All About Mormons/Trivia

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This page contains trivia for "All About Mormons". Remember, trivia must be factual, provable, and it is always best to cite your source for not-so-obvious trivia. If you would like to dispute a trivia point, please discuss it in the talk page.


  • Other Matt Stone and Trey Parker projects to focus on Mormonism include their 1997 film Orgazmo and their 2011 Broadway hit, The Book of Mormon. The series' creators revealed in interviews that their fascination with Mormons stemmed from growing up in Colorado, where they met numerous Mormons from neighboring Utah.
  • Kenny has no lines in this episode.
  • Gary fills in Red McArthur's seat in class in this episode.
  • A few of the claims regarding Mormonism in this episode were at least semi-accurate. Joseph Smith allegedly translated 116 pages from the Book of Lehi, and when he could not reproduce the exact text, he claimed God was angry and would make him translate from the Book of Nephi, which was very similar but different. When questioning his newly found Mormon belief, Stan says that he learned in school that modern humans came out of Africa, not the Garden of Eden in Jackson County, Missouri, which Mormons believe is Adam-ondi-Ahman.
    • Additionally, there are many versions of how the pages got lost, Lucy hiding them due to being skeptical was just one version.
  • This episode is also sometimes called "All About the Mormons?".

References to Popular Culture


  • Randy checks if Mr. Harrison is a white man; a previous episode, "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000", satirizes how an attack on a minority immediately becomes a hate crime regardless of intent.


  • Heidi and Esther are seen playing together behind Gary. When the rest of boys are shown, the same girls are playing behind them, though they were seen on the opposite side of Gary.
  • When Stan is introduced to Gary's family, Gary's older sister is named Jenny, but during the family home evening, Gary's older brother refers to her as Sarah.
  • When Sharon and Randy talk after Stan comes back from Gary's, the two chairs on the ends of the table have no backs on them.
  • In the episode Stan has no idea who Joseph Smith is even though he met him in the episode "Super Best Friends".

Dubbing Changes

International Titles

Language Title Translation
Czech Všechno o mormonech All About Mormons
French Tout sur les mormons All About Mormons
German Mormonen machen sich was vor Mormons are kidding themselves
Hungarian Amit tudni akarsz a mormonokról What you want to know about the Mormons
Italian Tutto sui mormoni All About Mormons
Japanese ユタから来た転校生
(Yuta kara kita tenkōsei)
A transfer student from Utah
Polish Wszystko o mormonach All About Mormons
Spanish ¿Todo Sobre los Mormones? All About Mormons?

  712: "All About Mormons" edit
Story Elements

Joseph SmithGary Harrison • "Joseph Smith Was Called a Prophet" • Lucy Harris


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