Combat in South Park: Phone Destroyer

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This article is a combat guide for South Park: Phone Destroyer.


South Park: Phone Destroyer is a card-based RPG game. The New Kid has the ability to summon units from the cards in their hand and the goal is to defend their tower and conserve their health bars. Matches heavily rely on the player's deck, strategic placement, timing of cards, and level of cards. The New Kid's level gives a slight advantage/disadvantage in combat, depending on their opponent.

Each card costs energy and can be played when the player has sufficient energy. During a game, the player starts off with 8 energy and will gain energy constantly. They can accumulate up to 10 energy, after which no more will be gained.

5 cards will be made available on hand, and will replenish as the player plays their cards. Once a character is played, they will target the nearest enemy unit that is within their range, and will not change target until the unit is defeated, or when an ability (such as Taunting from Zen Cartman) is activated. While the characters themselves cannot be controlled on the battlefield, some may have abilities which can be used when available. Enemies near the New Kid will receive beam damage from the latter over time.

The player's health and attack is dependent on their current level. The player's health is also divided into three equal bars. Each time a health bar is depleted, the player will send a shockwave which inflicts damage and knockback on all nearby units.

Upon victory, the player will be taken to a loot locker interface, where they can open 3 lockers to receive various rewards such as coins, PVP tickets, materials, and cards. The player may also choose to spend premium currency (in the form of "Cartman Cash") or watch a video to open additional lockers.


Card overview

The player uses a deck of 12 cards in battle. Each deck can carry 12 cards and is restricted to a maximum of two themes. However, the Neutral theme is the exception to this rule. Adding a card that does not belong to that deck will cause the game to ask the player if they would like to replace one of the current themes with the one they are trying to add.

The player should avoid a deck that has two or more cards from the same character (e.g. Program Stan and Toolshed. When a character is in the battlefield, regardless spawned from the player or AI in campaign (but not from opponents in PvP), the player will not be allowed to play another card from the same character.

The player is allowed to create multiple decks based on their card combination preferences. Before playing a PvP match or campaign, they will have the opportunity to choose which deck they would like to use. All decks are labelled with colored bands based on the card themes that the deck is carrying (not including neutral).


Each theme has its own specialization.

  • Adventure - Cowboys, Native Americans, and pirates. The Adventure theme focuses on dealing direct damage to enemies and boosting allies' attack power.
  • Sci-Fi - Aliens, robots, and space warriors. The Sci-Fi theme focuses on applying negative status effects to enemies such as poison, freezing, etc.
  • Mystical - Mythological beings and religious warriors. The Mystical theme focuses on healing, removing negative status effects from allies, and energy manipulation.
  • Fantasy - Wizards, elves, and medieval warriors. The Fantasy theme focuses on buffing the stats of player's cards with protection and health boosts while debuffing the stats of an opponent's cards.
  • Superheroes - Superheroes and supervillains. The Superheroes theme focuses on brute force and teamwork. This theme can set up dangerous traps on the battlefield and can use their allies to gain an advantage.
  • Neutral - Miscellaneous characters taken from several episodes of South Park. This theme does not have a particular focus, as all of the cards have their own unique attributes.


  • Common - Common cards have the highest chances to be obtained by the player from the PvE and PVP lockers, PVP packs and Free packs. They are the weakest cards at level 1 but are the easiest and least costly to upgrade and scale. Scaling as goes: LVL 4/LVL 5 Common = LVL 1 Legendary
  • Rare - Rare cards have slightly lower chances to be obtained from any locker or pack. However, as the player's PVP rank rises, the PVP packs will have guaranteed X number of rares. They cost slightly more materials to upgrade and are moderately stronger than common cards, while weaker than epic cards.
  • Epic - Epic cards are extremely rare but very strong at level 1. They can be obtained from lockers, PVP and free packs. However, they cost a lot to upgrade and may have a huge disadvantage in scaling to match the level and strength of the common and rare cards.
  • Legendary - The rarest cards of all. If the player is not opening a legendary pack, it all comes down to luck to come across these cards. They can appear in PVP lockers, PVP packs, and Free packs. They are the strongest cards out there, but are the most costly to upgrade and will have a huge disadvantage in scaling to match the level and strength of the player's other cards.


