Phil and Josh

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For other uses, see Josh (Disambiguation).

Phil and Josh are two salesmen from Aspen. They appear in the Season Six episode, "Asspen".


Phil and Josh are representatives of the Aspen Heaven time-share company. They hold Randy Marsh, Sharon Marsh, Sheila Broflovski, Gerald Broflovski, Stephen Stotch and Linda Stotch against their will in a conference room in an attempt to get them to buy into their time-share scheme.

When the police arrive to free Randy and others it turns out the police were working with them as well. It has also been hinted at that even the President of the United States has been working for them. In the end, Randy and the others end up purchasing timeshares.


Phil wears a teal suit with an orange shirt and a yellow tie. He has brown hair, brown eyebrows, and is balding.

Josh wears brown pants, a red vest over a lavender shirt, and a purple tie. He has blond hair, blond eyebrows, and a blond mustache.


Minor Characters from Season Six
Alan Jackson | Baby Cows | Biggest Douche in the Universe Committee | Carlos | Catatafish | Chantal | Christine Jonez | Damla Jones | David Satcher | Devitzen's Tolerance Camp Warden | Dick Cheney | Dorky Girl | Dr. Hallis | Felipe | Frances Velman | Francis Ford Coppola | Frederick Johnson | Frog King | Future Butters | Future Stan | Gelgameks | Glen Dumont | Harry Potter Kids | Hat McCullough | Heather | Jared Fogle | John Edward | Joline | Josh Cashner | Lemmiwinks | Lolly the Candy Man | Martha Stewart | Maury Povich | Michael Dorn | Mongolians | Motivation Corp. Director | Mr. Mackey Senior | Mrs. Mackey Senior | Ms. Gorache | Museum of Tolerance Guide | Natsako Semu | Nobunaga Hiroichi | Pat O'Brien | Phil and Josh | Pope John Paul II | Queen Spider | Rob Schneider | Russell Crowe | Russell Crowe Editor | Sea People | Sparrow Prince | Tad Mikowski | Ted Koppel | Thumper | True Freaks Union | Tugger | Two Astronauts | Vanessa | Vanity

More information: List of Minor Characters from Season Six | Season Six