List of Upgrade Cards in South Park: Snow Day!

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The following is a compiled list of all Upgrade Cards in the game South Park: Snow Day!.

Upgrade Cards


Image Name Base Description Level Increase
Common Uncommon Rare Legendary Ultra Legendary
Absolute Zero Gravity Bomb's explosion freezes enemies for x seconds. +0.5
2 2.5 3 3.5 4
SPSD Back Stab.png
Back Stab You deal x% more damage from behind with your daggers. +12-13%
25% 50% 75% 100% 125%
SPSD Bad Blood.png
Bad Blood Damaging Bleeding enemies makes you x% more Pissed Off. +12-13%
25% 38% 50% 62% 75%
SPSD Beefcake.png
Beefcake Consuming Cheesy Poofs increases your Maximum Health by x%. +1%
2% 3% 4% 5% 6%
SPSD Big Boned.png
Big Boned Your Health total is x% larger, but with 10% less Stamina.
50% ?? ?? ?? ??
SPSD Bigger Bubble.png
Bigger Bubble Bubble Shield is x% bigger and does x damage in a burst when cast. +5%; 0
20; 12 30; 14 40; 16 50; 18 60; 20
SPSD Bitter Bounty.png
Bitter Bounty When using Pissed Off abilities, heal x% of what you spent as Health. +10%
20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
SPSD Bitter Bubble.png
Bitter Bubble When hit, the Bubble gains x seconds and makes you x% more Pissed Off. 0; +10%
1; 20% 2; 30% 3; 40% 4; 50% 5; 60%
Blast Anchor The Drone no longer moves, but deals x% more damage.
20% ?? ?? ?? ??
SPSD Blast Wave.png
Blast Wave Wand flame travel travels x% farther and recharges x% faster.
50%; 10% ?? ?? ?? ??
Bombing Run The Drone starts out by dropping a line of x bombs for x damage each.
3; 6 ?? ?? ?? ??
SPSD Bounding Blaze.png
Bounding Blaze The Staff orb bounces twice after impact, doing x% damage on hit. +8%
18% 34% 50% 66% 82%
Brainsplosion When Cheesing ends, the brain explodes for x damage within x meters.
20; 6 ?? ?? ?? ??
SPSD Bubble Bruiser.png
Bubble Bruiser The Bubble burns enemies inside it for x damage every x seconds. +1; 0
4; 0.9 4; 0.8 4; 0.7 4; 0.6 4; 0.5
Bug Zapper The Drone zaps for x damage within x meters until it explodes. +1; 0
3; 3 3; 4 3; 5 3; 6 3; 7
Butt Bash While fart-gliding, you can Fart Escape again to slam down for x% damage.
50% ?? ?? ?? ??
SPSD Chain Lightning.png
Chain Lightning The Wand costs Chain Lightning for x damage and chaining up to x times. +1; 0
4; 2 5; 3 6; 4 7; 5 8; 6
Cheesy Vampires Cheesed minions heal you for x% of the damage they deal. +10%
20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Cheesy Zombies Cheesing can now raise the dead and lasts for x seconds. +5
20 30 40 50 60
SPSD Counter Strike.png
Counter-Strike Melee attacks deal x% more for x seconds after a successful block. +12-13%; 0
12%; 3 25%; 4 ?? ?? ??
Dead Stop Bull Rush deals x% more damage but stops immediately on hit.
40% ?? ?? ?? ??
SPSD Defensive Perimeter.png
Defensive Perimeter When placed, the Tower generates x nearby mines that each do x damage. 0; +2
6; 6 8; 6 10; 6 12; 6 14; 6
SPSD Devastating Bubble.png
Devastating Bubble Bubble lasts x more seconds and you deal x% more damage while it's up. 0; +10%
1; 20% 2; 30% 3; 40% 4; 50% 5; 60%
Double Tap Double-tapping a target with the bow creates a x damage, x meter blast.
4; 3 ?? ?? ?? ??
SPSD Endless Anger.png
Endless Anger You generate x% more Pissed Off power than normal.
20% ?? ?? ?? ??
Event Horizon Projectiles absorbed by a Bomb deal x damage to all enemies inside. +1
4 6 8 10 12
Extended Aura Fart Escape deals x% more damage and pulls everyone inward. +20%
40% 60% 80% 100% 120%
SPSD Fire Elemental.png
Fire Elemental The Wand deals x% more damage, but will hit you on fire over time. +10%
50% 70% 90% 110% 130%
SPSD Flaming Balls.png
Flaming Balls The Tower now fires bursts of x flaming snowballs at x range. 0; +5
5; 20 6; 20 7; 20 8; 20 9; 20
SPSD Flying Daggers.png
Flying Daggers Dagger Dive does x more damage after x seconds in the air. +1; 0
4; 0.3 6: 0.25 8; 0.2 10; 0.15 12; 0.1
Gassy Glider Fart Escape shoots you up diagonally, and costs x% less. +5%
10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Gravity Boost Gravity Bomb is attached to you. You move x% faster while it's active.
50% ?? ?? ?? ??
SPSD Hemorrhage.png
Hemorrhage Your Daggers deal x% more damage against Bleeding enemies. +12-13%
12% 25% 38% 50% ??
SPSD Hurry-cane.png
Hurry-cane The Whirlwind attack makes you move x% faster and do x% more damage.
50%; 18% 70%; 35% 90%; 50% ?? ??
SPSD I'm Rubber.png
I'm Rubber Reflected projectiles explode on impact for x damage in x meter radius. +1; 0
6; 3 7; 3.5 8; 4 9; 4.5 10; 5
