Kenny McCormick/Interactions

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This article focuses on the interactions between Kenny McCormick and the other characters.

The Boys

Eric Cartman

Cartman generally seems to tolerate Kenny, although he regards him as being lesser than him because he is poor, and can even at times be seen to treat Kenny as sort of a general laborer/servant, he is also very abusive, both physically and verbally. Cartman does appear to consider Kenny as his best friend out of the other three boys, although he is not above exaggerating the depth of their friendship in order to achieve or obtain something he wants, usually after Kenny dies or is incapacitated, such as in "Best Friends Forever". In the same episode, Kenny described his general attitude toward his friendship with Cartman as his feeling sorry for him, because everyone else hates him. However, it is also shown that the two share a "best friends forever" necklace (hence the title of the episode). However it is implied that Cartman managed to sneak the necklace onto Kenny's neck in order to prove to everyone that he and Kenny were indeed best friends. It is seen that some times when something beneficial happens to the town, Cartman and Kenny are seen hugging, such as in "Red Man's Greed" and "The F Word". In "Kenny Dies", Kenny agrees with Cartman's assessment that the two are best friends, as Kyle and Stan are. However, this is refuted in "Best Friends Forever", in which Kenny had written in his will that Stan and Kyle were his best friends and he never really liked Eric Cartman. All things considered, their "best" friendship seems to end as of "The Death of Eric Cartman".

Although muffled, Kenny has often called Cartman by his first name "Eric", such as in "Probably", when he calls Cartman on the phone from Mexico and later when Jesus sends Cartman to Mexico as punishment. However, in "Chickenlover" and more recent episodes, Kenny called Cartman by his surname when Cartman was at his house.

Kenny will go along with Cartman if he talks about something he agrees on, such as the time he giggled uncontrollably when Cartman farted in Kyle's face in "Cancelled", or Kyle and Stan if he gets really annoyed by Cartman's attitude. Cartman has shown to get angry and defensive after Kenny has died, while Stan and Kyle take it like it was nothing and have sometimes used it to get what they want (such as asking for ice cream with butterscotch in "Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut").

Kenny has also been known to detest or mock Cartman on occasion, such as when Cartman degraded NASCAR fans by crashing a stolen car into a lake in "Poor and Stupid" - Kenny stormed down to Cartman's house to yell at him (nearly destroying the door in the process) - he was even prepared to kill Cartman in defense of NASCAR's reputation. He also laughed when Kyle and Stan abandoned Cartman for cheating at a war game when he yelled "I can play with myself all day!" in "Clubhouses". In "Jakovasaurs", Kenny got mad at Cartman again when he started claiming he hated Kenny. He then tries to distract Cartman by pretending to be a new species of antelope (so that the Jakovasaurs could be smuggled to France), but instead got mauled by a bear.

He is also known to punch Cartman when Cartman rips on him for being poor, and Cartman has been shown beating up Kenny when Kenny refuses to go along with his ideas, particularly in the early seasons. In fact, in "Cartmanland", Kenny was invited to go to Cartman's theme park, when Kyle and Stan could not come.

It should also be noted that Kenny's alternate identity, Mysterion, and Eric's, the Coon, appear to have a rivalry. This can be seen in "The Coon", "Coon 2: Hindsight", "Mysterion Rises" and "Coon vs. Coon & Friends". In particular, Mysterion kept the group name "Coon and Friends" after Cartman was kicked out because it "pissed Cartman off beyond belief", and he found it "extremely funny".

Cartman is the only character to be aware of Kenny's constant dying, saying "He dies all the time!" in "Cartmanland". In "City on the Edge of Forever (Flashbacks)" he told a story while they were stranded on the bus about Kenny dying before he was killed by a giant black monster. Kyle points out that Kenny dying before would have been impossible because "he can't die twice". This would mean he is immune to the psychic effect that Kenny's deaths have on others. By extension, this may mean Cartman has immunity to mind control or other psychological effects.

While not shown in as much detail as Kyle and Cartman's newfound friendship, with the boys ending their friendship with a pessimistic Stan in "You're Getting Old", he also seems to be developing a better one with Cartman.

