An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig/Trivia

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This page contains trivia for "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig". Remember, trivia must be factual, provable, and it is always best to cite your source for not-so-obvious trivia. If you would like to dispute a trivia point, please discuss it in the talk page.


  • This episode was originally intended to be titled "An Elephant Fucks a Pig", but Comedy Central had advised Parker and Stone that foul language is not allowed on episode titles, so they were forced to reword the title to "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig". This was revealed in Parker and Stone's fireside chats.
  • With the exception of the Season One Blu-ray set, this is the only episode that uses the Season One South Park Theme on the new HD remastered airings of episodes.
  • Unlike other episodes, Trey and Matt did not describe this episode to be their favorite during Fireside Chats.
  • In an early draft of the episode (with it's original title), Terrance Mephesto was originally named "Twyla".
  • This episode contains one of the first mentions of Cartman's mom's promiscuity. It also sheds a little light on Cartman's behavior possibly stemming from sexual abuse by Cartman's mom (such as being forced to dress like a mailman). Although the fact that Cartman rants about his mom "having sex with some guy I don't even know on my dad's bed" when Cartman has no father has been taken by some to imply that Cartman is simply going on a bizarre rant with no connection to reality, this reference is likely due to the fact that the creators had simply not decided that Mrs. Cartman was a single parent at this point of the series.
  • Half of a scene that takes place in the lunchroom appears in the same frame-by-frame construction paper cut-out style that the pilot episode was shot in. The style is notably different from the rest of the episode, including a noticeable difference in voices, mouth movement, scene coloring, and character positioning. The reason for this is that the scene was originally part of the pilot, but was cut for time and then inserted into this episode. This scene was retouched and reanimated when the episode got remastered in HD. The reanimated scene still closely matches the design cues of the original stop-motion scene, making it feel somewhat out of place compared to the rest of the episode while being more consistent with the animation method used.
  • Although he was first introduced in "Volcano", this episode reveals that Randy is Stan's father.
  • Mephesto is revealed in this episode to be a Buddhist. ("Oh, thank Buddha I found you boys!")
  • According to Mr. Garrison, Terrance Mephesto is one of the best students (A+) in class, along with Kyle.
  • It is revealed by Kyle in this episode that Cartman does not get a grade higher than a D.
  • Kevin Stoley is called "Casey" by Mr. Garrison.
  • Shelly is based on Trey Parker's real sister, Shelly, who is three years older. When they were kids she used to beat Trey up, lock him out of the house, and once even threw him down a flight of stairs.
  • Clones later appeared in the South Park video game, in the second level "A Clone Of Your Own".
  • This episode was the debut of Shelly and Stan's mother, Sharon Marsh, as well as Terrance Mephesto and Dr. Alphonse Mephesto and the second appearance of Randy Marsh after his debut in "Volcano" who is identified here as Stan's father.
  • This is the first episode in which Bebe is voiced by Jennifer Howell.
  • The four-assed monkey's grunting sounds like that of Ned.
  • Cartman says that he would never let a girl kick his ass in this episode. However, eleven years later in "Breast Cancer Show Ever", he gets his ass kicked by Wendy.

References to Popular Culture

  • This episode was likely inspired in part by Dolly the sheep, who was the first successfully cloned mammal. Dolly was created on July 5, 1996 and died on February 14, 2003.
  • Cartman tells Kyle to go back to San Francisco "with the rest of the Jews." Cartman likely has the Jewish mixed up with Hippies, another group that he hates. The Hippie movement still endures, or is at least a common stereotype associated with San Francisco. Kyle actually does move to San Francisco later in the episode "Smug Alert!."
    • This is the first time in the series that Cartman rips on Kyle for being Jewish.
  • The character Mephesto is a parody of actor Marlon Brando, who played the role of Dr. Moreau (a genetic engineer) in the 1996 film adaptation of the story The Island of Dr. Moreau. This is shown more obviously in "Cartman Joins NAMBLA" when he is part of the North American Marlon Brando Look-Alikes (NAMBLA).
  • According to both Dr. Mephesto and Chef there is a song by the band Loverboy titled Pig and Elephant DNA Just Won't Splice. In real life, Matt Stone and Trey Parker's band, DVDA, recorded the song with Loverboy.
  • The fetal Stan clone in the incubator in Mephesto's lab resembles the baby fetus depicted at the end of the film 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  • While singing the song "Love Gravy", Chef is backed up by singer Elton John. This is an impersonation, and it parodies his singing style specifically his singing of the song Can You Feel the Love Tonight which was featured in the 1994 Disney film The Lion King. The song was re-written as 'Tonight is right for love' on the Chef Aid album with MeatLoaf taking the place of Elton. Ironically, Elton had his own song ('Wake Up Wendy') on the album too. Elton John is present later in the series as a mourner at Chef's funeral in the episode "The Return of Chef"
  • Officer Barbrady suggests that the boys have seen too many episodes of the X-Files.
  • Pip is directly from Charles Dickens' Great Expectations (Philip Pirrip). He quotes from the first paragraph of the book.
  • The last line of the show, "That'll do, pig," is from the movie Babe after Babe wins the contest.


