Super Adventure Club

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June 2015 Featured Article Winner

The Super Adventure Club is a pedophilic travel group featured in the Season Ten episode, "The Return of Chef". The club travels the world in order to molest the native children of the countries they visit.

They are a parody of the Church of Scientology, with their bizarre and surreal beliefs, along with their practise of brainwashing new members.


The group was founded by William P. Phineas who was an explorer. Unfortunately, wherever he went he was always beaten by somebody else who had reached there first. He decided that if he couldn't be the first person to reach a place, then he could be the first to molest the native children. As he molested children, he discovered tiny things in children's bodies, called "marlocks", which would enter his body and provide him with "immortality" "so sayeth the ruler of Benthos", a mysterious monster only mentioned during the explanation. Phineas was hit by a train in 1892 which killed him, despite his "immortality".

The group is often confused with the Adventure Club. The difference is that that Adventure Club does not molest any children and only the Super Adventure club does.

William P. Phineas, the club's founder with several Aborigine children.

Despite appearing primitive and old fashioned, they actually have a good understanding of modern technology, which is seen when they resurrect Chef at the end of "The Return of Chef".

The club only appeared in "The Return of Chef" which featured the boys trying to turn Chef back to normal after he continued saying suggestive, pedophiliac things which had led to a police inquest at South Park Elementary. The boys discovered the club's ways and tried to undo the brainwashing that had been done to Chef. They succeeded, but the club found Chef again and hit him with a tranquilizer dart. Upon recapturing him, they made him choose whether he should return to South Park or remain with the club. He chose the latter but was killed when the bridge he was standing on was struck by lightning, leading to several injuries. The club managed to salvage his remains and resurrect him as Darth Chef.


They are an evil organisation, molesting children without shame, due to their ridiculously surreal beliefs about the supposed supernatural benefits of doing so. They use brainwashing methods to recruit new members to their insidious club. Their threats against the boys are also amusingly empty and unthreatening in nature, as they simply tell them that security will escort them off their premises if they refuse to leave, rather than them issuing threats of genuine harm.

Minor Characters from Season Ten
911 Operator | 911 Truth Webmaster | Adams County Pee-Wee Hockey Team | Al Gore | Allied Atheist Alliance (AAA) | Bart Simpson | Ben | Beth | Biggie Smalls | Brian Griffin | Cesar Millan | Deborah Carroll | Detective Jarvis | Detroit Red Wings | Fenton Hardly | Gary Coleman | Gavin Throttle | George Clooney | Hardly Boys | Jeffrey Dahmer | Jenkins the Griefer | Jo Frost | John Wayne Gacy | K-10 | Keenan Williams | Linda Triscotti | Little Boy with Big Glasses | Manatees | Mr. Jarvis | Mr. and Mrs. Brown | Mr. and Mrs. Triscotti | Ms. Stevenson | Nanny Skexis | Nelson Brown | Oprah Winfrey | Park County Pee-Wee Hockey Team | Peter Griffin | Ranger McFriendly | Richard Dawkins | Stella Reid | Super Adventure Club | Ted Bundy | Unified Atheist League (UAL) | United Atheist Alliance (UAA) | William P. Connelly | William P. Phineas | Yvonne Finnerty

More information: List of Minor Characters from Season Ten | Season Ten