SPSD It's Pee.png
It's Pee Tainted payloads now leave x-meter pools that last for x seconds.
4; 5 ?? ?? ?? ??
SPSD Last Blast.png
Last Blast The Tower explodes when destroyed, dealing x damage within x meters. +10; 0
15; 3 20; 4 25; 5 30; 6 35; 7
SPSD Last Stand.png
Last Stand The lower your health, the more damage you do, up to x% at 1 health. +10%
50% 60% 70% 80% 90%
Leash Trained The Drone now follows you and heals you for x total Health over x seconds.
10; 9 ?? ?? ?? ??
Leeching Flames Full charged Staff orbs cost x Health, but steal x Health on hit. -0.5; +1
5; 2 5; 3 5; 4 ?? ??
Lingerer Fart Escape creates a gas cloud that lingers for x seconds. +1
8 10 12 14 16
Long Shot Your arrows stun distant enemies for x seconds and do x% more damage. 0; +12-13%
3; 25% 4; 50% 5; 75% 6; 100% 7; 125%
SPSD Molotov Cocktail.png
Molotov Cocktail When depleted, the Wand drops a molotov that deals x damage on detonation. +2
10 14 18 22 26
Multishot The Bow fires x additional arrows, each dealing x% less damage. 0; -6-7%
1; 75% 2; 69% 3; 62% 4; 56% 5; 50%
SPSD Napalm.png
Napalm Wand flames leave fire patches that last x seconds and deal x damage. 0; +1
3; 2 4; 3 5; 4 6; 5 7; 6
SPSD Omni Block.png
Omni Block Block Tokens recover x% faster, heal you for x, and work from any angle. +5%; 0
10%; 4 20%; 5 30%; 6 40%; 7 50%; 8
SPSD Opposing Aura.png
Opposing Aura Enemies inside the Totem's range take x% more damage. +10%
20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
SPSD Paragon.png
Paragon Melee weapons deal x% more damage when your Health is full. +5%
40% 50% 60% 70% 80%
SPSD Pocket Pirate.png
Pocket Pirate Enemies drop x% more Cheesy Poofs. +10%
30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
Prime Volley The Staff can double charge for a x% larger explosion and x% more damage.
20%; 25% ?? ?? ?? ??
SPSD Pulsing Aura.png
Pulsing Aura Totem pulse now deals x damage.It now pulses every x seconds. +1; 0
4; 0.95 5; 0.9 6; 0.85 7; 0.8 8; 0.75
Reviving Aura Totems can now revive allies like players do, and go x% faster. +10%
20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Ricochet Arrows bounce x times to nearby enemies, dealing x damage each time. 0; +1
1; 2 2; 3 3; 4 4; 5 5; 6
Rough Ride Bull Rush heals you for x when it hits an enemy.
4 ?? ?? ?? ??
SPSD Rubber Bubble.png
Rubber Bubble When the Bubble reflects a projectile, it deals x damage to the attacker. +2
8 12 16 20 24
Running Start Bull Rush deals x% more damage after rushing for x seconds.
60%; 0.4 ?? ?? ?? ??
SPSD Safety Bubble.png
Safety Bubble The Bubble Shield heals x health to all allies inside of it every x seconds. +1; 0
2; 0.9 3; 0.8 4; 0.7 5; 0.6 6; 0.5
SPSD Second Wind.png
Second Wind You move x% faster for x seconds after taking damage. ??
?? ?? ?? ?? ??
SPSD Shield Charge.png
Shield Charge Your Dodge is replaced with a Shield Charge that deals x damage. +2
6 8 10 12 14
SPSD Shockwave.png
Shockwave The Air Slam becomes a radial blast that does x damage within x meters.
4; 4 ?? ?? ?? ??
SPSD Shredder.png
Shredder The Whirlwind charges x% faster and can charge twice to spin longer. +5%
10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Sour Cheese Cheesed enemies now deal x% more damage. +20%
60% 100% 140% 180% 220%
SPSD Square Scrounger.png
Square Scrounger Enemies drop x% more Toilet Paper. +10%
50% 70% 90% 110% 130%
Static Blast Gravity Bomb stays put, detonates x% sooner, and has a x% larger radius. +10%; 0
10%; 20% 10%; 40% 10%; 60% 10%; 80% 10%; 100%
Stinky Shaft The Charged Shot creates a x-meter Gross Out cloud for x seconds. 0; +1
6; 4 7; 6 8; 8 9; 10 10; 12
SPSD Suck Ass.png
Suck Ass Fart Escape deals x% more damage and pulls everyone inward. +10%
20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
SPSD Tesla Coil.png
Tesla Coil The Wand casts Tesla Coil, dealing x damage in a x meter radius. 0; +0.25
3; 3 4; 3.5 5; 4 6; 4.5 7; 5
SPSD Thirsty Cleaver.png
Thirsty Cleaver Your max Health drops by x%, but you Air Slam changes to heal x on hit. 0; +1
50%; 4 45%; 6 40%; 8 35%; 10 30%; 12
Three-Way The Staff now fires 3 orbs, each with x% reduced damage.
74% 66% 58% 50%
SPSD Thunderstruck.png
Thunderstruck The Air Slam now creates x new blast(s) in a line, each doing x damage.
1; 4 ?? ?? ?? ??
SPSD Vortex.png
Vortex The Whirlwind is x% bigger, does x% more damage, and pulls enemies in. +10%; 0
110%; 18% 120%; 35% 130%; 50% ?? ??
Wall Slam Bull Rush only deals damage when slamming into a wall, but deals x% more. +20%
40% 60% 80% 100% 120%