  • Mephesto is seen taking blood from Stan, but Stan's sleeve was covering his arm. It is realistically impossible to take blood from the arm if there is a sleeve in the way.
  • Throughout the episode, Terrance talked in a fairly high, child's voice. However, when he presents the 'five-assed monkey', he has a deep, evil villain kind of voice.
  • The next day when the pig gives birth, Kenny is in the class, when he had died, but this is probably because it was another day. He then disappears when the class look at the Garrison like pig.
  • When Stan's picture appears in the news report, part of his puffball is covered up by his hat.
  • At the beginning of the episode, Stan has a black eye from getting beat up by Shelly, but later when he is getting on the bus, his eye appears to be normal as if it never happened.
  • Kevin is seen giving his presentation in class, but is also seen in his seat in the next shot.
  • Pip has British ancestry, but Cartman says he is French. This is either because Pip's characters are not established yet, or just Cartman's mistake.
  • The ending of the episode has Wendy and Butters check out the boys' experiment in class, but they do not appear in desk shots.
  • Both Pip and Terrance are seen in close-ups in the classroom. However, they are not seen in long shots of it.
  • When the kids first notice the Garrison-like pig, Wendy's clothes are not properly layered, which causes her pants to overlap her coat.

Kenny's Death

  • The Stan Clone knocks Kenny into a microwave with a chair. He is then cooked by the microwave. Later in the scene where Stan is getting attacked by Shelly once again, the rats take his corpse away.

Hidden Visitor(s)


On the "Our Pets" pegboard in the upper center there is the head of a visitor.

Deleted Scene

There is a deleted scene where Shelly sets Stan on fire and dumps water on him three times, hence why there is a puddle of water under him. The scene was removed in fear that children would attempt to repeat the action in real life (like with the Beavis and Butt-Head episode, "Comedians"), even though South Park is not recommended for children. The deleted scene can be found on some video websites however.

In the original broadcast version of the episode, the puddle remained underneath Stan in the next shot that was not cut, when he warns Shelly he will be bigger than her one day; in the remastered version, the puddle is removed.

Dubbing Changes

International Titles

Language Title Translation
Cantonese 象豬交合
(zoeng6 zyu1 gaau1 hap6)
Elephant/Pig mating
Czech Slon miluje svini The elephant loves the pig
Finnish Norsu rakastelee possun kanssa An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig
French Un éléphant fait l'amour à un cochon An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig
German Tanz der Mutanten Dance of the Mutants
Hungarian Szerelem Fáni és Malac között Love between the Elephant and the pig
Italian Un elefante fa l'amore con una maiala An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig
Japanese カイルの象、豚とメイク・ラブ
(Kairu no zō, buta to meiku rabu)
Kyle's elephant and a pig make love
Latvian Zilonis mīlējās ar cūku An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig
Mandarin Chinese 凶狠雪泥VS屎蛋複製人&基因改造大象豬
(Xiōnghěn xuě ní VS shǐ dàn fùzhì rén & jīyīn gǎizào dà xiàng zhū)
Fierce Shelley vs. Stan Clone and genetically modified elephant pig
Polish Słoń puka świnię The elephant knocks the pig
Portuguese (Brazil) O elefante faz amor com um porco An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig
Russian Слон занимается любовью со свиньёй An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig
Spanish (Latin America) Un elefante hace el amor con una cerda An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig
Spanish (Spain) Ingeniería genética Genetic engineering
Ukrainian І покохав слон свиню And the elephant loved the pig


  • When Garrison is talking about how genetic engineering allows God's mistakes to be corrected, he cites other people or people groups instead of "German people" as an example:
  • Stan's estimate for his clone's weight is converted to metric in:
    • German: 2 tonnes (4409 lbs)
    • Hungarian, Portuguese (Brazil) and Spanish (Latin America; 1st): 200 kg (441 lbs)
    • Italian (2nd): 400 kg (882 lbs)
    • Spanish (Latin America; 2nd): 82 kg (181 lbs)
  • When Stan approaches Officer Barbrady for help, the former does not address Barbrady by name in the Latin Spanish (1st) and Ukrainian dubs.
  • No references to X-Files are brought up by Officer Barbrady in the Mandarin Chinese and Latin Spanish (1st) dubs, instead quoting the general term of "science fiction shows".
  • In the aftermath of South Park's destruction, no specific punishment is threatened towards Stan in the Italian (2nd) and Latin Spanish (2nd) dubs.
  • In the German, Italian (2nd) and Latin Spanish (2nd) dubs, Cartman tells Stan he wants to eat cake instead of pie before ditching Stan in helping him clean up the house.


  • Officer Barbrady's line after being thrown into the pond is turned unintelligible.