Some cards will include one of the abilities as below:

  • Charged - An ability of any type that requires time to charge up upon summoning the unit. This can be disrupted by freezing them or with Power Bind.
  • Warcry - An ability of any type that takes place immediately upon summoning the unit.
  • Deathwish - An ability of any type that takes place immediately upon the unit's death.
  • Enraged - An ability of any type that takes place immediately upon the unit's health being depleted to half.
  • Aura - An ability of any type that affects all units around the unit with the ability, and the unit itself if the ability's effect is positive.
  • Headhunter - An ability of any type that only specifically attacks the leader of a battle (i.e. The New Kid or bosses of story battles).
  • Flying - An ability of any type that allows the unit to fly through the battlefield. Units who are able to fly cannot be attacked, as the other units are unable to reach them, however, Ranged Units, Spells, The New Kid's zap and other Flying Units are able to hurt them.
  • Teamwork - An ability of any type that allows the unit to obtain a benefit from other specific allies present on the battlefield.

Status Effects

Using abilities, spell cards, or cards with auras can trigger positive or negative status effects. Most effects do not affect buildings, traps, and non-sentient units such as Energy Staff.

  • Poisoned - When poisoned, units will turn purple, and lose health per second temporarily.
  • Stun/Frozen - Units will not be able to move. Does not affect buildings or traps.
  • Mind Control - Units will turn blue, and fight for the opposite team temporarily.
  • Transmogrify - Turns units into weaker forms.
  • Slow - Halves units' attack speed and movement speed.
  • Speed up - Doubles units' attack speed and movement speed.
  • Taunt - Attracts units to the target. Used to draw units' attention away from weaker units or the leader.
  • Attack up - Units gain attack damage, depending on the card which gave it to them.
  • Attack down - Units' attack damage decreases, depending on the card which debuffed them.
  • Power bind - Units cannot charge or use their charge abilities.
  • Regeneration - Units gain back health per second.
  • Invincibility - Units ignore attacks.
  • Immunity - Units ignore spells and abilities. The Goth Kids, with Michael's ability, are only immune to harmful spells.


Card upgrades and donating in Teams award experience, which in turn can upgrade the New Kid's health and attack.

Level Exp required Cumulative exp Health Beam damage Shockwave damage
1 0 0 Health.png 450 Attack.png 7 Attack.png 75
2 10 10 Health.png 486 Attack.png 7 Attack.png 81
3 25 35 Health.png 524 Attack.png 7 Attack.png 87
4 50 85 Health.png 565 Attack.png 7 Attack.png 94
5 100 185 Health.png 610 Attack.png 7 Attack.png 102
6 200 385 Health.png 658 Attack.png 8 Attack.png 110
7 325 710 Health.png 710 Attack.png 9 Attack.png 118
8 500 1210 Health.png 766 Attack.png 10 Attack.png 128
9 700 1910 Health.png 827 Attack.png 11 Attack.png 138
10 850 2760 Health.png 892 Attack.png 12 Attack.png 149
11 1250 4010 Health.png 963 Attack.png 14 Attack.png 161
12 1900 5910 Health.png 1039 Attack.png 15 Attack.png 173
13 2250 8160 Health.png 1121 Attack.png 17 Attack.png 187
14 2550 10710 Health.png 1209 Attack.png 18 Attack.png 202
15 3000 13710 Health.png 1305 Attack.png 20 Attack.png 218
16 3500 17210 Health.png 1408 Attack.png 21 Attack.png 235
17 5000 22210 Health.png 1519 Attack.png 23 Attack.png 253
18 7000 29210 Health.png 1639 Attack.png 24 Attack.png 273
19 9000 38210 Health.png 1768 Attack.png 26 Attack.png 295
20 12000 50210 Health.png 1908 Attack.png 28 Attack.png 318
21 15000 65210 Health.png 2059 Attack.png 30 Attack.png 343
22 20000 85210 Health.png 2222 Attack.png 32 Attack.png 370
23 25000 110210 Health.png 2397 Attack.png 34 Attack.png 400
24 30000 140210 Health.png 2586 Attack.png 36 Attack.png 431
25 45000 185210 Health.png 2791 Attack.png 38 Attack.png 465

Player-versus-Player (PvP)

The player may compete with another player through a PvP match, each lasting 3 minutes. The objective is to defeat the opponent by destroying all three phones, or destroy more phones than the opponent at the end of 3 minutes. In an event of a tie, both players will head to a one-minute sudden death play-off. If no phones are destroyed after 1 minute, the match will be declared a tie.

