File:Kenny Got Into His Parka Backwards For Picture Day - SOUTH PARK

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It's picture day at South Park Elementary. Cartman is very excited because Kenny has put his parka on backwards so that his butt is where his face should be. "How to Eat With Your Butt" S05

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About South Park: South Park is the Emmy and Peabody-award winning animated series co-created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone about four boys living in one screwed-up Colorado mountain town. Between local and global tragedies, as well as parental and celebrity interference, Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and Kenny manage to have themselves a time.

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  1. SouthPark #SouthParkS05

INT. SOUTH PARK ELEMENTARY - GYMNASIUM - DAY The Gymnasium has been set up for picture day at South Park Elementary. A line of Fourth Graders wait to sit in a chair that is placed in front of a photo-realistic background of a Autumnal New England country side. Opposite the chair is a large camera on a tripod with a Photographer and an assistant taking pictures. Ms. Choksondik stands near the background, ushering kids in. Right now a kid with dark brown mullet haircut sits in the chair. PHOTOGRAPHER Okay, now lift your chin a little... And look right here... Right here... The kid doesn't move an inch. PHOTOGRAPHER (CONT'D) Hey where's my smile? Come on, I betchya got a smile for me! Am I startin' to see a smile? There it is! FLASH! A freeze frame of the kid, not smiling. PHOTOGRAPHER (CONT'D) Okay great, next. The kid puts on his hat and we realize it was Stan. STAN I didn't smile... Stan leaves and Butters, wearing a nice shirt and tie, heads for the chair. Meanwhile, Kyle is at the end of the line with Token in front of him. KYLE I hate picture day at school. It's always some gay ass photographer with some gay ass backdrop of New England.

Butters is in the chair, smiling as he takes out some creamy goo. BUTTERS Hang on a second. My mom said to make sure I look good this time in the school pictures... Butters combs his puff into a nice, slicked back look. PHOTOGRAPHER Okay smile! Butters smiles, and just as one piece of hair sticks up in the air, FLASH! A freeze frame of Butters with his eyes closed and a piece of hair sticking straight up. PHOTOGRAPHER (CONT'D) Okay, NEXT! Bebe heads for the chair. She is made up like a whore. Meanwhile, at the back of the line, Stan walks up to Kyle. STAN Did you go yet? KYLE No. This is taking forever. Cartman runs up. CARTMAN You guys! You guys! This is SO FUNNY!!! KYLE What, Cartman? CARTMAN Dude, check it out! For picture day Kenny got into his parka backwards, so that his ASS shows through his hood! LOOK! Kenny, over here! Over here! Kenny hobbles up. He is bent over in his parka so that through his little hood, all we see is his ass. KENNY

(Laughing) Cartman laughs uncontrollably. CARTMAN (Laughing) KYLE It isn't THAT funny, Cartman. CARTMAN Yes it is! MS. CHOKSONDIK Next in line! Come on let's keep it moving kids. Kyle walks to the chair. CARTMAN Don't listen to that jew, Kenny, it's totally funny! Kyle walks up to the chair in front of the photo realistic background. PHOTOGRAPHER Take of your hat, please. KYLE But I never take off my hat. PHOTOGRAPHER Come on now, I bet your parents want a picture of YOU looking natural. KYLE This IS how I look natural. MS. CHOKSONDIK KYLE! We're taking pictures WITHOUT HATS today! KYLE Crap. Kyle removes his hat and we see his reddish afro for the first time.

PHOTOGRAPHER Smile! Come on, where's that smile? Is it gonna kill ya to smile?! I see a smile. Kyle gives a big, stupid smile and FLASH - the frame freezes. Kyle's eyes are closed. PHOTOGRAPHER (CONT'D) NEXT! Cartman gets in the chair, takes off his hat, and immediately poses in a super cheesy classic student picture pose. FLASH! The frame freezes, with Cartman's eyes closed. PHOTOGRAPHER (CONT'D) Very nice, okay last one! Cartman gets out of the chair, but hangs out next to it to watch Kenny come in. CARTMAN (Laughs) Kenny clumsily walks in. PHOTOGRAPHER Okay, have a seat young man. Kenny feels his way into the chair. CARTMAN Young man! HA HA!!! PHOTOGRAPHER Okay... Looking great. Now where's that smile? KENNY (Laughing) Stay on the photographer, don't cut to Kenny so that we have to imagine what he's doing. PHOTOGRAPHER Come on, gimme a nice WIDE smile... WIDER...

FLASH! PHOTOGRAPHER (CONT'D) Perfect! CARTMAN How long until we get the pictures back?! PHOTOGRAPHER Should be about four days. CARTMAN Four DAYS?! Oh man I can't WAIT that long!!!

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