It's The Hard Knock Life

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"It's The Hard Knock Life" is a song from the musical Annie. It was featured in the Season Twenty-Three episode, "Mexican Joker".


Don't it feel like the wind is always howling
Don't it feel like there's never any light
Santa Claus never comes for me
Santa Claus no está aquí


  • "Santa Claus no está aquí" means "Santa Claus is not here", but the original lyrics say "Santa Claus what's that? who's he?" which should be translated as "Santa Claus ¿Qué es eso? ¿Quién es (él)". In the Spanish version of the film there were several versions: in the 1999 version of the movie the verse said "Santa Claus no está, tú sí" ("Santa Claus is not here, you are") and in the 2014 the verse was translated as "Santa Claus, jamás lo vi" ("Santa Claus, I have never saw him").

Songs from Season Twenty-Three
Blue Christmas | China | Fingerbang | Give Up the Funk (Tear the Roof off the Sucker) | Go Strong Woman, Go | I Am the Best | I Wanna Get High | It's The Hard Knock Life | Jimmy Crack Corn | Kay Thompson's Jingle Bells | L'eyefull Shower | Marry Me | Pass The Dutchie | Second Skin | She Blinded Me with Science | Silent Night | Smokin' Cheeba Cheeba | The Holiday Season | Turn This Mutha Out | Useless Sacrifice

See also: List of Songs | List of Minor Characters from Season Twenty-Three | Season Twenty-Three