Each player starts off with 8 energy, earning energy at a rate of 1 energy per 3.5 seconds for the first two minutes, then 1 per 2.4 seconds for the remainder of the match.


When searching for an opponent, the game will try to match players with similar skill ratings, level and game progress, increasing its threshold of skill rating difference when unable to find a match after some time.[1]

The threshold cannot exceed 700 for players with less than 7500 skill rating, and 1500 for players with at least 7500 skill rating.

Skill Rating

The player earns or loses skill rating depending on the match outcome, and determined by the player's and opponent's skill ratings.

The formula for change in skill rating following a PvP match is:

Where P is the player's skill rating, and O is the opponent's skill rating.


Arenas can be progressively unlocked with higher skill ratings, allowing the player to receive improved loot from lockers and PvP card packs.

Arena Name Skill rating Locker contents PvP pack contents
1 Stan's Backyard 0 Common cards
Rare cards
Epic cards
Upgrade items
250 Ticket.png
6 cards (2 rares guaranteed)
8 upgrade items
85-105 Ticket.png
37-50 Coin.png
2 Basketball Court 300 6 cards (2 rares guaranteed)
8 upgrade items
99-121 Ticket.png
41-56 Coin.png
3 The School 650 7 cards (2 rares guaranteed)
9 upgrade items
112-138 Ticket.png
43-60 Coin.png
4 The Playground 1200 8 cards (2 rares guaranteed)
10 upgrade items
126-154 Ticket.png
46-64 Coin.png
5 Little Tokyo 1800 Outfits
Common cards
Rare cards
Epic cards
Upgrade items
350 Ticket.png
9 cards (3 rares guaranteed)
11 upgrade items
139-171 Ticket.png
51-71 Coin.png
6 Tower of Peace 2500 10 cards (3 rares guaranteed)
12 upgrade items
153-187 Ticket.png
55-77 Coin.png
7 Palace Rooftop 3200 11 cards (3 rares guaranteed)
13 upgrade items
162-198 Ticket.png
60-83 Coin.png
8 Forbidden Graveyard 3900 Outfits
Cards of any rarity
Upgrade items
500 Ticket.png
12 cards (4 rares guaranteed)
14 upgrade items
171-209 Ticket.png
64-89 Coin.png
9 Orc Camp 4600 13 cards (4 rares guaranteed)
15 upgrade items
180-220 Ticket.png
74-100 Coin.png
10 Enchanted Forest 5300 14 cards (5 rares guaranteed)
16 upgrade items
225-275 Ticket.png
83-115 Coin.png
11 Legendary Arena 6000 Outfits
Cards of any rarity
Upgrade items
600 Ticket.png
15 cards (5 rares guaranteed)
17 upgrade items
270-330 Ticket.png
92-130 Coin.png
12 Legendary 2 6500 16 cards (5 rares guaranteed)
18 upgrade items
288-352 Ticket.png
110-152 Coin.png
13 Legendary 3 7000 17 cards (6 rares guaranteed)
19 upgrade items
306-374 Ticket.png
129-174 Coin.png
14 Legendary 4 7500 18 cards (6 rares guaranteed)
20 upgrade items
324-396 Ticket.png
147-196 Coin.png
15 Legendary 5 8000 19 cards (6 rares guaranteed)
21 upgrade items
342-418 Ticket.png
166-218 Coin.png
16 Legendary 6 8500 20 cards (7 rares guaranteed)
22 upgrade items
360-440 Ticket.png
184-240 Coin.png

Chaos Mode

Chaos Mode is an alternative PvP mode hosted by Professor Chaos, where common cards are set to level 4, rare cards are set to level 3, epic cards are set to level 2, and legendary cards are set to level 1. Participants may play as many as 12 PvP matches in this mode, and will be eliminated after accumulating three defeats. Players may be reinstated at a cost of 50 cash. Few events however, offer a discount or a complete waiver of the reinstating cost.
