Alternate Universes Collide Again/Script

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CLASSIfied "CLASSIfied/Script" "Alternate Universes Collide Again/Script" "Microaggression Academy/Script" Microaggression Academy


Note: Respective script dialogues for The Coon and Captain Diabetes, along with any lines that follow, are only triggered when the player has them as their active combat buddies.


Alternate Universes Collide Again
The New Kid enters Kyle's backyard to find Alternate Human Kite on top of the slides
Human Kite 2
I'm baaaaaack!
Now the Human Kite enters the backyard. He leans at the house walls, with his arms folded
Human Kite
Will you deal with him, please?
Human Kite 2
Look, Cousin Kyle, it's that mean kid who beat me up before.
Human Kite
[sarcastically] Yea, oh no, somebody stop him.
Human Kite 2
Don't worry, Cousin Kyle. I have developed these super sensors which will make it almost impossible for him to beat us up this time.
Human Kite
I have to stay out of this. Just please, PLEASE, make him go away.
Human Kite 2
Prepare to meet your doom, evil bully kid!
Combat begins
Human Kite 2
This barrier represents the Red Sea, which you will be unable to part without Moses on your side.
During Alternate Human Kite's turn
Human Kite 2
I'm supposed to attack now, right? Oh goodness.
Human Kite 2
Oh, I just know I'm gonna mess this up, but here it goes.
Human Kite 2
Oh, I'm up now? You want me to go again? I can wait... no?
Human Kite 2
Ok, I'm gonna try something a little crazy, everyone brace yourselves!
When the Alternate Human Kite executes the Eye Laser ability
Human Kite 2
Oh jeez, I didn't think I'd actually hit you.
Human Kite 2
That wasn't too hard, right? I don't want to cause any permanent damage.
If the Alternate Human Kite suffers knockback
Human Kite 2
I'm getting a tingle in my throat. Does anyone have a lozenge?
If the Alternate Human Kite suffers a negative status effect
Human Kite 2
Oh goodness, this is the last affliction I need.
Human Kite 2
Be careful, please! I have a number of existing ailments that I don't want to exacerbate.
Once the Alternate Human Kite has been defeated, a cutscene shows him with a bleeding nose.
Human Kite 2
Ugh, ok, ok, that does it! [gets up from the ground] You guys asked for it, and now Human Kite shall use his Hebrew faith to call upon the power of the wind. Hikmail ashungya!
Wind began to flow through, as the Alternate Human Kite stretches out his arms.
Human Kite 2
Let the strength of the wind make my kite fly into... [his kite, unfortunately, gets blown off his back] OH JESUS, IT CAME OFF!
The kite eventually ends up on top of the tree
Human Kite 2
Oh Jesus, my kite just blew up into the tree, Cousin Kyle!
Human Kite
Then give up.
Human Kite 2
Don't worry, super buddy cousin. Perhaps I no longer have my kite, but I still have my super weapon! [takes a deep breath] AUNT SHEILA! These kids are picking on meeeee!
[Off camera] WHAT, WHAT, WHAAAT?! [She emerges from the glass door] Who's picking on you?!
End of cutscene, and the fight continues
Who are you kids? I'll call your mothers right now!
Human Kite 2
Yeah, get 'em, Aunt Sheila!
When Sheila has taken damage for the first time
Human Kite
Dude, that's my mom! [enters the battlefield] Ok, everyone, just stop! We're taking this too far!
To heck with that! These boys need to learn some manners!
Human Kite 2
Yeah, Aunt Sheila!
Human Kite
You wanna beat up my mom, you're gonna have to go through me first!
If the player stalls
You kids have no role models, that's the problem.
During Human Kite's turn
Human Kite
Lay off my mom!
Human Kite
You guys can't fight my mom! She's gonna kick your ass!
Kyle, language!
Human Kite
Hey, can you guys just give up before we get in more trouble?
The Coon
Sorry, bro. No can do.
Human Kite
Ready to quit yet?
The Coon
Nah, I feel like we should see where this goes.
Human Kite
During Sheila's turn
I hope you pay attention because I'm gonna teach you kids a lesson.
Stay away from my bubby, you little monsters!
I'm going to kick your fucking asses all the way to Canada.
You piece of trash!
Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
I don't feel like doing shit right now.
That's what you get for picking on my bubby!
That's something your mothers should've done a long time ago. Sorry, Clyde.
