Make Love, Not Warcraft/Trivia

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This page contains trivia for "Make Love, Not Warcraft". Remember, trivia must be factual, provable, and it is always best to cite your source for not-so-obvious trivia. If you would like to dispute a trivia point, please discuss it in the talk page.


  • This episode was originally meant to air as episode 145, but due to a delay in the machinima animation, it aired as episode 147, with "ManBearPig" airing as episode 145 instead.
  • Blizzard Entertainment provided the gameplay footage of World of Warcraft for this episode.
  • Kyle says "Come on, we have to finish the quest in Stonehaven". Stonehaven is a town in North East Scotland. There is no area in World of Warcraft named Stonehaven.
  • This episode marks the first time Stan, Kyle, and Kenny are shown to gain weight.
  • Stan, Kyle, Eric and Kenny gains weight by playing Warcraft too long, However, they were return to normal in later episodes.
  • After comparing Clyde Donovan to the French, Cartman says to him "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, Clyde?" This translates into English as, "Would you sleep with me, Clyde?" and is taken from the Patti Labelle song, "Lady Marmalade".
  • In the Blizzard office, an object resembling a gold record is seen hanging on the wall and it has the Forsaken emblem on it.
    • Also in the Blizzard office, there are posters for Diablo II, Starcraft I's expansion: Brood War, and Warcraft III, all of which are other Blizzard games.
  • No female fourth graders participated in the game. However, Kyle and Jason's characters were female.
  • Jenkins' computer case contains a sticker with '1337' on it. '1337', pronounced 'leet', is a slang term meaning 'elite' and was commonly used in gaming communities.
    • Many other internet slang terms are used, such as 'retard', 'uber', 'pwn', and 'noob'.
  • During this episode's production, Jenkins was referred to as 'NWBZPWNR'.[1]
  • The character of 'He who has no life' is based on 'Joeyray Hall' the former Cinematic Director of Blizzard (1991-2014). He worked with Matt and Trey on the episode and they put him in the episode as the villain. The apartment he plays in even looks like his real life apartment.
  • In order to create overweight versions of the boys, the South Park Studios' Storyboard department had to draw them.[2]
    • Ironically enough, this episode is the only known instance in the show where the boys, who are usually disapproving of Cartman for his obesity, become just as obese as him. Additionally, they never comment on it.
  • For the Year of the Fan, fans considered this to be the best episode in the series.
  • This episode won multiple awards:
    • It made #1 of the Paramount Comedy's Top 10 in May 2007.
    • The episode won an Emmy Award for Outstanding Animated Program in 2007.[3]
    • This episode won the Creative Arts Emmy Award in September 2007.
  • This episode, along with "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe", "Scott Tenorman Must Die", "AWESOM-O", and "Major Boobage" are the only episodes on South Park Studios that are permanently free.
  • Classic Winds, a popular YouTuber, made an in depth video on killing boars in order to reach level 60. In the video, he went through each of the steps, and calculated that it is possible in Vanilla World of Warcraft to only kill boars to reach that level in just 18,058 boars (however this is not possible with only the boars in a single zone). He also intends on attempting the challenge in the near future.
  • This is the third and final episode in a row where it ends with Cartman at a different weight than his usual one.
  • This episode won the South Park Epic Episodes tournament, defeating "Scott Tenorman Must Die" in the final round.[4]

References to Popular Culture

  • The griefer has a cup with Jack Sparrow of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie series on it. It has also has 'Buccaneers of the Bahamas' written on it, a parody of the series' title.
  • The title of the episode is based on the 1960s slogan "Make love, not war".
  • This episode features a new remix of the theme tune, the backing music having been replaced by the track "Whamola", by Colonel Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade.[5]
  • Paul Stanley's song, "Live to Win", plays during the leveling montage. This was the song's world premiere.
  • The Blizzard Entertainment employee wearing the t-shirt with 'Dwarf Needs FOOD!' on it is a reference to the video game, Gauntlet.[6]
  • In the year following the airing of this episode, the game Hello Kitty Online announced an 'Island Adventure' expansion as an April Fools joke.[7]
    • In 2023, it became a real game.[8]
  • Cartman states half of all World of Warcraft players are Korean, a reference to the growing popularity of Starcraft, another Blizzard Entertainment game, in Korea.
  • Randy Marsh stealing the car is a reference to a game mechanic in the Grand Theft Auto game series.[9]
  • Cartman utters the chorus of Lady Marmalade when speaking about the French in World War II.

