Blog:HighJewElfKing/South Park Season 22 Final Thoughts

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Hey everybody. This post is long overdue, but here it is now! It's time for us to reflect on Season 22. This season we saw a lot of topics hit head on and a lot of old characters return. In this special blog post, the South Park Archives Admins will share their thoughts on the Season, and we'll let you all know how you can share your favorite moments of the season here on the wiki and the other platforms South Park Archives' uses.

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First, let's take two polls, one poll for the season finale and one for your favorite episode this season.

<poll> What did you think of "Bike Parade"? Give reasoning for your answer in the comments. 5 - Great Episode! 4 - Good Episode! 3 - Average Episode 2 - Bad Episode! 1 - Horrible Episode! </poll> <poll> What was your favorite episode of Season 22? Give reasoning for your answer in the comments. 2201 - "Dead Kids" 2202 - "A Boy And A Priest" 2203 - "The Problem with a Poo" 2204 - "Tegridy Farms" 2205 - "The Scoots" 2206 - "Time To Get Cereal" 2207 - "Nobody Got Cereal?" 2208 - "Buddha Box" 2209 - "Unfulfilled" 2210 - "Bike Parade" </poll>

How you can share your thoughts

Easy, we've created four ways for you to share your thoughts about this season. First, you could share your thoughts using Discussions. In addition, you can use our Season 22 Finale Forum Thread. Our Discord is also open, with a new dedicated channel called #season22 open as soon as this post goes live!

Administrator Thoughts

Administrators were asked to share their favorite quote, clip and thoughts from the season and thoughts on each episode.


Favorite Clip of Season 22:

Favorite Quote of Season 22: “We're... we're now Amazon USDA Choice." -Stephen Stotch

Season 22 Thoughts: Boy oh boy, yet another season has passed by. Last season I was impressed, and I was once again this year.

Season 22 is over and gone, but it was in my opinion stellar.

This season, Trey and Matt dropped the Trump/Garrison theme and kept their multi-part episodes going. Trey and Matt kept some political elements with Nobody Got Cereal and Time to Get Cereal focusing on ManBearPig (Al Gore and Climate Change) and Unfulfilled/ Bike Parade focusing on capitalism.

I got more general thoughts on the season, and I’ll share those after going episode by episode with my thoughts.