  • Changes to Cartman's taunts:
    • "Hey, why don't you stop dressin' me up like a cretin..."
  • When the boys are looking for the clone, Stan estimates his clone's weight to be a nonsensical "two meters".


  • In the aftermath of South Park's destruction, Mr. Garrison threatens a disciplinary warning for Stan instead of lunchroom duty.


  • Cartman tells Kyle to "go back to San Francisco with the rest of the lepers" instead of the "rest of the Jews".
  • Changes to Cartman's taunts:
    • "You get your bitch ass back in the kitchen, and make me some cake, but with cream!"


  • In response to Kyle and Terrance's challenge, Mr. Garrison comments, "I'm about to touch myself."
  • For the supposed lunchroom duty directed towards Stan, Mr. Garrison specifies one month in length and the task of "carrying all the potatoes".

Italian (2nd)

  • Changes to Cartman's taunts:
    • "You get your bitch ass back in the kitchen, and make me some cake!"
    • "Why don't you go knit me a sock before I slap you in the face!"
    • "Hey, why don't you stop dressin' me up like a nun... and have sex with a construction worker until morning."


  • Instead of lunchroom duty, Mr. Garrison threatens Stan to stand in the school hallway holding buckets (filled with water). Such an act was a common punishment meted out in Japanese schools until the 1970s.

Mandarin Chinese

  • All of Cartman's taunts in response to being "kicked in the ass" are changed to the following:
    • "女人只能有兩個動作:一是到廚房做吃的,二就是躺在床上打開她的大腿然後閉著眼睛,啊……" ("Women can have only two actions: One is to go to the kitchen and cook food, two is to get on the bed, open her legs, close her eyes, and [make sex noises].")
    • "餵!賤女人!快給我躺到床上去把屁股翹著準備生孩子。" ("Hey! Bitch! Get to bed, put your ass up and make babies!")
    • "小心我拿保鮮膜把你包起來,拿到店里當充氣娃娃賣掉。" ("I will wrap you in plastic sheet and sell you as a blowup doll.")
    • "快點給我滾到廚房去自己拿一根茄子或者是香蕉、紅蘿蔔、啤酒瓶,然後給我躺到床上去,把它們塞到自己的身體裡。我可以委屈我自己幫你拍一張照片然後送到網路上。" ("Go to the kitchen, get an eggplant, or banana, carrot, beer bottle, then get on the bed and shove them onto yourself. I will take your pictures and upload them onto the web.")
  • No specific location is brought up on where Kyle's elephant was mailed from.
  • The translated signboard for South Park Elementary was pasted over the school flag.
  • Mr. Hat's comments on how genetic engineering allows God's mistakes to be corrected is replaced, where he talks about how the boys are greater than God himself, making God an "idiot".
  • Instead of cocoa, Stan is offered a cup of soda before talking about his issue with Shelley.
  • The conversation between Pip and the boys at the cafeteria is changed with Pip asking the boys about their science project.
  • Cartman tells Kyle to "go back to Alishan with the rest of the Hakkas" instead of the "rest of the Jews".
  • While viewing the cloned Stan in the incubator, Bill and Fosse envision using the clone to do their homework, beat up or extort others.
  • All references to Loverboy are removed.
  • Elton John is dubbed as Taiwanese musician Jonathan Lee.
  • After the clone breaks free from the genetic engineering ranch, Dr. Mephesto explains that South Park is in danger, to which Terrance rebuts that "South Park is used to it anyway, the government makes them so."
  • When Dr. Mephesto asks the boys of the "monster's" whereabouts, Stan thinks he was referring to "(the) President".
  • When the boys are looking for the clone, Stan estimates that the clone is as big as Godzilla.
  • In the aftermath of South Park's destruction, Mr. Garrison threatens to grade Stan zero marks for school conduct. Garrison then further blames child protection laws for contributing to the incident.
  • Terrance decides to disown his father in response to Dr. Mephesto killing the clone.

Spanish (Latin America; 1st)

  • Changes to Cartman's taunts:
    • "Fucking whore, you put on your flip flops, go back to the kitchen, and make me some food!"
    • "Hey, why don't you stop dressin' me up like the landlord's neighbor..."
  • When Mr. Garrison is being picked up by clone Stan, instead of threatening a detention, Mr. Garrison demands, "Don't disrespect me! I am your teacher, child!".
  • Instead of threatening lunchroom duty for Stan, Mr. Garrison believes that "Satan had taken possession of Stan, and has never been given such a shaking".

Spanish (Latin America; 2nd)

  • Changes to Cartman's taunts:
    • "You get your bitch ass back in the kitchen, and make me some cake!"
  • Officer Barbrady's line after being thrown into the pond is removed.


  • Officer Barbrady's line after being thrown into the pond is removed and replaced with gurgling noises.

  105: "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig" edit
Story Elements

FluffyKyle's ElephantChefElton JohnBill AllenFosse McDonaldTerrance Mephesto • "Love Gravy" • "Pig and Elephant DNA Just Won't Splice"


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