World of Warcraft References

  • The only characters who would benefit from Kyle's 'Arcane Brilliance' would be him and Kenny, because Stan and Cartman are both Warriors and do not have mana.
  • The boys' group has no characters with healing skills, which is considered vital in the actual game for any serious encounter, let alone a prolonged fight.
    • It is possible that Ike would fill the void as the fifth group member (groups in game are usually composed of five people), but that never happens in the episode.
  • The music that plays the first time all the boys fight Jenkins is the Orgrimmar theme.
  • All children and named characters in the episode belong to one faction (the Alliance).
  • Cartman, Stan, Kenny and Kyle play Warriors (both), Hunter and Mage respectively. Jenkins, judging by his most used attacks, plays a Mage. Other children mostly play these classes as well, with an exception of Ike and Timmy, who play as Priests.
  • Kyle's and Jason's are the only characters whose in-game gender does not match their real one.
  • There are many incongruities to the actual game:
    • Cartman references many Warrior abilities such as 'Intimidating Shout', 'Mocking Blow', and (Stan mentions him) stacking 'Sunder Armor', mentions how he is the "mightiest Dwarf in all of Azeroth", and even uses a two-handed mace, but his actual character is a Rogue which can seen from his computer during the training montage. Kenny is also a Rogue, also able to be viewed during the training montage. Both characters have Rogue abilities such as 'Sinister Strike' and 'Eviscerate', and have a yellow Energy bar instead of a red Rage bar (for Warriors) or a blue Mana bar (for Hunters).
      • While Rogues can use bows, they cannot use two-handed maces nor can they equip plate armor.
    • When Butters Stotch just creates a character, his character is wearing plate armor, just like Cartman's. However, back in the day, in the actual game plate armor was only available at level 40 or higher.
    • Randy and Kenny's characters are Hunters; however, at the time of the episode being created, human characters could not choose this class yet. In addition, Hunters cannot use shields, despite Randy's character wearing one at level two.
    • Jenkins has the ability to summon scorpions; this was indeed the conjurer's spell in Warcraft I, but it does not appear in World of Warcraft and non-conjurers do not actually perform the spell in Warcraft I.
    • It is continuously mentioned that players must agree to duel to be able to kill each other; in game, a duel only reduces the losing player to 1 health, and does not actually kill them. While there are several ways to kill players of the same faction in game, all of them require players to purposefully engage in such activity.
      • It's obviously not possible to kill, let alone, attack game master/admin characters either.
    • The boys would only have been able to train on boars for a short amount of time because after a certain level (roughly 10 levels higher than the boars' levels), they no longer give experience.
    • After the major fight, it's mentioned that Jenkins has killed 5000 players in Arathi Highlands. In the game itself, it is unusually high: such amount of characters in a single zone would, most likely, create a DDoS on the server.
    • Stan's real character name is "StanIsCool", but uppercase letters are not allowed for naming a character (outside of the first one, which is forced to be uppercase). When the Blizzard employees ask for "LUVS2SPWGE", this name would also not be allowed because it has a number, another invalid character type for naming.
    • When Kyle says he's casting 'Pyroblast', he mentions it has an 8-second cast time while during this episode, it only had a 6-second cast, regardless of his 'Arcane Fire' specialization.
    • When Cartman asks Stan about his cloak and recommends giving it to Kenny, nearly every piece of gear that has stats on it is permanently bound to the character (upon equipping it or even picking it up), so this would not be possible.
      • This would also make it impossible for Randy to give his son The Sword of a Thousand Truths since his character is seen wielding it (meaning it's equipped).
        • Furthermore, it's not necessarily possible for a single item to be uploaded from a player's computer into the game itself via a flash drive, but would have to be added to the game by Blizzard's development team, requiring a server restart to implement, and then would need to be applied to a vendor, enemy loot, in-game mail, or otherwise deliberately granted by a GM to Randy's character. This, of course, would've completely undermined the entire plot of the episode.
  • Of all characters, the one belonging to Ike wears the highest level armor (level 60 priest set named Devout). On the opposite, Timmy and Randy Marsh are the only players to have absolutely no items aside from starting gear equipped on their characters.
  • Jimmy's character wears glasses, which are not available to characters in game.
  • This episode features the heavy use of machinima (rendering the video with actual in-game graphics) for the scenes that show characters playing the game.
  • Following the airing of this episode, the Sword of a Thousand Truths was featured in the World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade beta test,[10] as a reward to the games arena system, though it did not have the same capabilities as stated in the show. The in-game caption read "Finely crafted to Salzman's specification".
    • The visual used for the Sword of a Thousand Truths in the episode was the same as the already existing in-game sword, The Hungering Cold.
    • The sword was renamed to Gladiator's Slicer and the in-game graphic changed prior to the launch of the Burning Crusade.
    • In the game's second expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, an updated version of The Hungering Cold was added for level 80 players with the name Slayer of the Lifeless. It again uses the same visual as the Sword of a Thousand Truths, and the item's flavor text states it was "Foretold by Salzman.". It is still available to this day.
    • Also in Wrath of the Lich King, there is a dagger whose name is an inverted reference to the Sword of a Thousand Truths called Heaven's Fall, Kyrss of a Thousand Lies, dropped from the 25-man version of The Lich King boss fight. The heroic version of the dagger has flavor text that reads, "A lying tongue hates those it crushes, but a flattering mouth works ruin." The item description itself is also a biblical reference to Proverbs 26:28.
    • In Shadowlands, an updated model version of the Sword of a Thousand Truths was made with the name The Devouring Cold, dropped from Kel'Thuzad boss fight in Sanctum of Domination raid.
  • The area all the boys fight Jenkins in for the first time is the Arathi Highlands, a level 30-40 zone.
  • An in-game achievement has been added to World of Warcraft called "Make Love, not Warcraft". In order to obtain it, a player must kill another player and emote a hug for the deceased before he has the chance to free his spirit.
  • This episode was created with the direct help of Blizzard, who offered Warcraft Alpha: Burning Crusade servers to create some parts of the episode.
    • Blizzard member, Joeyray Hall admitted that working for Trey and Matt was fun, but intimidating because, "It was kind of like 'Oh wow, it’s Matt and Trey - you know, South Park, yay!'" Joeyray continued on by saying that it was fun to do because Blizzard members had to create the South Park kids' WoW characters.[11]