  • Dead Kids (4/10) - Personally, I thought this was a HORRIBLE start to the season. As fans of South Park, there’s no doubt we’re all excited to see our favorite show back on, and we’re interested in what’s going to happen after getting limited information on Sundays. However, I wasn’t excited about this episode from the get go and I still am not wowed over it. The episodes topic, in my opinion, was pretty morbid and I fear that the #cancelsouthpark campaign could lead to more episodes like this one during the season. This episodes only saving grace was the Randy and Sharon plot. The Cartman and Token "Black Panther" plot I wasn't real keen on and obviously didn't like the "school shooting" plot. I also know we all have one question: Is Stan okay? Hopefully next week we will find out. It seems unlikely that Stan would be killed off considering how big of a character Randy is. That's another thing I already know I'm not going to like about the season. The show seems to focus more and more on Randy and Cartman instead of Kenny and Kyle etc. The episode has left a lot of things out. Who was getting "shot" and who was the "shooter"?
  • A Boy And a Priest (10/10) - Personally, I enjoyed this one quite a lot. Seems like classic South Park making a hysterical episode on a relevant topic. I must admit I liked the scenes at Clyde's birthday party the best. Also, we know Stan is just fine so that's awesome to see! The Scenes were well executed and worked together perfectly. They also positioned this episode as a perfect stand-alone episode. Not much for me to say this week except the fact that I loved this one, almost pissed my pants at one point and it's going to make up for the "Dead Kids" flop.
  • The Problem with a Poo (8/10) - I liked the episode's storyline and plot. Especially the PC Principal and Strong Woman parts. The Mr. Hankey parts were funny with the references to Brett Kavanagh in this week's episode. But Kyle... Poor Kyle... My God :( I thought that was a pretty upsetting ending to the episode and I think it gives a life lesson, you can't always defend people's actions. In any case I really enjoyed the Simpsons mention at the end and the PC Principal Strong Woman parts, as well as seeing Mr. Hankey again, although he may be off to a new place for good now. Also nice to Heidi is back to normal. All and all I thought this was a good episode.
  • Tegridy Farms (10/10) - Personally, this was awesome. I loved South Park's take on the JUUL and vape epidemic as well as weed. Which is nicely timed (Canadians you feel me). This episode also featured more screentime for Kyle which I loved and we even had Towelie show up! Don't really have too much to say about this one, other then the fact it was LIT. I also initially was like "shit... Another Randy episode" but it turned out to be pretty funny with Randy in this one on the farm growing weed. All and all I thought this was an awesome episode!
  • The Scoots (10/10) - Personally, South Park has done it again. I loved this episode and it was perfect obviously being on Halloween. The episode felt like classic South Park to me with a great storyline that was well executed. Kenny got some major screen time this episode too! The fight scenes and battle for candy was epic! This episode shows that South Park can still pack a punch without resorting to politics and controversial topics and can still have some fun here and there. Oh yeah, and everybody had awesome costumes! Especially the boys with their straight outta Fortnite costumes.
  • Time To Get Cereal (10/10) - Personally, I think yet again this season South Park had a pretty good storyline set up with this one. I loved to see the return of Al Gore and Satan. My biggest question now is if this storyline will continue or if things will go right back to normal such as in Stan's case. Also, RIP Ned??? and I loved the Red Dead mentions.
  • Nobody Got Cereal (9/10) - Personally, I think this gave a good conclusion to last weeks episode. It was great to see Trey and Matt apologize for being wrong about ManBearPig (AKA Climate Change). The Red Dead Redemption 2 references keep on coming and I found them pretty funny (especially since I copped the game last week.) I also enjoyed seeing Marvin Marsh and the rest of the South Park seniors again. Even with all the praise, I must admit I am a little tired of the school shooting jokes and it is starting to becoming annoying personally. Otherwise, I loved this episode and would have to place it in my top 3rd so far this season!
  • Buddha Box (7/10) - Personally, I thought this was a pretty funny episode. It definitely drove home a point that we are all on our phones too damn much. I also liked the PC Babies returning and having pretty much a good majority of the episode be about them. However, I was left feeling it was overall a weak episode compared to the other ones this season
  • Unfulfilled (10/10) - I liked this one, Trey and Matt hit home with a great storyline and a pretty funny attack on Amazon. The episode also drove home the points about capitalism and the "untold" story behind the episode. This episode is preparing us for a great finale for sure! Keep your eyes open!
  • Bike Parade (10/10) - What a great ending! Best one I've ever seen in fact! South Park rounded out this season with a solid storyline and more mentions of Tegridy Farms and Amazon. Trey and Matt also hit a point home with a point that people keep wanting them to make episodes, and keep making themselves look "like asses". The episode's ending with everybody stoned as fuck was great and had my dying. RIP to my man Kenny tho. Nice bike parade, nice episode, nice ending to a great season, 10/10!
  • Predictions for next Season: So, it's harder for me to do this compared to last season because we don't really know what to expect. Of course, any major events in early 2019 including (Trump?, More Tegridy?) will probably be tackled but aside from that, I'm honestly not that sure what we can expect. Especially if this is South Park's last season, if that is sadly the case, I'd say we can expect quite the season. (I want my Kydi already, Kyle with any girl pls already). No matter what, I'm sure we'll be in for yet another good season. (Along with Kyle getting a GF, I'd like to see more episodes focusing on the boys again, and more Kenny but he ded now (I'm sure he'll come back just fine)).
  • Final Thoughts: This was an amazing season, the highest ratings I've ever given a season and it covered a lot of ground. I heard some people question South Park's place in 2018, but I think they fit in just fine! This season for me didn't leave me a ton of things to say because I liked a major majority of it honestly. Great season for sure. Missed opportunities: MeToo movement, Trump, wildfires, France protests/riots.
  • I really enjoyed this season and my final rating of it would be 9.9/10


Favorite Clip of Season 22:

Favorite Quote of Season 22: "If you're gonna fight for your tegridy, don't forget to bring a towel." -Randy Marsh

Season 22 Thoughts: This season has been a really strong one. I've enjoyed how we've had a return to form, with more episodes focusing on the boys (specifically Kenny).

