich businessman who plans to bulldoze the youth center in order to develop the area. Tad then goes on stage and sings a song mocking Stan. Tad foolishly mistakes Stan's annoyance at his song to be a request for a rematch. The rest of the teens, wanting to keep the youth center, make a deal with Tad that if Stan wins, the youth center stays. Tad agrees and arranges for the race to be held on the K-13, which is considered "the most dangerous run in America".

Tad easily leads on the race down the K-13, but stops to set up traps to sabotage Stan. He ultimately loses when the dorky girl shows up and flashes him her breasts, which turn out to be a pair of Kuatos from the movie Total Recall. The distraction allows Stan to win, saving the youth center.

He later makes a small appearance at the end of "Buddha Box" where he, along with other skiers, are seen with Buddha Boxes on their heads while skiing on Bunny Slope.


Tad sports ski goggles with a dark blue band and orange tinted lens over his blond hair. His facial features include sharp cheek bones and a cleft chin. He wears a blue skiing jacket with light blue sleeves, red scarf, yellow ski pants, gray boots and uses purple skis.


Tad acts like the stereotypical rich antagonist from sports movies, ripping on Stan endlessly, despite the fact that Stan is a little boy and has just begun learning to ski. Stan also outright admits that he couldn't beat Tad, but these admissions are overlooked by Tad as he continuously harasses Stan to have a race with him.

Despite the fact that he could win effortlessly without cheating during the race, he uses numerous dirty tricks to secure his victory, such as pouring sand in Stan's path and chopping down a tree.



Minor Characters from Season Six
Alan Jackson | Baby Cows | Biggest Douche in the Universe Committee | Carlos | Catatafish | Chantal | Christine Jonez | Damla Jones | David Satcher | Devitzen's Tolerance Camp Warden | Dick Cheney | Dorky Girl | Dr. Hallis | Felipe | Frances Velman | Francis Ford Coppola | Frederick Johnson | Frog King | Future Butters | Future Stan | Gelgameks | Glen Dumont | Harry Potter Kids | Hat McCullough | Heather | Jared Fogle | John Edward | Joline | Josh Cashner | Lemmiwinks | Lolly the Candy Man | Martha Stewart | Maury Povich | Michael Dorn | Mongolians | Motivation Corp. Director | Mr. Mackey Senior | Mrs. Mackey Senior | Ms. Gorache | Museum of Tolerance Guide | Natsako Semu | Nobunaga Hiroichi | Pat O'Brien | Phil and Josh | Pope John Paul II | Queen Spider | Rob Schneider | Russell Crowe | Russell Crowe Editor | Sea People | Sparrow Prince | Tad Mikowski | Ted Koppel | Thumper | True Freaks Union | Tugger | Two Astronauts | Vanessa | Vanity

More information: List of Minor Characters from Season Six | Season Six