  • Stan's character's name in the earlier part of the episode is "StanIsCool", seen above the health bar. Later, when the Blizzard employees attempt to deliver the Sword of a Thousand Truths, they ask for the name 'LUVS2SPWGE', though this may be because at the time, World of Warcraft accounts used an account name rather than an email address when logging on.[16]
  • During the training montage, the first rear-view shot of the boys playing in the computer lab show them in their obese state, yet the next cut shows the boys still in their usual appearance. This only occurs on the DVD release as well as on Hulu, while the TV release corrected the error in which it shows the boys in their normal state.
  • The boys do not get dark circles under their eyes during their training, despite going several days and nights without sleep.
  • During the training montage, Stan's character is shown getting 142 XP and gaining a level, despite Kyle claiming that Boars only give 2 XP a kill.
  • When Randy and the boardmen run out of his house they leave the door open, but in the close-up following the door is closed.
  • After Randy's character dies, Stan's shield disappears for a short period of time, and reappears after he says "You killed my father!"
    • The shield also switches from his left hand to his right hand.
  • In the Blizzard boardroom, a Game Master states the boys have gained 50 levels in 3 weeks. However, Cartman calculated it would take over 7 weeks to gain 30 levels. This may be because Cartman had made an error in his calculations.
  • During the final battle, Cartman tells the boys to target the scorpions. They are visible, however, that there are no scorpions in the battle on the boys' screens.
  • While Cartman defecated during the final battle, Stan disappears from his seat in front of the computer and his video game character continues to move.
  • Depending on where to watch this episode, the curtain rod of Jenkins' house flickers. Most notably when you watch this episode digitally online.

