Sgt. Snetzl

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Sgt. Snetzl is a police sergeant for the Santa Barbara Police Department who appears in the Season Eight episode "The Jeffersons".


Harrison Yates calls Sgt. Snetzl asking him if he has seen any rich African Americans named Martin Jefferson after discovering that Jefferson does not actually look black. Snetzl tells Yates that there are no wealthy African Americans named Jefferson in his area, but that they did frame another wealthy African American who did not look black either. This leads Yates to believe that that man is the same guy as Jefferson. Snetzl is portrayed as being as racist and corrupt as the cops in the Park County Police Force.


Sgt. Snetzl has combed light brown hair with a few patches of gray in it as well as dark brown eyebrows. He wears a dark blue vest over a white shirt and a black tie, a brown belt, dark blue pants, and black shoes. He also has a police badge on the left side of his vest and he carries a pistol in a holster on his shirt.
