Mongolian Beef/Script

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Mongolian Beef
The New Kid approaches Tuong Lu Kim at the City Wok.
Tuong Lu Kim
Hello. Welcome to City Wok. Take your order, prease.
The New Kid passes a note to Tuong
Tuong Lu Kim
Only thing we sell today is Mongorian beef. Mongorian beef so good, oh I just "love" it. Oh, herro, Mongorian! [waves to a group of eight Mongolian warriors, sitting at two tables with their food. They all turn their eyes at Tuong] Shh! [whispers] Mongorians are watching. They conquer me last week. Act natural. [speaks loudly again] Oh yeah, Mongorian beef, mmm, so tasty, right? Wow...
The Mongolians maintain their stare
Tuong Lu Kim
[whispers] It not tasty at all! It gross! Don't eat it! You eat Mongorian beef, you shit your pants for five days! [speaks loudly] Herro, Mongorian! [whispers] Prease, you gotta help me out. The Mongorians all live like rats in the Tower of Peace next door! I'll keep the adults occupied here. You go top of tower and beat up all their kids! Beat up all the Mongorian kids! Then Mongorian think this neighborhood not a safe place. They move away! Go, go! Beat up the little Mongorian kids! [speaks loudly] Oh, herro, Mongorian!
If the New Kid speaks to Tuong again
Tuong Lu Kim
Mongorian beef smell like Lionel Richie's asshole.
The New Kid enters the Tower of Peace and finds a Mongolian Kid standing just outside the entrance.
Mongolian Kid #1
Triben fak burushban.
When the New Kid has defeated the Mongolians on the Tower of Peace and returns to Tuong
Tuong Lu Kim
There you go, kid. All the City chicken you can carry. You do good work. I'll help you fuck up Mongorians anytime you want. Not bosses though, they too tough. You call me with this. I give you one per day.
End of Mongolian Beef