  • Dead Kids - I feel this episode was ok, there were some laughs but i don't think either storyline had a good ending. the black panther storyline started to get a bit boring and sharon basically giving up was also disappointing (i see why people don't like the hobbit now). (5/10)
  • A Boy And A Priest - I liked this episode a lot. It managed to revisit an old plot while still making it fresh and original. Maxi and Butters are awesome together, but Clyde has to be the best, acting very Cartmanesque. 7/10
  • The Problem with a Poo - I really liked this one, it had some awesome moments, like Hankey's concert vs the PC Babies, and the end with Springfield was hilarious. #cancelthesimpsons 8/10
  • Tegridy Farms - This episode in particular had some excellent moments, from the vaping man, to "Don't Forget to bring a towel". 8/10
  • The Scoots- With the return of Kenny at last, this may be one of my favourite episodes the show has ever done. Mackey's "scoots" was great, along with his chat with Kenny in the car, and the "I've got a fucking car" line. 10/10
  • Time To Get Cereal - I really liked this one too. Al Gore is great when he keeps getting the boys to say he was right. Yates was fun too. The brief return of Ned was nice, and the cliffhanger left me excited for the next one. Not too fond of the Red Dead Redemption references though. 8/10
  • Nobody Got Cereal - This was an okay episode, the Red Dead Redemption references came back so meh. Some great jokes tho, Grandpa's sex story probably being my favourite part. 7/10
  • Buddha Box - The initial plot with Cartman's anxiety and the introduction of the Buddha Boxes was interesting, but it never really went+ anywhere. Similarly with the PC subplot, the PC Babies dont do that much. 5/10
  • Unfulfilled - This was a good one too, an excellent recreation of life working at Amazon. Jeff Bezos is a really good celebrity interpretation and the boys working together was great to see again. 8/10
  • Bike Parade- One of the best finales ever, and certainly the best since serialization began. Jeff Bezos is one of my favorite South Park villains, the way he handled Josh was brutal. The bike parade at the end was absolutely amazing, summing up the season, the characters and the show in a couple of minutes. 9/10

Overall, the season gets 7.5/10, a magnificent return to form while still working the serialization in well.


Favorite Clip of Season 22:

Favorite Quote of Season 22: ""You can take your fulfillment center and fulfill it right up your ass! You see, there's one thing you didn't count on, and that's tegridy. Just look in the eyes of these people, everyone has tegridy now, tegridy that you will never understand. We aren't just different classes of people anymore, we are a town." -Randy Marsh

Season 22 Thoughts: Season Twenty-Two was a good season in my opinion. It felt like an old season, with so many returning characters like Mr. Hankey, Satan, ManBearPig, Al Gore, Santa and many many more. It also had new interesting plots, like Randy moving out the family to a weed farm and starting a new life, the "Cereal" and "Amazon" duo, Kenny's own episode since it's been a while since we've got one. "Tegridy Farms" and "The Scoots" are my favorite episodes of the season, they are definetely the "jewelry" of the season. The season also had its weak moments, like "The Problem with a Poo" episode. At the end I'll give the season a 7. 8/10.

  • "Bike Parade" was a strong season finale with so many enjoyable moments. Firstly, we had Randy who managed to expand his weed business with the help of Towelie, the bike parade which showed so many new and old characters and, of course, the Amazon plot with Jeff Bezos as the villain, who gets defeated by town's "tegridy". (8.5/10)


Favorite Clip of Season 22: South Park Amazon song (Sixteen Tons)

Favorite Quote of Season 22: "Don't worry, Your Holiness. By the time we're done with that town, there won't be a lick of cum anywhere."

Season 22 Thoughts: Except for two or three episodes, I didn’t like pretty much the whole season. For me, the best ones were A boy and a Priest 9,5/10, The Problem with a Poo 8/10 and The Scoots 9/10. I kind of liked Unfulfilled 7/10 with absolutely awesome song Sixteen Tons and montage but other episodes were just meh for me. My least favorite episode was Buddha Box just boring and going from nowhere to nowhere alongside with Dead Kids. I think it was a great topic but the way they handled it wasn’t interesting or funny. Finale was disappointing for me, the biggest one was Garrison in handcuffs. After great S21 ending, I expected some epic climax to Garrison storyline, but he wasn’t even mentioned during the entire season and then he has only 2 second moment in the last episode. To wrap this up (unfortunately) it seems the quality drops with each season, but this happens to all series after X years on the air, though I still hope it will get better.


Favorite Clip of Season 22: (At the time of this post I was unable to upload his clip)

Favorite Quote of Season 22: (At the time of this post I was unable to get that information)

Season 22 Thoughts: My review is based off of memory and is mostly "raw thought", however I think this is the best way to get a reaction from myself of how impactful each episode really was to me.

Dead Kids: This was a fairly average episode to me, essentially a passable episode though I appreciate them setting up the themes for the season. Most episode seems to deal with a controversy or gripe of today and the fallout reaction that people can have.

A Boy And A Priest: This was my favourite episode in the season and one of my new top episodes; the sheer hilarity of it with its absurd cum-cleaning equipment mixed with the real shit of Catholics priests getting away with molesting kids, but it is also a callback to legendary episode "Red Hot Catholic Love"

The Problem with a Poo: This is a funny episode but also hits hard with the truth about meeting your idol; they may not be who they are cracked out to be but even so when celebrities fall, they fall hard. However it is called into question, especially in the last episode, about harsh backlash for stupid shit. I also have to mention that at the time I was watching through the TV series "Suits" so I particularly enjoyed all the 'lawyering stuff'.