Stan Marsh

Although Kenny and Stan do not seem to share the same bond that Stan and Kyle do, Stan does seem to think of Kenny as a close friend. In "Kenny Dies", out of the three boys, Stan has the hardest time dealing with Kenny dying, and cannot even bear to see him in the hospital. When Stan finally realizes that Kenny passed on "for good", he feels like he was Kenny's worst friend (until they hear about Cartman's selfishness). The two boys often hang out with one another when Cartman and Kyle get into their arguments and Stan and Kenny do not want to listen to it, such as in "The Passion of the Jew". In "Best Friends Forever", Stan and Kyle fight against Cartman to not have Kenny's feeding tube removed to save Kenny's life.

However, in "Cherokee Hair Tampons", when all hope seems lost to save Kyle and Stan breaks down crying in front of Kenny because of Kyle's impending death, he does not seem to care or even acknowledge the fact that Kenny dies all the time. This angers Kenny and makes him leave Stan to go home after using Cartman's catchphrase "Screw you guys I'm going home!" - which in turn causes his death by walking under a falling piano, and even then Stan still fails to notice or care.

During the first five seasons, Stan would merely say, "Oh my God, they killed Kenny!", after one of Kenny's classic deaths, and then he would not acknowledge him again after that.

Like Cartman and Kyle, Kenny is at first only annoyed with Stan in "You're Getting Old", with his constant complaining and buzzkilling. Unfortunately, when Stan gets worse and becomes unbearable to be with, he first ditches him and then, along with Cartman and Kyle, breaks off their friendship until the conflict is resolved in "Ass Burgers".

Kyle Broflovski

Kenny and Kyle's relationship does not seem to be as strong as it is with the other boys. Kyle does not seem to really even notice Kenny a lot of the time. There is even a time in "Chickenpox" when Kyle says that Kenny is not his friend (this could be used as a quick way to get out of going to his house).

Though along with Stan, Kyle's shown his definite concern for Kenny and does view him as a very close friend, they rarely interact one-on-one. In "Best Friends Forever", Kenny gives all of his belongings (excluding his PSP) to Stan and Kyle, and Stan and Kyle fight very hard to save their friend from Cartman and his supporters. He also invites Kenny to his birthday party in "Casa Bonita". Kenny often sides with Kyle on many issues, even over Cartman, like in "Douche and Turd", where Kenny supports Kyle's mascot instead of Cartman's. Also in "Jewbilee" Kyle asked Kenny to come to Jew Scouts so that it would be fun.

Despite the neglect, Kenny has been shown to bear feelings of friendship towards Kyle, even to the point of trying to convince him of his own power as Mysterion to the point of shooting himself in front of him and Stan, much to their surprise and his later dismay when neither of them remember. Kenny also thinks Kyle is the smartest kid in his class, asking him for help in "The Coon" for that reason.

In the first five seasons and sporadically afterward, whenever Kenny dies, Kyle follows with "You bastards!" after Stan yells, "Oh my God, they killed Kenny!"


Stuart McCormick

Stuart McCormick is Kenny's alcoholic father. Kenny is shown to not care when Stuart and Kevin are fighting, merely watching television with a bored look.

Carol McCormick

Carol McCormick is Kenny's mother. In "Cartman Joins NAMBLA", it is shown that after Kenny dies, his soul returns to her, takes to another body and is reborn. Similarly, in the last episode of the Superheroes Saga, Kenny is literally reborn, however, this time it is left open that Kenny's immortality is due to his parents worshiping Cthulhu. It is revealed in "Coon vs. Coon & Friends" that she regrets such an act, meaning she is probably tired of having to give birth to Kenny over and over again.

Kevin McCormick

Kevin McCormick is Kenny's older brother. Kenny is shown to not care when Kevin and Stuart are fighting, merely watching television with a bored look. Kevin is quite different from Kenny, since Kevin always gets into arguments with his family, while Kenny seems to ignore everything that is happening around him. Kenny and Kevin do not seem to talk to each other much.

Karen McCormick

Karen McCormick is Kenny's reclusive younger sister. She first appears in "Best Friends Forever", when she and the rest of the McCormicks visited Kenny in the hospital. Kenny is shown to care a lot for his little sister, even going so far as to dress up as his alter ego Mysterion in "The Poor Kid" to comfort her and show her that she is never alone, as well as beating up Jessica Pinkerton for attempting to bully Karen. In "The City Part of Town" he immediately follows Karen out of the room to comfort her when their dad yells at her, and uses the money he earned at City Wok to buy her a new doll.


