Call Girl

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Call Girl

Call Girl is the superhero alter-ego of Wendy Testaburger. She made her debut appearance in South Park: The Fractured But Whole.


Before officially committing as a member of the Freedom Pals, Call Girl worked alone, keeping herself above the civil war in favor of investigating the larger crisis gripping South Park. She forms a strong bond with the New Kid, believing that they are the only one who understands the larger situation besides her; as such, she often looks out for their well-being and helps them when she can. If the New Kid is female, she even gives her a friendship bracelet beside the park bathroom before setting out on the (You Can) Call on Me mission.

Call Girl seems to have unprecedented abilities, as she can actually hack into security systems, aiding in breaching U-STOR-IT when all the gates shut and locked, making her have abilities that aren't imaginary.

Call Girl's relationship with the other heroes is somewhat unstable; depending on the situation, she can be trying to keep them on track, mildly flirting with them, or mocking some of their quirks (such as claiming that Kyle had a much cooler costume in The Stick of Truth or taking a selfie with a hysterical Mosquito in the background with the caption "Boys are kinda cute when they cry. #sorrynotsorry").


Call Girl wears a pink mask over her eyes and a headset on her left ear. She also wears a purple tank-top with a white strap that holds her cell phones and other gadgets, pink gloves, a pink skirt and pink shoes. Befitting her theme, she often uses social media slang and internet terminology in battle.


Call Girl first appears during the Raisins Girls' ambush of the New Kid, using her hacking abilities to troll the Raisins Girls and scare them into retreat. She comments that the New Kid has made powerful enemies thanks to their bust of the Italian mafia the previous night, warning them that someone is uniting the crime families in a bid to become mayor of South Park. She assures the New Kid that they can rely on her assistance when necessary before leaving to continue searching for clues on social media.

Call Girl returns during Night 2, appearing on the roof before Coon and Friends during their infiltration of U-STOR-IT. She reminds them that someone is uniting every criminal element in South Park for a nefarious purpose before reassuring them that she'll be there to help them when they get into trouble; The Coon, however, was unimpressed, commenting that "apparently anyone can become a superhero now." Nevertheless, Call Girl stuck to her word, provided clues to uncover the secrets. Call Girl also showed up and joined Coon and Friends in battle when they uncovered the Methheads' operation to harvest cat urine to taint the drugs and alcohol of South Park. She was an available combat buddy ever since.

The day after the defeat of Professor Chaos, Call Girl asked for the New Kid's help in renewing her phone's data plan after it was mysteriously cancelled. When they went to D-Mobile, they found that the staff had been replaced by Crab People, forcing them to defeat the Crabs and their manager, King Crab; afterwards, Call Girl firmly allied herself with the New Kid for future missions. This came in handy when Doctor Timothy turned Coon and Friends against the New Kid following the defeat of Shub-Niggurath; Call Girl and Professor Chaos were the only ones completely unaffected by the mind control, allowing them to assist their friend in the resulting brawl. Call Girl didn't appear during the entire process of the alliance between two sides, she also had no role at all in the franchise plan which Doctor Timothy had created.

After The Coon betrayed the newly united heroes under the guise of Mitch Conner, Call Girl began tracing the calls he made to the New Kid, eventually triangulating the villain's location at the South Park Community Center, where everyone found the Coon.

Call Girl worked with the Freedom Pals during the genetics lab mission. She was frightened when the incidents happened. She also pushed Doctor Mephesto to install an app that operates the tour tram; this attempt failed as the lab is a D-Mobile dead zone. When Mitch Conner revealed his seven-step plan to the Freedom Pals, Call Girl stealthily took a photo with her phone.

Ten days later, when the Freedom Pals reached the mayor's office, only to discover that Mitch Conner had been sworn into office, Call Girl was in shock and was the first to concede defeat.

Call Girl fought with the New Kid when they traveled back to the first day, trying to convince the past kids that what the future-selves were doing was more than a game, however, nobody listened and Clyde even showed his disgust regarding Call Girl's words, saying "This is why we didn't have girls to play in the first place." She joined the New Kid, Human Kite, and Mysterion in battle against High Jew Elf Kyle (while commenting on how much cooler Kyle looked back then, to Human Kite's annoyance).

During Mitch Conner's final attempt to inaugurate himself as mayor, Call Girl asked the New Kid to upload the photos containing the plans of Mitch Conner.