Kenny's Death

  • Although Kenny does not die in this episode, his World of Warcraft character dies twice. In the first instance, Stan and Kyle say their usual catchphrase for when Kenny dies. In the second instance, his character gets killed by one of the scorpions that Jenkins summoned.

Dubbing Changes

International Titles

Language Title Translation
Czech Věnuj se lásce, ne Warcraftu Devote Yourself to Love, Not Warcraft
Hungarian Világok harca The War of the Worlds
Italian Fate l'amore non Warcraft Make Love, Not Warcraft
Polish Czyń miłość, nie „Warcrafta” Act in Love, Not "Warcraft"
Portuguese (Brazil) Faça amor, não faça artefatos de guerra[note 1] Make Love, Not War craft
Spanish (Latin America) Haz el Amor, No el Warcraft Make Love, Not Warcraft
Spanish (Spain)
Ukrainian Займайтесь коханням, а не Warcraft'ом
(Zaymaytesʹ kokhannyam, a ne Warcraft'om)
Make Love, Not Warcraft


  1. Literal translation of "war craft"


  1. Although this bad guy is never named in the show, he’s referred to as "NWBZPWNR" throughout the script.. @SouthPark on
  2. To create fat, pimple-covered versions of the boys, we first have our Storyboard department draw it.. @SouthPark on
  3. This episode ("Make Love Not Warcraft") won the 2007 Emmy for Outstanding Animated Program. 2nd Emmy win, after "Best Friends Forever" in 2005.. @SouthPark on
  4. South Park on Twitter (October 15, 2021).
  5. Colonel Les Claypool's Fearless Flying Frog Brigade on Wikipedia.
  6. The Blizzard programmer wearing a T-shirt reading "Dwarf Needs FOOD!" references the videogame Gauntlet.. @SouthPark on
  7. Hello Kitty Island Adventure isn't real. But in '08, Hello Kitty Online announced an Island Adventure expansion game as an April Fools joke.. @SouthPark on
  8. A South Park meme is now a real Hello Kitty game.
  9. This scene with Stan’s dad stealing a car and beating up the driver was done a la GTA.. @SouthPark on
  10. This episode’s fictional Sword of a Thousand Truths showed up for reals, in an expansion of World of Warcraft.. @SouthPark on
  11. EPISODE 3.
  12. SouthPark easter eggs in Cartman’s basement: Clyde Frog, Peter Panda, Rumper Tumpskin, and of course, the Antonio Banderas blow-up doll.. @SouthPark on
  13. 13.0 13.1 In NWBZPWNR’s apartment, there's a model of a Zazul (demon from "Hell on Earth") & an Okama Gamesphere from "Towelie".. @SouthPark on
  14. Look at the kid playing the WoW demo. Notice anything? Yep, that's all Chinpoko Mon gear.. @SouthPark on
  15. We see a few boys’ rooms for the 1st time: Tweek has coffee & a scary clown; Clyde has a Playboy; and Token has a bass guitar.. @SouthPark on
  16. Stan’s character name in World of Warcraft is LUVS2SPWGE. Just thought you should know that.. @SouthPark on

  1008: "Make Love, Not Warcraft" edit
Story Elements

JenkinsBen ("Blizzard" Staff)World of Warcraft • "Live to Win" • Sword of a Thousand Truths


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