Butters Stotch

Following "Kenny Dies", until Kenny's comeback in the Season Six finale " Red Sleigh Down", he seems to have less of a major role until Season Eleven, sharing with Butters. In "Kenny Dies", Butters drew a picture of him and Kenny (as best friends) together in an airplane in which Kyle delivered to Kenny at the hospital, indicating that Butters sees Kenny as a really close friend. Kenny played the "good cop" and comforted Butters in "Lil' Crime Stoppers", and Butters tried to help Kenny during "Major Boobage". The two were also playing together in a sandbox in "Eek, A Penis!". Butters took Kenny's place when Kenny died, possibly hinting that Butters deeply missed Kenny (instead of simply wanting to hang out with the other boys). In "Guitar Queer-O", Kenny and Butters can be seen hugging when Stan and Kyle break 1,000,000 points on Guitar Hero, and they hi-five each other after Willzyx is returned to the ocean in "Free Willzyx". Also, in "The Ring", Butters seemed quite alarmed when he discovered Kenny had a new "whore" girlfriend. Kenny can also be seen shaking Butters' hand after kissing Sally Darson in "Butters' Bottom Bitch". In "Going Native", Butters considers Kenny his only true friend and allows him to go to Hawaii with him, against his initial protest. In Eat, Pray, Queef, Kenny and the other boys visited Butters when he got sick after being queefed by Samantha Dunskin.

Craig Tucker

Even though Kenny usually rivals against Craig and his friends along with Stan, Kyle and Cartman, they all seem to still get along with him for the most part when the two groups are not in disagreement. They can all been seen playing and working together in episodes like "Free Willzyx" and "Guitar Queer-O". Craig and Kenny chose to be partners in "Super Fun Time". Craig even allowed Kenny to join him in making his "Animals Close-Up With a Wide-Angle Lens" video when Cartman would not let Kenny join their report team in "Quest for Ratings". This is explained by the fact that Kenny is hooded all the time - being a news reporter, he would have had to show his face and have a really nice hairstyle. The given reason, though, is that Cartman thinks Kenny does not watch the news because he is poor. However, in episodes like "Pandemic 2: The Startling", Kenny has shown dislike for Craig by saying that he does not like him, though it could have merely been out of frustration that Craig refused to help them again.


Kenny briefly had a girlfriend named Kelly in "Rainforest Shmainforest", who came to his aid during one of his famous "death" scenes. In the next episode, "Spontaneous Combustion", it is revealed that he spends a lot of time at a new girlfriend's house but the viewer never sees her. Because Kenny had started dating Kelly in the previous episode, it is safe to assume that they are one and the same. Kelly has not been heard of since, although she was seen at the dance in "Hooked on Monkey Fonics", possibly having arranged to meet up with Kenny, but not being able to as he is dead at that point.

Tammy Warner

Kenny and Tammy

In "The Ring", Kenny gets a new girlfriend, a fifth grader named Tammy Warner. She happens to be the only person in the school poorer than Kenny's family. Classmates at school call her a slut because she gave a boy named Dave Darskey a blow job (B.J.) in the parking lot of a T.G.I. Friday's. Kenny later finds out that she did this because she got worked up watching the Jonas Brothers on television. This prompts Kenny to go and buy her tickets to a Jonas Brothers concert, hoping that it becomes his way into her heart, as well as her body. After the concert, Tammy and several other girls are called backstage where they are given a purity ring by the Jonas Brothers themselves, which stops them from doing anything "naughty". As Kenny is given a purity ring by Tammy, he is very upset at this, as well as completely bored. Eventually, due to boredom, they take off the purity rings and Tammy gives Kenny a B.J. Unfortunately, the next day, Kenny ends up contracting syphilis and dies.

Millie Larsen

In "The Biggest Douche in the Universe", Rob Schneider was possessed by Kenny, after eating a meat loaf that Kenny's soul was trapped inside. Then, during a commercial for a Rob Schneider movie coming out, he was seen trying to kiss Millie which may conclude that Kenny had a crush on her. In "Something You Can Do with Your Finger", Kenny chose Millie to rub and hug him for their music video.

Other Characters

Jimbo Kern

In "Volcano", Jimbo was impressed by Kenny's hunting skills to the point of making him an "honorary nephew" and allowing him to take lead in hunting, much to the jealousy of his actual nephew, Stan.