Image Name Description
SPSD Baby Bombs.png
Baby Bombs When bombs land, they launch cute little baby bombs.
SPSD Bad Medicine.png
Bad Medicine Enemy clerics drop Damage Totems when they heal.
BBQ Melee enemies deal Fire damage.
SPSD Blowback.png
Blowback When Shield Bearers block, they create a damaging shockwave around them.
SPSD Bully Rush.png
Bully Rush Bruiser grab attacks apply Bleeding.
SPSD Cold Shoulder.png
Cold Shoulder Enemies radiate cold. Chilling nearby New Kids.
SPSD Cooties.png
Cooties! Melee enemies deal Gross Out damage.
SPSD Death Totem.png
Death Totem When they die, Clerics drop Damage Totems that must be destroyed.
SPSD Elixirs.png
Elixirs Enemies carry Cheesy Poofs and can self-heal 2 times.
SPSD Fecalmancer.png
Fecalmancer Dead enemies will sometimes fart noxious fumes when approached.
SPSD Frost Arrows.png
Frost Arrows Ranger arrows create cold zones where they land.
SPSD Invisible Allies.png
Invisible Allies When Assassins go invisible, nearby enemies also become invisible.
SPSD Nuh Uh.png
Nuh-Uh! Enemies are invulnerable for 5 to 10 seconds on combat start.
SPSD Pink Eye.png
Pink Eye Enemy melee attacks briefly obscure your vision.
SPSD Rapid Fire.png
Rapid Fire Rangers shoot 3 arrows in a burst.
SPSD Roided Brawlers.png
Roided Brawlers Melee enemies have 30% more Health.
SPSD Roll Reaper.png
Roll Reaper Assassins steal 5 Toilet Paper per hit.
SPSD Slice N Dice.png
Slice N' Dice Melee enemies' attacks cause Bleeding.
SPSD Sneaky Blessings.png
Sneaky Blessings Enemies healed by Clerics become invisible for 4 seconds.
SPSD Spirit Walk.png
Spirit Walk Assassins are immune to damage while invisible.
SPSD Stale Snacks.png
Stale Snacks Cheesy Poofs heal 30% less Health.
SPSD Temper Tantrum.png
Temper Tantrum At 20% Health, Bruisers deal more damage and attack more often.
SPSD Vampiric Weggie.png
Vampiric Weggie Assassins fully heal when they successfully Jockey a player.
SPSD Vigorous Volley.png
Vigorous Volley Ranged enemies have 30% more Health.
SPSD Wiper Inflation.png
Wiper Inflation All Toilet Paper costs are 40% higher.