Did you make all these balloons, bubby?
Human Kite 2
Yea, but my asthma's acting up and I feel all phlegmy and light-headed.
When either Human Kites have been attacked for the first time
You're gonna come in my backyard and disrespect my family?! I WILL FUCKING DESTROY YOU!
Human Kite
Mom, calm down!
When Sheila is attacked
You can't fucking do that to me!
Human Kite
That's my mom, dick!
Human Kite
Hey! You better quit it right now!
When Human Kite is attacked
Human Kite
Better you hit me than my mom, you jerks!
Human Kite
I'll remember that!
The Coon
You brought this on yourself, Kite.
Human Kite
Yea, I know...
Captain Diabetes
I hope that didn't hurt too badly, Human Kite!
Human Kite
Well, it did.
When Alternate Human Kite is attacked
Human Kite 2
Oh Jesus!
Human Kite 2
Do you know kites are really quite fragile?
If you harm a hair on his beautiful head, I will EAT YOUR FUCKING ORGANS!
When either Human Kites attacks with Sheila present
That's my little superhero!
See, isn't it nicer when everyone gets to play together?
Human Kite 2
I totally concur, Aunt Sheila.
If Sheila suffers Confused status
I'm starting to get dizzy. I need a saltine.
If Sheila suffers Grossed Out status
Oh, I'll need to make some ginger tea after this.
If Sheila suffers Chilled status
Big fucking whoop. Like a spring afternoon in Newark.
If Human Kite suffers Enraged status
Human Kite
Damn you guys, I'm so pissed!
If Human Kite suffers Chilled status
Human Kite
I'm... so cold.
Kyle! Put on a jacket - you'll catch your death!
Human Kite
No, thanks.
If The Coon attacks Human Kite
The Coon
I wanted to do that for a long time.
Human Kite
Screw you, Coon!
If Human Kite is defeated
Human Kite
This is super not cool, guys!
If Alternate Human Kite is defeated before Sheila does
Bubby! Oh bubby! I WILL AVENGE YOU!
If Human Kite is defeated before Sheila does
You lay down, Kyle. I'll handle these little bastards!
You and your friends play too rough, bubala.
Once Sheila and Alternate Human Kite have been defeated
Human Kite 2
I'm just glad it's over. My hemorrhoids are really talking to me.
Human Kite 2
I feel bad all over now. Where's the nearest steam room?
Human Kite 2
Oh, you're really good at this game.
Human Kite 2
Goodness, look after my glasses.
Cutscene continues with Sheila on the ground, with Alternate Human Kite beside her. Human Kite tries to help his mother up.
Human Kite
Mom, are you ok? [walks over to the New Kid with anger] Nice going guys!
Kyle, get inside and call the police! We have to get these kids arrested!
Human Kite
No, no, mom! No police, this is all my fault.
Human Kite
Look, it's just - I couldn't take my cousin copying everything I do! The Human Kite is about saving people, not about Judaism!
And now look at all the damage you've caused. I should press charges against your friends!
Human Kite 2
And look, my kite's up in a tree. [sniffs]
Human Kite
I'm sorry, please, I'll do anything.
You are going to let your cousin play with you from now on. Is that clear?!
Human Kite 2
Oh boy, Aunt Sheila says I get to play with you!
Human Kite
[rolls eyes] Yes, sometimes you can play with us.
Human Kite 2
Now get your cousin's kite out of that tree. You're not playing anymore until you do! [turns to Alternate Human Kite] Come on, sugganah, let's get you some bactine. [holds his hand and lead him off to the kitchen]
Human Kite 2
Oh, I hate bactine because it gets on my fingers and I get eczema from the lidocaine.
End of cutscene. With the Human Kite and the New Kid alone in the backyard, they stare at the kite stuck in the tree.
Human Kite
Well, crap. How we gonna get that kite down?
Human Kite
What the hell do we do now?
The New Kid finds a spot under the tree, trying out fartkour for the first time
Human Kite
Oh hey, that's a great idea!
With the Human Kite and the New Kid taking position, they climb up a slide for takeoff, and after a few farts from the New Kid, they managed to get up on the tree
Human Kite
Wow, your ass is full of surprises.
After retrieving the kite, both fartkour off the tree and return to the ground
Human Kite
I'm going to call that Fartkour. When you need to reach high, out-of-the-way spots, give me a call and we'll Fartkour up there. Man, I hope we never need to do that in public though, kind of embarassing.
Buddy Power Unlock: Fartkour
End of Alternate Universes Collide Again