  • Medicinal Fried Fiasco - Saves the New Kid from the Raisins Girls' ambush by trolling them on social media.
  • The Hundred Hands of Chaos - Helps Coon and Friends and Toolshed to defeat the methheads, becomes an available combat buddy from that point forward.
  • (You Can) Call on Me - Asks the New Kid for help to restore her Data plan. Saves D-Mobile from the Crab People.
  • The Thin White Line - Infiltrates in the South Park Police Department alongside the Freedom Pals. (despite not showing up in the cutscenes) Helps The New Kid and Professor Chaos in the battle against Dr. Timothy.
  • To Catch a Coon - Searches for The Coon and Mitch Conner's exact ubications.
  • The Many Asses of Dr. Mephesto - Goes to Dr. Mephesto's laboratory alongside the Freedom Pals in order to stop Mitch Conner's plans.
  • Farts of Future Past - Goes back in time alongside the Freedom Pals in order to stop the rise of Mitch Conner. Is a mandatory party member in the fight against High Jew Elf Kyle.


Call Girl is a versatile character who is effective at most ranges. Her Selfie-Stick Strike is a powerful melee attack that can make it tougher for the victim to move around; alternately, she can use her Blocked ability to draw a foe's attention to her. At long range, she can damage and weaken foes with Phone Destroyer, one of the few attacks in the game that can hit at any range. Finally, her ultimate attack is lethally effective against groups of enemies; if there is only one or a few, however, Phone Destroyer is usually a better option, as Flash Mob doesn't take very much health.

Most of Call Girl's abilities can inflict Defense Down on their targets, increasing the damage she and her allies inflict on them. She also has high health, making her a good choice for most fights. Her main weakness is crowd control; aside from her Ultimate, all of her abilities target a single enemy.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Superhero
Call Girl Information
Portrait callgirl.png Class Gadgeteer
Health Stats mc health.png
Move Stats mc movement.png 2
Description A gadgeteer and white-hat hacker with a heart of gold. Call Girl viciously trolls crime on social media and IRL. Equally adept at doxing, trolling and debuffing.
List of abilities
Ability Range Attribute Effect Status
Callgirl power4.png
Flash Mob
Damage and Defense Down to all foes.
Roomwide.png Stats mc nondmg.png

422.5% Damage

325% Damage

242.75% Damage

195% Damage

Icon defensedown.png Defense Down
Callgirl power1.png
Selfie-Stick Strike
Whack a foe and apply Slow.
Melee.png Stats mc brawn.png

422.5% Damage

325% Damage

242.75% Damage

195% Damage

Icon encumbered.png Slow
Callgirl power2.png
Phone Destroyer
Damages and inflicts Defense Down.
Roomwide st.png Stats mc nondmg.png

273% Damage

210% Damage

157.5% Damage

126% Damage

Icon defensedown.png Defense Down
Callgirl power3.png
Gain Block and Enrage a foe.
3 range st los alt.png Stats mc nondmg.png
None Icon enraged.png Enraged
Icon blocking.png Blocking


  • Call Girl has many mobile devices, way more than two. And due to her providing a cell phone to the New Kid during The Hundred Hands of Chaos, the latter actually now has more than one mobile device, different from others in the group.
  • Surprisingly not pointed out by any of the characters, a "call girl" is a euphemism for a prostitute (literally "a girl ordered by phone"). This play of words may be deliberate on Wendy's part.
    • Interestingly, the literal meaning of this name in English (a girl that is good at calling) is largely lost in other languages, leaving only the prostitute part in the name.
  • Call Girl's ultimate ability involves a mobile app called "Chinpokomon Go", a parody of Pokémon Go.
  • Call Girl's Phone Destroyer attack is a direct reference to South Park: Phone Destroyer, a mobile app produced for South Park that was released in the same year as South Park: The Fractured but Whole. Henrietta even acknowledges this, as when Call Girl uses her Phone Destroyer attack, Henrietta will comment on it being a corporate tie-in.
  • Unlike the other heroes on Coonstagram, Call Girl has a separate account for herself.

International Names

Language Title Remarks
French Rabatteuse
Italian Ragazza Squillo
Polish Dziewczyna na Telefon
Portuguese (Brazil) Disque-Mulher
Spanish (Latin America) La Escort
Spanish (Spain) Escort
Playable Fractured But Whole Characters
The Amazing Butthole | The Coon | Mysterion | Professor Chaos | Human Kite | Toolshed | Fastpass | Mosquito | Tupperware | Super Craig | Wonder Tweek | Call Girl | Captain Diabetes | Henrietta | Mintberry Crunch

More information: Games Portal | All FBW Characters | South Park: The Fractured But Whole