Taco Bell

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Taco Bell is a real restaurant franchise seen in Season Sixteen episode, "Cash For Gold".


In "Cash For Gold", Stan Marsh tried to sell his bolo tie, a gift from his grandfather, to various Cash for Gold stores around town. Unsuccessful from the first several stores, he went to the local Taco Bell to see how much they would give him for the tie. The cashier verified it with a magnifying glass and said it is worth a "six layer burrito". Kyle argued with the cashier by stating that Taco Bell does not serve six layer burritos. The cashier, looking annoyed, replied, "Fine, a seven layer burrito! But that's as high as I am going." Finding this unacceptable, and realizing this bolo tie was worthless, Stan was forced to leave with the bolo tie.

In "Ass Burgers", a corporate executive of Taco Bell, along with representatives of McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Subway, and Chic-Fil-A, discuss their grievances with Cartman Burger. He, along with the rest of the fast-food representatives, is later killed when their failed attempt to get the recipe leads to a drunken melee with the Secret Society of Cynics.


  • "Ass Burgers" - While the restaurant itself was not seen, a Taco Bell company executive was seen pondering the secret behind Cartman Burger.
  • "Cash For Gold" - A Taco Bell, which also specializes in Cash For Gold services, was seen.
  • South Park: The Stick of Truth - After the UFO crash, government agency stepped in and claimed that they are about to construct a new Taco Bell. Despite not featured in the main story, the reconstructed South Park Mall gained an additional Taco Bell.‎