PC Babies

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The PC Babies, Riley, Bailey, Harper, River, and Emory, are the children of PC Principal and Strong Woman after they had intercourse in "Splatty Tomato". In episodes, they are used as a device to reference the Snowflake Generation; young adults who are very politically correct and offended easily.


The PC Babies are quintuplets (three boys and two girls) with a spectrum of dirty blonde hair and blue eyes[2]. They all wear Oakley sunglasses with polarized lenses similar to their father.


As their name suggests, the PC Babies have inherited their father's political correctness, albeit to a much greater degree. They have a tendency to cry at anything even slightly offensive, or sometimes for no reason at all.

They are quite intelligent for their age, since they are currently able to walk and say a few words as well being able to walk through South Park without being supervised.



  • "The Problem with a Poo" - Strong Woman struggles to look after them on her own and refuses to allow PC Principal to act as a father figure to them.
  • "Buddha Box" - Both parents fall out while the babies protest on their own. Ultimately all become much more of a family albeit in secret.
  • "Bike Parade" - One of their songs is heard on the radio. They are later seen at the bike parade with their parents.
  • "Band in China" (mentioned only) - Have become a band and got their biopic which made over 100 million USD.
  • "Board Girls" - Get upset by gender stereotypes on TV and later hugs PC Principal knowing they grown up.
  • "Basic Cable" - Their show appears during the random streaming series scene.



  1. "South Park" Basic Cable (TV Episode 2019). IMDb.com.
  2. In Season 22 episode 3 "the problem with a poo" it is said that their eyes are blue
Minor Characters from Season Twenty-Two
Catholic Cleanup Crew | Elderly Woman with Blue-Gray Blouse | Hugh | Jeff Bezos | Josh Carter | Larry Zewiski | Man with Green Coat | Man with Orange Shirt | Mr. Zewiski | Mrs. Zewiski | PC Babies | Spinny Mountain Records Producer | Vaping Man

More information: Season Twenty-Two | List of Minor Characters from Season Twenty-Two