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I am resigning my position as administrator at this wiki effective immediately. I made this clear to HighJewElfKing a few days ago.

As many of you know, I have not contributed to this wiki in any meaningful way in over a year. I have done absolutely nothing to advance this wiki in that time. I have made multiple edits that have not been up to editorial standard, and I failed to complete a project I tried to take a leadership role in. While I discussed many potentially fruitful projects with other administrative staff, I have consistently failed to deliver. I have not completed revising the Randy Marsh page as promised, I have not clarified the specifics of Isaac Hayes' departure from the show, and I have not written any of the interactions pages agreed on over a year ago.

I have also made significant failures as a social media manager and extensively relied on server moderators and other staff to handle problems rather than dealing with them myself. Several users with problematic behavior had to be removed from the server by other staff due to my carelessness and reluctance to act. When tasked with making improvements to the wiki discord, I created more opportunities for negative conduct and made changes that needed to be reversed. My conduct has been shameful and regrettable and I did not and do not deserve this position. I have let my fellow staff members down time and time again and they have been nothing but patient with me over the last two years.

Moving beyond that, I am not interested in South Park anymore. I don't intend to watch future episodes and I don't have an interest in going back and watching old episodes. I can't go back to watching three to five episodes a night with my best friends like I did for years. I don't have any interest in visiting Casa Bonita again or shaking hands with people who work on the show or any of that anymore. I have abandoned a number of personal projects because my heart is just not here anymore. South Park Archives deserves editors with dedication and respect for the material, not a cynical decaying corpse.

I left the South Park community a few years ago never, ever intending in my life to come back, and there are two reasons I came back. Part of this was because the staff here believed in me that I still had value to add. I have not lived up to that standard and I have let them down. I had also hoped to atone for previous failures in the community, and instead with access to greater resources, I feel I have fallen harder.

I do not wish to be contacted any further regarding matters relating to this show. There is no information I hold that is not out in the public and easy to find. I am shutting down social media accounts as well, possibly including this Wiki account.

Thank you for this final opportunity.