Internet Scientists

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The Internet Scientists are a group of workers who maintain the internet. They appear in the Season Twelve episode, "Over Logging".


Following nationwide shortage of internet, the US military pays a visit to the internet facility to find out what had happened. The scientist on-site presents to them a colossal internet router with a flashing orange light, and explains that it should have a solid green light to denote a working internet. A few other scientists attempt to communicate with the router to no avail.

The internet was eventually restored when Kyle pulls out the router's plug, then plugging back in.


The lead scientist has a messy brown hair and several freckles on his face. He wears a blue collared shirt with a "Tech support" tag and brown pants, and a pair of rectangle-framed glasses.

Other workers wear a full yellow body suit with black gloves and the "Tech support" tag, white lab coats with protective goggles, or gray coats with gray helmets.


Minor characters from Season Twelve
Afro Ninja | Amir | Britney Spears | Bridon Gueermo | Bubb Rubb | Buca De Faggoncini Chef | The Burger King Bandits | Cheesing King | Chris Crocker | DEA Agents | Domino | Dramatic Look Gopher | Dr. Carroll | Female Thief | Franz | Gary Brolsma | Guinea Creatures | Indiana Jones | Injured Thief | Jimmy Buffett | John McCain | Large-Breasted Woman | Laughing Baby | Magic Johnson | Michael Chertoff | Michelle Obama | Moira McArthur | Mr. Garrett | Mr. Gueermo | Mr. McArthur | Mr. Thompson | Mrs. Gueermo | Murderin' Murphy | Orlich | Pioneer Paul | Sarah Palin | Sheriff McLawdog | Sneezing Panda | South Park Vampire Society | Star Wars Kid | Stephen Abootman | Storehand | Stormtroopers | Tay Zonday | Thief with Brown Hair | Tron Guy | Vosky

More information: List of Minor Characters from Season Twelve | Season Twelve