Dark Ritual Cards

Image Name Description Effects
Bottomless "Your innate powers of deception are rekindled once more." Replenish all x expended Bullshit uses.
King of Tentacles "The path of fortune unfurls before you." Grants 100 Toilet Paper.
Non-Conformist "Your spells are elevated towards their zenith." Raise the Level of all your Upgrade Cards by 1.
Prince of Ravens "Surrender to the darkness, and let its potential fill the void within you." Grants 20 Dark Matter.
The Devil "Power is sacrificed to the swirling abyss, and your reward is darkness." Sacrifice <random card> for 60 Dark Matter.
The Hanged Man "The offering stone consumes a spell, channeling its gifted power." Sacrifice <random card> to max the Level of all your other Upgrade Cards
Wheel of Posers "Power yearns to show its true potential." Raise the Rarity of the <random card>.

Bullshit Cards


Image Name Description Uses
SPSD Invisibility.png
Invisibility You become invisible and heal up while cloaked. 2
SPSD Laser Eyes.png
Laser Eyes Blast enemies with laser beams from your eyes. 3
SPSD Meteor Storm.png
Meteor Storm Meteors fall from the sky onto your enemies. 2
SPSD Moon Jump.png
Moon Jump You can jump higher, run forever, and more faster. 5
SPSD Radioactive Goo.png
Radioactive Goo Your entire team emits noxious fumes to Gross Out enemies. 2
SPSD Summon Minions.png
Summon Minions Summon a cadre of Chaos Minions that fight for you. 3
SPSD Super Size.png
Super Size Become huge and bodyslam fools, or do area damage by jumping on enemies. 3


Image Name Description
SPSD Bubble Shield.png
Bubble Shield Enemies get healing bubble shields.
SPSD Kid Cannon.png
Kid Cannon Launchers fling explosive swarmers instead of bomb.
SPSD Laser Swords.png
Laser Swords Some Swarmers attack acrobatically with Laser Swords.
SPSD Miss-Fire.png
Miss-Fire Ranged weapon spit out nonsense
SPSD Noodled.png
Noodled Your melee weapons become useless.
SPSD PoopyTrap.png
PoopyTrap You shit fully-armed explosives.
SPSD Projectile Hellstorm.png
Projectile Hellstorm Rangers fire volleys of explosive arrows.
SPSD Reanimate.png
Reanimate Dead enemies come back to life.
SPSD Vampires.png
Vampires Swarmers become hovering vampires who summon blood-hungry bat clouds.