Blog:JohnVMaster/Request for Adminship - JohnVMaster

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Hi, it's JohnVMaster, also known as Jvm!

I have now been in a staff position here for six months after I was graciously welcomed on to the staff here in April as a discussions moderator. Across both discussions and discord, I try to be friendly and helpful to other users and participate in weekly questions, and have tried to take personal initiative in resolving conflict and helping users who are experiencing difficulty. I have since made 241 discussions posts and checked in there just about every day, trying to nudge constructive conversation about the show.

I was lucky to be hired a a content moderator as well and have been involved across multiple projects in that time including Interactions and the recent capitalization project. I have made 1,784 edits over my time on the wiki, including significant expansions with thousands of words. I strive for accuracy and try to add original research and new content so the wiki feels 'fresh'. I have also been excited to work with team members to explore different options, formats and ideas until staff decisions are reached, using my experience across other wikis to find what works for this community.

I feel more confident than ever in my ability to work with my fellow team members, having worked extensively with Applebaby12 across both positions while also responding to the admin team, as well as working alongside other members of this community to carry out assignments and make improvements, With the recent expansion of the franchise, the need for a strong team is more critical than it has been in a long time. I hope to continue to help improve the wiki and strengthen the community behind it. :)

- Jvm