Laughing Baby

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William Nilsson is a Swedish internet celebrity known for starring in the Laughing Baby YouTube video as an infant.


He appears in the episode "Canada on Strike" as one of the internet celebrities waiting for their theoretical payments. After events heat up, he laughs while the other internet celebrities bloodily fight and kill each other. The baby's ultimate fate is not shown. Both Laughing Baby and Jessica Rose are the only survivors of the internet celebrity brawl.


Laughing Baby is animated almost exactly as he is in real life. He wears white teddy-bear pajamas, black shoes, and a blue bib with a small attached trough. He has short blonde hair and a circular head. He has no other distinguishing features.

See Also

Minor characters from Season Twelve
Afro Ninja | Amir | Britney Spears | Bridon Gueermo | Bubb Rubb | Buca De Faggoncini Chef | The Burger King Bandits | Cheesing King | Chris Crocker | DEA Agents | Domino | Dramatic Look Gopher | Dr. Carroll | Female Thief | Franz | Gary Brolsma | Guinea Creatures | Indiana Jones | Injured Thief | Jimmy Buffett | John McCain | Large-Breasted Woman | Laughing Baby | Magic Johnson | Michael Chertoff | Michelle Obama | Moira McArthur | Mr. Garrett | Mr. Gueermo | Mr. McArthur | Mr. Thompson | Mrs. Gueermo | Murderin' Murphy | Orlich | Pioneer Paul | Sarah Palin | Sheriff McLawdog | Sneezing Panda | South Park Vampire Society | Star Wars Kid | Stephen Abootman | Storehand | Stormtroopers | Tay Zonday | Thief with Brown Hair | Tron Guy | Vosky

More information: List of Minor Characters from Season Twelve | Season Twelve

Internet Celebrities
Afro NinjaBubb RubbChris CrockerDramatic Look GopherLaughing BabyLonelygirl15Numa Numa GuyPewDiePieSneezing PandaStar Wars KidTalking CatTay ZondayThe Back Dorm BoysTron Guy
More Information: Internet Celebrities