Blog:HighJewElfKing/New Administrator: Spaceman Doug

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Hello everybody! I'm excited to announce our newest admin on South Park Archives!



I have had the pleasure of knowing SpacemanDoug for a really long time. I remember his first conversation back in wiki chat all those two years ago. He was promoted on our Discord and became our first Discord mod and he has done stellar work there. I know he will continue this work over on South Park Archives and become another desperately needed helping hand for our wiki. He's hardworking and determined, and I know with him working alongside myself, Jamesb1, PissCoveredOcelot, and Jackstanbrah it will only continue to help our community. We are all dedicated here and won't stop making this wiki the #1 place for South Park information! Be sure to congratulate our newest admin!

HJEK HighJewElfKingTalk HJEK