Tegridy Farms: I liked half of this episode and found the other half a bore; I think it was classic South Park to have the enemy be E-cigarrettes and the episode definitely has a grand finale but a lot of this episode is dead air to me.

The Scoots: This was an amusing episode as well as genuinely creepy with the E-scooters plus it had 'trademark' South Park 'real kid' stuff, ie how kids can kind of be little arseholes - not always, but it is very believable they would be so devious to get as many sweets as possible to do each other over, and yet all have that exact plan.

Time To Get Cereal and Nobody Got Cereal?: I'm putting these together as they act as a two-parter. Also, I think (as is unavoidable) the best stuff is truly in the second episode. The trouble I have with the first is that even when he is right, Al Gore is a douche. Yes it's played for laughs but he isn't in any way made sympathetic to me and it particularly irked me when Kyle made a slip of the tongue that cause him to 'bitch out', the constant required apologies being irritating. However, it was really cool to see Satan come in there and research Manbearpig to help them destroy him, plus the demon itself was really cool to see and the restaurant scene made another top moment in itself to me. Then the grand finale being a legal agreement was not only hilarious it was also fitting to the rest of the season.

Buddha Box: I didn't hate this one but nor did it make much impact with me, barely anything happened really and I don't think their point regarding anxiety got across properly. I think I know what they were trying ot say but it seemed like they squeezed it in with the episode somehow being hollow. The one thing I did like was the product advert and it somehow reminded me of the Wolf Home Security ad. That episode was much better as it had more humour plus made fun of something that was relatively obscure.

Unfulfilled and Bike Parade: Another two-parter, these were a fitting end to the season. I liked the negative portrayal of Amazon, especially the disgusting treatment of the workforce. The bike parade itself seemed like a recycled plot though, something they have done before and barely got any attention, which is probably for the best and was likely because it was never meant to be a focus yet it didn't go anywhere. I did really like the zombie mall workers though, this was a really funny metaphor for the way retail is going; and I really liked the "cardboard Cyberman" ie the worker Josh who got into a classic "comedy calamity" with a string of events that led to a really fucked up living situation, leading to a fucked up death.

PC Principal ark: I'm treating this separately as it has been strung across different episodes. I really liked it and it made a lot of sense given their characters for Strong Woman to be reluctant to let PC in, yet he didn't care about their image - he just wanted ot be a dad. It was nice to see them get together in the end and the PC Babies 'intro sequence' was really funny - as well as the snowflake analogy.

Season overall: I think this was an impactful season overall and I think Matt and trey got some better points across than the previous couple of seasons because it didn't feel like they forgot the humour, plus each episode/mini arc felt unique. I won't give a score out of ten but I will say this season overall really does stand out there.

To Wrap It Up

This was yet another season of one of our favorite shows and while we each have different opinions on it, I know one thing: We all love this show and we loved the fact we got to watch these episodes every week. I did for sure!

What's Next For our Discord

We had one of our most successful seasons yet in relation to our Discord. We also got more editors directly from the Discord. So I think at least for the next few months we won't be changing much with the Discord. We are very happy to have a new "family" if you will in the Discord and I encourage everybody to invite their friends.

What's Next for South Park Archives

Lots of stuff, after the basics have been completed for this episode (Including those episode images I need to do!), we will be starting a plethora of projects to cover things we missed during the season, expand articles, correct and fact check articles and introduce more character articles, behind the scenes and Fractured But Whole and Phone Destroyer content. We also will be working on a NEW HOME PAGE and other wiki design changes expected Q1/Q2 2019. Believe me, there will be plenty for everybody to read and edit until Season 23. There is always something to edit!

What's up with South Park during the break?

Phone Destroyer events, but aside from that nothing I am aware of. We will be keeping our eyes on an announcement by Summer 2019 deciding if South Park will go on past Season 23, cross your fingers!

Thanks Everybody!

We would not be doing this if it was not for your support for our wiki! So we thank all of you! We also want to thank Matt and Trey and everybody at South Park Studios for everything they do for each and every one of us by bringing us this amazing show. Of course, I have to give a shoutout to my great admin team! You all make South Park Archives run alongside our editors and readers! Without my fellow admins though, South Park Archives wouldn't be where we are today so from the bottom from my heart thank you all for everything you do! (Special thanks to my right-hand man James!) Once again, special thanks to all of you for reading and sticking with us this season, we know you have a choice in South Park Wikis, and we thank you for choosing South Park Archives :)!

Here's to Season 23 next September!

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