The Home Depot

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The Home Depot is a home improvement store in South Park that appears in the Season Twenty-Six episode "Japanese Toilet".


Randy Marsh visits the Home Depot to purchase a new toilet after the one at Tegridy Farms broke down. The worker on-site introduces Randy to an exclusive section showcasing Japanese toilets, which is grandly furnished to fit with the high-end status of the products. After using a sample bathroom, Randy finally purchases a Japanese toilet for $10,000.

Randy's proctologist visits Randy's bathroom and comes to realization that the Japanese toilet would cost him his job. In retaliation, he holds several workers at the Japanese toilet section hostage. Upon arrival of the police force, the proctologist takes a Japanese delivery man outside the entrance at gunpoint. Fearing that he would be accused of being the perpetrator behind Randy's shooting during the latter's speech earlier, the proctologist turns the gun on himself, shooting himself in the anus.

In South Park: Joining the Panderverse, the Home Depot serves as a go-to location for residents of South Park to hire a handyman in exchange for other services.